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Here is a YouTube I posted that says it all:




Alleged by Reeve Lindbergh, Charles Lindbergh's Grand Daughter, the whole thing indicated that there was not just something Wrong with the Germans, or something Wrong with the Japanese or even something Wrong with the Jews. The whole thing indicated that there is something Wrong with All Of Humanity.


Having heard Reeve Lindbergh's Statement, I decided it is Accurate and I Agree Completely.




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1. You're wrong: The NAZIs absolutely sought to undermine and then to destroy and eradicate the existing order. Italian Fascism was closer to what you seem to be describing - but only in the sense that it was explicitly corporatist.


The Nazis were put in power by the conservative establishment to serve as a bulwark against left-wing groups who they regarded as a threat to the status quo. The establishment thought they could control them but they couldn't. The establishment were happy for Hitler to discriminate against and imprison Jews, socialists, gypsies, and the like. They didn't particularly speak out against the Holocaust either, save for the usual dishonest claims after the war about not knowing what was happening. And of course the establishment profiteered from the slave labour all throughout the war so yes they were fully behind it. Germany under the Nazis was fascist, the synthesis of big government and big business. No idea what Italian fascism, which was different, has to do with anything.


2. If you want to talk about psychology - I think you should ponder the psychology of the sort of person who posts under multiple account names, even in the same threads sometimes, and who would seriously compare the the IOM with NAZI Germany.


Yes, we've already established that you're a pop psychologist.

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The best way to ensure it never happens again is to support Israel.



BS! The Israelites have done such Genocidal Things to the Palestinians numerous times.






1) Citizens of the state of Israel are Israelis, not Israelites. Israelite is an archaic term referring to the biblical people of Israel. Granted, the Jews of the state of Israel are indeed the very same Israelites as mentioned in the Bible, but 20% of the Israeli population is also non-Jewish so technically it's not accurate to refer to Israelis as Israelites.


2) There is no need to capitalise the words "genocidal things".


3) The Palestinians didn't even exist until the 1960s when they were artificially invented. What you had before that were just Arabs. There was never a distinct nationality of Arabs who were called Palestinians. The region of "Palestine" was a geographic term for the area and during the British Mandate all people - both Jews and Arabs alike - were referred to as Palestinian; ergo, the Israelis have just as much claim to the title of Palestinian. The term "Palestine" comes from the Romans renaming the area after the ancient Philistines, a people who were allegedly killed off around 4,000 years ago. The current Arabs (who are originally from Arabia, hence the name) are not descended from the Philistines. There is no connection whatsoever. Now, you can criticise Israeli policy toward the Palestinians, but I don't think there is any genocide going on. It is the Arabs who have tried several times since 1948 to wipe out all the Jews from the land, and they were also allied with the Nazis during the Second World War.

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The best way to ensure it never happens again is to support Israel.


BS! The Israelites have done such Genocidal Things to the Palestinians numerous times.




1) Citizens of the state of Israel are Israelis, not Israelites. Israelite is an archaic term referring to the biblical people of Israel. Granted, the Jews of the state of Israel are indeed the very same Israelites as mentioned in the Bible, but 20% of the Israeli population is also non-Jewish so technically it's not accurate to refer to Israelis as Israelites.


2) There is no need to capitalise the words "genocidal things".


3) The Palestinians didn't even exist until the 1960s when they were artificially invented. What you had before that were just Arabs. There was never a distinct nationality of Arabs who were called Palestinians. The region of "Palestine" was a geographic term for the area and during the British Mandate all people - both Jews and Arabs alike - were referred to as Palestinian; ergo, the Israelis have just as much claim to the title of Palestinian. The term "Palestine" comes from the Romans renaming the area after the ancient Philistines, a people who were allegedly killed off around 4,000 years ago. The current Arabs (who are originally from Arabia, hence the name) are not descended from the Philistines. There is no connection whatsoever. Now, you can criticise Israeli policy toward the Palestinians, but I don't think there is any genocide going on. It is the Arabs who have tried several times since 1948 to wipe out all the Jews from the land, and they were also allied with the Nazis during the Second World War.


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We don't have the answers to prevent another Holocaust? Fortunately Jews aren't betting their lives on you or others here doing anything to help them. If anyone is going to prevent another Holocaust, it'll be the Israeli Arny. Jews learned in the last one that they can't depend on others to help.

That depends whether the victims of a future holocaust are Jews or not. My comments relate to any form of discriminatory genocide.

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We don't have the answers to prevent another Holocaust? Fortunately Jews aren't betting their lives on you or others here doing anything to help them. If anyone is going to prevent another Holocaust, it'll be the Israeli Arny. Jews learned in the last one that they can't depend on others to help.

That depends whether the victims of a future holocaust are Jews or not. My comments relate to any form of discriminatory genocide.



Very true. To read some of this rubbish you'd think there has only been one incident of mass genocide in history.

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Thats sort of my point ...i object quite strongly also to the way genocide/holocaust is used now to conduct our own genocide on others ...its been hijacked worse than christmas ..and because we only taught about the jewish holocaust we still think we the worlds good guy saviours ...and quite happily live with the knowledge of large numbers of civilian and child deaths because we see them all as sub human vermin ..... I would say germany been involved directly or indirectly in a lot less genocide than uk us or israel since the jewish holocaust so who really learned from it not to happen again?

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For me the Nazis were different in what they did - and the Rwandian genocide too.


The 20th century is full of episodes of one people violently driving "them" away and if "they" starve so what, and if some are killed in the fighting, and some of "our" people went too far, well it is to be regretted but it was a war - that evil is my understanding of Turkey and Georgia, the Partition of India, and the fate of the Native American. A genocide organically happening - that sort genocide goes back to the Mongols and back and back in history, Man's inhumanity to Man.


Don't get me wrong there is huge moral evil in that, but the Nazis (and le génocider of Rwanda) did more than that - they decided to kill them, kill them all, and planned it to the railway schedule minute and the patent application for the ovens (or via the radio signal and the order for 100,000 machetes).


This is a personal thing, but the Nazis took a society not incomprehensibly different from ours and got it to do that on an industrial scale - not only in Germany and the Ukraine, but in the Netherlands and France - the populations under occupation, with valiant exceptions, watched their Jewish populations being rounded up and they fueled the.trains and set the signals and sold food to the commandant of the transit camp.


If Northern Ireland went wrong big time - I don't think it is beyond the range of possibility to see something like Turkey and Georgia, or Bosnia. Huge terrible evils.


But ... Auschwitz ... Auschwitz is different. It wasn't an internment camp where people starved due to indifference and incompetence and war, it wasn't soldiers killing those who had fought against them and those who would if given the chance. I say again huge evils, and totally wrong.


Auschwitz is different.


It is problematic trying to parse evil, but for me the warnings of the Nazis are greater than the other evils mentioned in this thread.


Smallpoxed blankets were exceptions, Auschwitz the culmination.


Does that make any sense?

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So much in life depends upon your prepositions - if you define right as what you interpret your God as telling you to do, or as might, or as will to power, then you can claim such actions as being right.


I take the view that morality is based on reciprocal claim making*. It has to involve the other side's point of view.


Genocide becomes basically impossible to defend under such a morality.


I'm a bit of an idealist, but I'd like such an attitude to morality to spread in this world faster than moralities based on theology or might.


It's a damn close thing, but I'm hopeful.


* This is one of the best expositions of this view I know - it utterly destroys biblical morality.

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We don't have the answers to prevent another Holocaust? Fortunately Jews aren't betting their lives on you or others here doing anything to help them. If anyone is going to prevent another Holocaust, it'll be the Israeli Arny. Jews learned in the last one that they can't depend on others to help.

That depends whether the victims of a future holocaust are Jews or not. My comments relate to any form of discriminatory genocide.

This thread is about AUSCHWITZ where the victims were overwhelmingly JEWS and ROMA. If you wish to discuss others, go start a new thread on them because yes there ARE other genocides. In fact, I have created a thread on the genocide against the KURDS by Isis. So no, Lxxx, nobody us saying there aren't others. I just take offence to attempts to dejudaise Auschwitz and the Holocaust.

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