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Those are some serious "first world problems" you guys are having there, without an actual oppressive regime to whine about, you have to compare the quaint, parochial, and oft times, sleepy isle of man government to the third Reich.


I'm not sure if it's laughable or pathetic, but perhaps it's a mixture of the two.


Get a grip.

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Yes, the recent coverage has been very thought provoking, (for that read distressing and disturbing), but I'm not sure we have the answers let alone the ability to prevent another holocaust. I like to think that i would not participate or collude, or even turn a blind eye, but who knows when it could mean life or death for your own?


Many years ago I tried to read the transcripts of the Nuremburg trials, it would have been an all consuming task of its own and i was really not able to devote the time. But they are there, a record of the world's attempt to hold to account. I don't know how much is fully revealed, explained or accused. But I do know the witness accounts outside of that forum are powerful and abject.

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We don't have the answers to prevent another Holocaust? Fortunately Jews aren't betting their lives on you or others here doing anything to help them. If anyone is going to prevent another Holocaust, it'll be the Israeli Arny. Jews learned in the last one that they can't depend on others to help.

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On an ideological level, I don't think our own establishment are all that different. They are only limited in the tools and powers available to them.


I'm not sure about that. The current system has thus far kept the population reasonably malleable and in control. As we were discussing on another thread recently, "democracy" is powerful at creating the illusion of rule by the people through representation, whereas what we have in terms of effective power is a very long way from that. Now if the established order was to break down, or to start to break down, how long would it be before we started to see some more authoritarian sanctions used to keep control? Of course we don't have gas chambers, but simply because the state machine is currently in mothballs I don't think we should assume that draconian measures are "not available to them".



All in the wings waiting for the next global turndown. Sir Humphrey in Whitehall has already dusted off and started making amendments to the 'Crown Dependency Act' folder which has been gathering dust since the 1940's.

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Those are some serious "first world problems" you guys are having there, without an actual oppressive regime to whine about, you have to compare the quaint, parochial, and oft times, sleepy isle of man government to the third Reich.


I don't know. Didn't an MLC not so long ago call for this and other forums to be shut down because he doesn't like what people here and on other forums have to say?

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Those are some serious "first world problems" you guys are having there, without an actual oppressive regime to whine about, you have to compare the quaint, parochial, and oft times, sleepy isle of man government to the third Reich.


I don't know. Didn't an MLC not so long ago call for this and other forums to be shut down because he doesn't like what people here and on other forums have to say?



Said MLC swans around of a weekend wearing a cravat of all things. I rest my case.

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Those are some serious "first world problems" you guys are having there, without an actual oppressive regime to whine about, you have to compare the quaint, parochial, and oft times, sleepy isle of man government to the third Reich.


I don't know. Didn't an MLC not so long ago call for this and other forums to be shut down because he doesn't like what people here and on other forums have to say?



I'm not sure that i would make the same connection between an impotent MLC venting their frustration at the mean things people say on the internet and having to hide in the attic every time the Jackboot go by the door.

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The point (which you all seem to miss) is not that they're the same in overt practice but that they are the same in thought and in subtle ways. They have the same psychology and need to suppress dissent against the establishment order.

Two things:


1. You're wrong: The NAZIs absolutely sought to undermine and then to destroy and eradicate the existing order. Italian Fascism was closer to what you seem to be describing - but only in the sense that it was explicitly corporatist.


2. If you want to talk about psychology - I think you should ponder the psychology of the sort of person who posts under multiple account names, even in the same threads sometimes, and who would seriously compare the the IOM with NAZI Germany.

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Unfortunately brutality, cruelty and wickedness is alive and spreading globally and we read about it every day. We are so sheltered and blessed on our little island.


That is why if I Won the Lottery, I would immediately Pack Up and Move to Man in order to enjoy the Shelter of the Blessed Little Island of Man.




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