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Singapore will be jailing people for 6months for holding a mobile phone while driving


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Singapore is interesting. Apparently they followed the model designed by a Belgian economist. The same model Maggie followed. But Maggie cut it down and failed. Singapore followed it to the t. Google it.


Most people in Singapore live in social housing. The plan was to remove the individual desire for personal wealth.... dont work to buy a house... work for the good of the country and the country will look after you.


Ultra left and Ultra right are very similar.

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What about eating an apple or changing the radio station ?


ETA: or using a 2-way radio

Simplex comms are OK. Full duplex are not.

I know. But it doesn't make much sense. Phones are not inherently less distracting than radios, apples etc

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What about eating an apple or changing the radio station ?


ETA: or using a 2-way radio

Simplex comms are OK. Full duplex are not.

I know. But it doesn't make much sense. Phones are not inherently less distracting than radios, apples etc



As this is holding a phone that's the issue, not having one on the dash, I would imagine this is to prevent texting/gpsing/emailing/googling while driving. Which is significantly more distracting than radio/apple as you can do those while looking at the road.

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GPS is super distracting. And I can seldom understand why anyone needs it for most journeys. You can always pull over and have a quick look at the A-Z if it's about finding a specific street.


People seem to think of themselves as far too busy and important to stop to sort something out when they could instead endanger everyone around them and do it on the move :)

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