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Jihadi Girls

Max Power

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They are only 15 years old. Civilised societies are supposed to look after their children. That`s what the fuss is about.

The killers of Jamie Bulger were only ten years old and yet were tried as adults. How was anyone to know that they would commit such a crime? Likewise, how was anyone to know what these girls intended to do? I think they are old enough to understand what they are doing, there has been enough media attention about Britons going to Syria to join this evil cult!



My instinct says I agree with you. They are old enough to make their own decision.


But being a civilised society means we have a duty of care. The towrags who killed Jamie Bulger were given the chance to start their lives again under new identities. Of course, one of them blew it and went back to jail. But the fact remains, civilisation dictates that we are not a vengefull society.


These 3 girls have made a stupid mistake. Bring them back, let them learn the error of their ways and then let them get on with their lives.


These kids have probably been "groomed" by ISIS fighters. Why should they be treated differently than other 15 year old British kids who are groomed by their middle aged geography teacher?

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Who really gives a shit and why is it headline news? Three girls decide to travel abroad on their own volition and it's suddenly something that needs ramming down our throats from every media outlet? Let them get on with it and get back to reporting newsworthy items.

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All this news coverage has probably done nothing but act as a recruitment Sergeant for others to follow.


That depends Albert, on how it is reported.


Demonise them and other kids on the edge will follow them.


Try to get them back, with open arms and a hug, maybe a few less kids will see the UK and western culture as the enemy.


If a white English 15 year old was enticed to France by a peado, you would expect a bit of news about it. Not a single person would be saying "she is old enough to decide for herself". Apart from Gary Glitter of course.

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All this news coverage has probably done nothing but act as a recruitment Sergeant for others to follow.


That depends Albert, on how it is reported.


Demonise them and other kids on the edge will follow them.


Try to get them back, with open arms and a hug, maybe a few less kids will see the UK and western culture as the enemy.


If a white English 15 year old was enticed to France by a peado, you would expect a bit of news about it. Not a single person would be saying "she is old enough to decide for herself". Apart from Gary Glitter of course.


But if they are off to join the enemy of our whole way of life, good luck, don't come back.

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All this news coverage has probably done nothing but act as a recruitment Sergeant for others to follow.


That depends Albert, on how it is reported.


Demonise them and other kids on the edge will follow them.


Try to get them back, with open arms and a hug, maybe a few less kids will see the UK and western culture as the enemy.


If a white English 15 year old was enticed to France by a peado, you would expect a bit of news about it. Not a single person would be saying "she is old enough to decide for herself". Apart from Gary Glitter of course.


But if they are off to join the enemy of our whole way of life, good luck, don't come back.


I agree that ISIS are the enemy. They are an evil bunch.


But these are 15 year old girls. Young and impressionable.


"Don't come back" you say. They probably won't. Would you say that to your own 15 year old?

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How would I deal with ISIS?


Massive show of force. Show them a unified army bigger than has ever been seen before. Get the tens of thousands of war planes that exist and have them fly over dropping leaflets. Get the millions of boots that are available on the ground. Have then stand at the border, get the hundreds of thousands of armoured vehicles there too. Almost every country has an army. Put them on the border.


Would they fight, or would they put their guns down? Yeah, some would fight, but not many.


How to deal with the fighters? Offer a reward. Million quid a head. Delivered alive of course.


Yup, I know I am mad :-)


Then give Syria back to Assad, on condition that he holds democratic elections. With Russian election regulators.


In effect, do what many scientists on the Manhattan poject wanted. A display. Not an attack. A demonstration of what could happen if you don't put your guns down.

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The passports of these girls need to be cancelled and they should never be allowed back in this country again, they are a danger to society and it is time we toughened up.


Are they Manx?


I hear what you are saying but I don't think it is that easy to revoke citizenship.

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The passports of these girls need to be cancelled and they should never be allowed back in this country again, they are a danger to society and it is time we toughened up.

They are British Childern. British. As such they deserve the protection British law gives them.


You cant cancel nationallity based on what people believe in.


As British citizens they are allowed freedom of speech. Yeah, but you don't agree with what they say so you say take their citizenship away.


Shame on you hissingsid. You have fallen into the hatred trap that ISIS has set. They do what they do to build hatred. They want a war. Your reaction is exactly what they want. Your reaction helps their recruitment.


Because you are saying "YOU ARE DIFFERENT !!!!"




You are falling right into the ISIS trap dude. Head first.


ISIS want you to hate them. They want a war. A religious war. Way to go dude. Go give it to them.


But in the meantime, come home girls.

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Why can't we have a compete Media black out of all things Isis, IS, Etc etc.

They must be laughing their arses off at all the free media attention we the western world give them.

Fuck 'em.


Why can't we do what the British media did when those pesky IRA sympathisers were on the news in the 80/90's and dub the voices. We can do the same now for IS etc and have cartoon voices instead...

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Why can't we have a compete Media black out of all things Isis, IS, Etc etc.

They must be laughing their arses off at all the free media attention we the western world give them.

Fuck 'em.


Why can't we do what the British media did when those pesky IRA sympathisers were on the news in the 80/90's and dub the voices. We can do the same now for IS etc and have cartoon voices instead...


I totally agree. 100%.


Just block the fuckers.

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