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Brian May to stand as MP?


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Brian May, Queen guitarist, astrophysicist and fervent badger lover is apparently considering standing as an MP in May.


Good idea?


I'd like to see it happen, if only for the spectacle of 649 other MPs stamping and clapping the beat to "We Will Rock You" when he stands to make his first speech.


Seriously though, should we encourage politicians who are clearly in it to make the world a better place - a man in his position is not likely to be voting for pay rises and improved pension rights for MPs for example, and is unlikely to be swayed or bribed by lobbyists - or should we have 'ordinary people' like we have over here who may better understand the plight of the common man better than a multi-millionaire rock star?

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I'm a huge fan of his work as a gifted musician, and hope he doesn't disappoint as a politician.


I don't think he will, and it will be interesting to see what his contribution will be, i only hope that he doesn't get in on the strength of his fame, but by the strength of his policies instead.

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"Instead, he wants to see a House of Commons about "individuals voting according to their conscience"."


That's basically the same argument our MHKs use for not having political parties. He wants to turn the Commons into the Keys.

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Good for him. He is obviously intelligent, is in it because he cares, is beyond being in it to be a career politician, and best of all he isn't a lawyer. One thing the UK Parliament could do without is any more lawyers.


Declan, political parties are a double-edged sword. The problem with our parliament has nothing to do with the lack of political parties. If anything, they would only make things worse.

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The lack of political parties mean no one votes for a programme for government, no one's manifesto more than a vague list if hopes.


People vote for an independent because they like the cut of his jib and hope he'll choose the right CM. He'll then pick a cabinet based on the deals that got him there and will keep him there.


At least with parties you know what you're voting for. It's a compromise but at least you vote for something.

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