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Should people be paid to stop smoking? Some people are being paid £200 to quit and a new study States that it is a scheme that works. I would rather charge them for any smoking related treatment they receive. That may make a few quit!

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No, they should not be paid to quit smoking. The choice to smoke was theirs and they were not forced into it. The fact that they have become addicted to nicotine is not the fault of the state (who are the ones paying them to quit).


There is already plenty of money spent on trying to get people to quit smoking and warning of the dangers. It is my view that these should continue and that there should be a review of the NHS that allows the state to charge a percentage of treatment costs back to someone who has made no effort to quit smoking and has developed a smoking related illness.

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Well fuck the lot of them ...if they aint gonna pay me to give up then im not going to


Just a thought, why not give up for you?




Give up just to spite them, show them that unlike pregnant women you have the willpower to give up without the offer of a cash incentive, and then rub you new found health and longevity in their faces!


that'll show 'em.

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And do myself out of a potential 200 quid? No chance, im going to keep on smoking 40 a day till they see the error of their ways


Hmmmm, It's dark, self destructive, and filled with self loathing.


It might just work.

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