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Church of England Rebukes Politicians


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Thus the Church has contact with a huge swathe of the population.

Mostly empty churches getting emptier all the time and have been for years and years. The vast majority who do go are old and when they've gone....


The C of E has never been less relevant (even if you accept it once was) and you say it has contact with a huge swathe of the population? Absolutely preposterous!


Every organisation has the right to an opinion and that opinion might have value but the problem is that this lot still think they should have special consideration because they are supposedly representing religion with some daft divine connection. I say deprive all religions of any special perceived rights and special consideration which are largely unearned and we might start making progress.

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Yup, all special privileges gone. If their special club wants to have special meetings, let them do it on the same terms as my LARPing club. We can all see the influence of the church leaving us, why not get ahead of the curve (it's going to happen anyway!) and make the Isle of Man into something to be proud of.

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The Church of England is a failing institution, older members dying off and very few young people interested. This state of affairs has not been helped by the last Archbishop and the present one Justin Wells, both completely unfit for purpose and grabbing headlines by attacking organisations and politicians. Wonga was a wonderful example after expressing contempt for payday loan companies they found a good portion of the Church of England's pension scheme was invested in Wonga. Last week Wells was banging on about minimum wage earners and lo and behold it came to light that the Church was guilty big style. They really are there own worst enemy, what company in a rocky position would divide the dwindling followers they have by deciding to have woman bishops, very controversial and lost them a lot of followers, whether they were right or wrong is not the point they weakened the fabric of the church..

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