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Turkish leader challanges Obama


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It's nauseating. Islam was invented by a terrorist and has thrived on terrorism and inhumanity ever since. And to think that normally rational, people can't see it for what it is.


It's not as if it can evolve out of barbarism, it can never change by so much as one iota because of the multiple lock the devious old swine built into the thing.

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Turkey is wobbling. It's populace doesn't identify with it's leadership on a number of levels so once the economy turns down there too, watch for turmoil to crank up a notch there.

If you honestly think the entire nation of Turkey is about to become a nation of ISIS fundamentalists then you are simply mad. Just look at the fucking facts. Even the Taliban is anti ISIS. One of my many managers is Turkish.. Next item on the open issues....Death to all infidels. Yeah right. get a grip on reality dude.

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I don't think that there's any sugestions that Turkey will suddenly flip to a part of the Caliphate Armed Forces but I wouldn't bet on the nation not joining the emerging Caliphate.


As for the old chestnut about casualties in a war, if the death toll as a result of mohhamadans attacking other nations over the past 1300 years the number that mohammadans have killed far outweighs the 50 mil. Figure.


On that basis given that jihad has been taking place continually over 1300 years then by definition mohammadans have killed orders of magnitude more than 50 mil. in THEIR war on civilisation.

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Emerging caliphate? There is a power vacuum in the region because of the west's toppling of Saddam Hussein and their support of Al Qaeda in Syria. This vacuum has been filled by local criminal gangs, foreign insurgents and religious nutters. Calling them a caliphate is beyond a joke. They are just thugs. What we need to do is ditch the democracy claptrap and get behind another strong dictator - preferably a Baath Party secular nationalist - to run the place, keep the religious crazies in check. We should never have ousted Saddam Hussein.

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Can anyone name a single war, instigated by Islam that resulted in more then 50 million deaths. I cant. But I could name 3 christian wars that did.


Go ahead and name these "Christian wars" that resulted in more than fifty million deaths. I could do with a good laugh.

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Can anyone name a single war, instigated by Islam that resulted in more then 50 million deaths. I cant. But I could name 3 christian wars that did.


Go ahead and name these "Christian wars" that resulted in more than fifty million deaths. I could do with a good laugh.



To be fair, I did edit my post to state 20 million.


Here is the first one. The Taiping rebellion. Some guy decided he was the prophet and 20 million people died.




Of course, it could be argued that this Christian war led to 40 million deaths, because the western Christians who turned up to help suppress the eastern Christians decided not to stop. And this of course led to the boxer rebellion.


Oh. When I said he claimed to be a prophet..... he claimed to be related to the phrophet Jesus.


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Can anyone name a single war, instigated by Islam that resulted in more then 50 million deaths. I cant. But I could name 3 christian wars that did.


Go ahead and name these "Christian wars" that resulted in more than fifty million deaths. I could do with a good laugh.



Number 2. The first world war. This was basically a family fight. The leaders were all related, and each one of them believed they held the mandate of the Christian God to rule. Muslims were not involved.. Well. ok, yes they were, that was Laurence of Arabia's job. A few million died in that war.

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The one absolute certainty where islam is concerned is that to get involved in any way other than defending our countries from becoming further infected and working to redress the infestation that has taken place is bound to cause us trouble.


Back no side, just leave them all to do that thing that they do so well - kill and hurt - amongst themselves.

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Can anyone name a single war, instigated by Islam that resulted in more then 50 million deaths. I cant. But I could name 3 christian wars that did.


Go ahead and name these "Christian wars" that resulted in more than fifty million deaths. I could do with a good laugh.



Number three. That Hitler fella.


Was he a Muslim? No way.


He was a born a Christian.



Lets turn it around. Can you name a single war that Islam has instigated that resulted in 1 million deaths?


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I don't think that there's any sugestions that Turkey will suddenly flip to a part of the Caliphate Armed Forces but I wouldn't bet on the nation not joining the emerging Caliphate.


As for the old chestnut about casualties in a war, if the death toll as a result of mohhamadans attacking other nations over the past 1300 years the number that mohammadans have killed far outweighs the 50 mil. Figure.


On that basis given that jihad has been taking place continually over 1300 years then by definition mohammadans have killed orders of magnitude more than 50 mil. in THEIR war on civilisation.

Bullshit spook. Name one person responsible for 50 million deaths. I can. Mao. They say he was the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world. But he was not a Muslim.


Go on, give me the name of one Muslim who has caused tens of millions of deaths.

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