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The United Nations has warned that Yemen is on the brink of civil war

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Al-Qaeda linked fighters have seized an army base in southern Yemen, militants and officials say.

The Ansar al-Sharia group said they set off a bomb at the base in the central town Bayhan before capturing soldiers.


The attack comes amid fears that the country is plunging into chaos after Shia rebels took over the capital.


Shia Houthis have been expanding south from their northern stronghold, prompting clashes with al-Qaeda in Yemen (AQAP) and other Sunni groups.


The United Nations has warned that Yemen is on the brink of civil war.


The base is in Shabwa province, an al-Qaeda stronghold. It is reportedly home to more than 1,000 troops.


The militants captured heavy weaponry when they took the base, one official told the AFP news agency.


Tribal mediators were trying to convince the group to withdraw, the official added.


Last week, the Houthis dissolved parliament and announced the formation of an interim government.

The move was widely condemned, with critics calling the actions a "coup".


The US, UK and France have said they are closing their embassies in Yemen due to the deteriorating security situation there.





Associated Press


In the wake of a takeover by Shiite rebels seizing power in Yemen, the US and UK close embassies in Sanaa. Diplomatic personnel relocated.




When are we going to learn that Shia Islam is the only form of Islam - other than Sufism and a few minor sects - with which we can possibly engage? I find it repulsive that my government, or the British government, and western governments in general, have for decades been supporting Sunni nations and groups which are on the same side as Al Qaedia and Wahabism which are a blight on this earth and many of whom were allied with the Nazis during the last world war. We are allied with the wrong people, the people who hate us and want to destroy our way of life. This is not to say Shia Islam is not without its faults or violence, but historically it is the more tolerant and less imperialistic of the Islamic sects. At least they are not going around committing genocide like the ISIS/Al-Qaeda/Wahabi/Sunni terrorists and their new caliphate which our leaders speak out against with their mouths and supply them with weapons and money and approval with their actions. The whole thing is a mess!



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Basically a gigantic shrug. It's not always Sunni vs Shia - Sunni fights Sunni, and Shia fights Shia too. It'd be like choosing between Protestant and Catholics. In a hundred years time they'll still be fighting each other over there regardless of what the rest of the world does, intervene or not.

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No matter which school of jurisprudence, islam is islam. It is incompatible with Western democracy and we should not only have nothing to do with ANY of it but should now start to recover lost ground because of people failing to realise just what it is and allowing it not only to gain a foothold but establish colonies.


It is an anathema with our aims, values, achievements, and society.

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No matter which school of jurisprudence, islam is islam. It is incompatible with Western democracy and we should not only have nothing to do with ANY of it but should now start to recover lost ground because of people failing to realise just what it is and allowing it not only to gain a foothold but establish colonies.


It is an anathema with our aims, values, achievements, and society.


Prior to the revolution - which was caused by the west - Iran was a secular democracy and a modern nation state while also being Shia Muslim. They were becoming one of the most powerful nations in the world; and therein lies the reason why the west conspired to overthrow the democratically-elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and then overthrew the Shah when he stopped playing ball with them and made his country successful. Shia Islam - and possibly the more moderate forms of Sunni Islam - can exist alongside secular democracy. The problem is that the west keeps overthrowing such nations and installing puppet dictators, and arming wahabi terrorists to destabalise the region.

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Basically a gigantic shrug. It's not always Sunni vs Shia - Sunni fights Sunni, and Shia fights Shia too. It'd be like choosing between Protestant and Catholics. In a hundred years time they'll still be fighting each other over there regardless of what the rest of the world does, intervene or not.


The history between Catholics and Protestants is far more irrational and bloody than that between Shia and Sunnis. But my original point remains that Shia Islam is more tolerant of others and has been less corrupted by western interference, namely the funding and promotion of extremism. The west and the Saudis have been twisting and distorting Sunni Islam around the world for decades, even back to the 1800s in the case of Britain and its involvement in the region. Shia Islam, particularly Iran (Persia) has been more sheltered from that wihch is why they should be the allies of choice for western people who genuinely care about doing what's good for the region.



Islam is incompatible with Western secular democracy. End of.


There is no such thing as western secular democracy. End of.

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I believe that there is, as do a very great many people but no matter, whatever it is what we have is totally incompatible with the foul cult that mohammed invented and that is islam.


Though in the past a number of men who happened to be mohammadans discovered or created a number of things, often based on what they had purloined from people that they had been conquered br mohammadan armies islam has brought NOTHING of value in itself.


Islam to religion what Nazism is to politics.

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I believe that there is, as do a very great many people but no matter, whatever it is what we have is totally incompatible with the foul cult that mohammed invented and that is islam.


Though in the past a number of men who happened to be mohammadans discovered or created a number of things, often based on what they had purloined from people that they had been conquered br mohammadan armies islam has brought NOTHING of value in itself.


Islam to religion what Nazism is to politics.


Your bigoted islamophobic claims are not supported by the historical record. Try again.

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So I'll take that as you can't. Actually I can think of a couple of things that were invented / discovered that are down to nothing other than islam, the device to establish the direction to pray in order to pray towards mecca for one.


So there's a free starter, how many can YOU come up with?

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Perhaps Voltaire (?) may have had something when he said something along the lines of anyone who is absolutely certain should be certified.biggrin.png


Spook , to me you do come across as someone who is so full of hate , I wonder if, with your apparent mindset and given absolute power how you would treat those of other faiths.


I take the view that I tolerate other peoples faiths as long as it's not obligatory for me to take part , I suspect that if you were in charge I'd be one of the first to be cast into the fire , in this world, rather than "that mountain course in the sky".


Please do not try to convert me to your beliefs, my children were not baptised and you said in a previous post that this would mean that they would suffer (if memory serves) eternal hell and damnation and I'd rather be with them than folk like you , Tony Blair , Margaret Thatcher behind those pearly gatesbiggrin.png .


May your god go with youflowers.gif

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I take the view that I tolerate other peoples faiths as long as it's not obligatory for me to take part ,

The trouble with the "nothing to do with me" philosophy is that there are groups which will take your stance as sufficient to justify your death.


I s'pose because I hate being told what to do/think/say by anyone I see no reason why I should tell anyone how to conduct their lives unless it affects me directly .


That said if if someone wants a personal war with me or my family and is prepared to kill me then I hope I'll respond in an a manner I thought appropriatesmile.png

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