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A beginner's guide to the Redpill Right


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A beginner's guide to the Redpill Right


The gnostic paradox of young, tech-savvy traditionalists, who see through everything except their own conspiracy theories:


They want you to lift the veil pulled over your eyes by the progressives who secretly control society - identify with the "freethought" and "skeptic" internet communities - define themselves as opponents to progressives - seek to roll back the achievements of "cultural Marxists" - a focus of unwavering belief is meritocracy: if you're successful, then you deserve it because you're superior


This approach comes along with a narcissistic idea that their superior understanding of real science can propel Redpillers beyond the fools who prize subjective or emotive qualities.


One peculiar result is the Redpiller love of get-rich-quick schemes that rely on this superior understanding. Gambling and investment schemes of all sorts appear in Redpill communities; lately, Redpillers have frequently fallen victim to ones surrounding digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Despite nearly every Bitcoin exchange failing under shady circumstances, Bitcoin buyers flocked to ponzi scheme after ponzi scheme, convinced that their superior understanding of economics would protect them.


Redpill communities' intellectual pretentions make them fertile ground for pseudoscience on all these fields, from Praexology economics to neurolinguistic programming.

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