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Turkish leader challanges Obama


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Emerging caliphate? There is a power vacuum in the region because of the west's toppling of Saddam Hussein and their support of Al Qaeda in Syria. This vacuum has been filled by local criminal gangs, foreign insurgents and religious nutters. Calling them a caliphate is beyond a joke. They are just thugs. What we need to do is ditch the democracy claptrap and get behind another strong dictator - preferably a Baath Party secular nationalist - to run the place, keep the religious crazies in check. We should never have ousted Saddam Hussein.

Even the Taliban has decided to be the enemy of ISIS. Isis is a bunch of idiots. I agree, they are a joke. But unfortuately too many people seem to be diciding they represent Islam. Nonsense. Should we all asssume Westborough Baptist Church is representative of Christianity?

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You should not believe al, that you read, see or hear in the News media. The 'Students' are a lot less opposed to The Caliphate than you might think.


Did you manage to find one single war instigated by Muslims that resulted in tens of millions of deaths?




Can you name one single despotic Islamic leader that killed tens of millions of people?




But still you push your agenda of hatred.


I am not pro Muslim or anti Muslim. I am for equality and fairness.


But you know what? My neighbours are Muslim. They wear headscrafes etc, and they cook Muslim food. They are Muslims in China FFS. Chinese Muslims. In a country where religion is banned. Do they want to kill me? Fuck no. They want me to buy their noodles.


Please please please, stop trying to stir up racial hatred. This whole Islam is evil thing is a massive con. The people who sell the guns and the bombs sell them to both sides. Their aim is to scare you to part with your tax buck. It goes straight into their pocket.

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One single war? Yes. The single war that Mohammad set out on 1300 years ago and it has never stopped once.


One despotic leader? Start with Mohammad and work forward.


But don't try to obfuscate the issue. What is at issue is not individual people or even groups of people.


What is at issue is Islam.


And it's no 'con'.


It's all set out in the qur'ran and hadith.


People are slowly coming to realise just what is involved, what is taking place, and are starting to resist it.

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One single war? Yes. The single war that Mohammad set out on 1300 years ago and it has never stopped once.


One despotic leader? Start with Mohammad and work forward.


But don't try to obfuscate the issue. What is at issue is not individual people or even groups of people.


What is at issue is Islam.


And it's no 'con'.


It's all set out in the qur'ran and hadith.


People are slowly coming to realise just what is involved, what is taking place, and are starting to resist it.


So you can't name a single war instigated by Muslims that resulted in 10 million documented deaths.


Quote: "People are slowly coming to realise just what is involved, what is taking place, and are starting to resist it".


Quite the opposite. People are coming to realise that your irrational hatred has had it's day.


Ok. A new challange. Find a war instigated by Islam that caused 5 million documented deaths. Go to 4 million, then 3 million then 2 million. Keep going till you hit the jackpot.


And once you have hit your golden lode, come back and tell us why that justifies demonising 1.6 billion people alive on this planet Earth now.


You seem to be proposing genocide. Are you not aware that genocide is a crime?


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There's no point arguing with Spook, he's not going to listen. He'll just argue that Islam is incompatible with the West. But in the Middle East they say the exact same thing about 'The West'.


They all stem from the same f00king idiotic tripe anyway! Judaism (and splits), Christianity (and splits), Islam (and splits) are all derivative oh Abrahamic religions. Spook, for a religious person, you've more in common with a Muslim than you do with a Hindu. You believe in the exact same thing.

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There's no point arguing with Spook, he's not going to listen. He'll just argue that Islam is incompatible with the West. But in the Middle East they say the exact same thing about 'The West'.


They all stem from the same f00king idiotic tripe anyway! Judaism (and splits), Christianity (and splits), Islam (and splits) are all derivative oh Abrahamic religions. Spook, for a religious person, you've more in common with a Muslim than you do with a Hindu. You believe in the exact same thing.


Spook is spook. He has a right to his beliefs. That is his right.


Personally I disagree with his beliefs. So I want to shout that I do no agree. We should all shout that he is allowed his beliefs,of course.


Spook wants to shout hatred and racisim.


I shout that I want harmony, tolerance and peace.


You can shout with him or you can shout with me. That is democarcy and the will of the people.

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There can NEVER be lasting peace between Islam and the modern world.


Just as with islam and democracy, islam and our world are mutually exclusive.


Do you even know what country has the most Muslims?


Google it.


Do some research.


Come back and tell us how many wars Indonesia has started. You know, that democratic nation called Indonesia. Then the biggest democratic nation on earth, India. More Muslims live there than in multiple middle eastern countries. Bangldesh. Muslim. Democratic. Pakistan. Democratic. Malaysia. Democratic.


But dont let facts get in the way dude. You keep stirring your pot of hate in the hope that your alchemy will bring forth the death and destruction that you seem to want.


By the way..... consider this. If every single Muslim on earth wants to kill YOU, why have they not logged onto MF to tell you so?


Have you ever had a single Muslim give you a death treat? Have you walked past Muslims in the street? You survived!!! what the fuck man. You say these dudes want to kill you.


Honestly. You are making yourself look silly with your theories.


Give us proof that you are not silly. Give us numbers. For example, how many Manxies did Muslims kill yesterday? How many Icelandics did they kill? They must have invaded a few countries, launced a few ballistic missles? Drone attacks? Anything. Did some guy in Mayalsia drown unwanted puppies?


Where is the war dude?


ISIS? Not Muslim. Even the Taliban are against them.


Islam is not the enemy dude. You and your kind spewing your hatred are the enemy.


Give me facts. Convert me to your cause. Have a go. Pay your deposit and get a popular mandate to put your sick racist beliefs into practice.


Honestly, give me a good arguement as to why I should believe the same as you and I will be converted to your cause. I am open minded. Give it a go

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i think perhaps we should maybe not kill quite so many of them , then maybe in about 80 years time when stories of their relatives deaths at our hands start to fade in their memories, things may settle down a bit ... with the lunatics on our "side" and the lunatics on "theirs" being fanned and encouraged by the media i can see things only getting much worse in the short medium term ... not all bad news of course .....the isle of mans golden renaissance is only just around the corner .. when the race riots kick off in uk soon this place going to be the last bastion of safety , heavily defended , millionaires everywhere , we can tax them what we like ,end of world style party time round the clock, our standard of living will be magnificent, the more sick and ghoulish of us (i watch none of those videos) could tune into 6 o clock news nightly try spot various ex manx citizens hanging from lampost in both urban and well heeled rural areas.....only a complete fool would jump ship to uk right now just when we gonna strike it rich

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  • 4 weeks later...


There's no point arguing with Spook, he's not going to listen. He'll just argue that Islam is incompatible with the West. But in the Middle East they say the exact same thing about 'The West'.


They all stem from the same f00king idiotic tripe anyway! Judaism (and splits), Christianity (and splits), Islam (and splits) are all derivative oh Abrahamic religions. Spook, for a religious person, you've more in common with a Muslim than you do with a Hindu. You believe in the exact same thing.


Spook is spook. He has a right to his beliefs. That is his right.


Personally I disagree with his beliefs. So I want to shout that I do no agree. We should all shout that he is allowed his beliefs,of course.


Spook wants to shout hatred and racisim.


I shout that I want harmony, tolerance and peace.


You can shout with him or you can shout with me. That is democarcy and the will of the people.


beautiful x

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There can never be peace in the world.

Unfortunately it is not in mans nature.

It is also ironical to the nth. degree that Islam, the so called 'religion of peace', is the precise opposite.

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There can never be peace in the world.

Unfortunately it is not in mans nature.

It is also ironical to the nth. degree that Islam, the so called 'religion of peace', is the precise opposite.

Maybe its not in your nature, but I can asssure you that it is mine :-)

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