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Jihadi Girls

Max Power

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Why can't we have a compete Media black out of all things Isis, IS, Etc etc.

They must be laughing their arses off at all the free media attention we the western world give them.

Fuck 'em.


Why can't we do what the British media did when those pesky IRA sympathisers were on the news in the 80/90's and dub the voices. We can do the same now for IS etc and have cartoon voices instead...


But wait..... If I lived in London and googled "how to make a pipe bomb", how long would it take before a swat team would be on my doorstep?


But for some reason ISIS can post beheadings on social media and the world powers are clueless as to who the poster is. Think about it. Billions of dollars worth of warplanes in the sky with state of the art electronic monitoring, and they cant even track an ip address.


Total nonsense. I live behind the great firewall of Chna. I know about censorship. But apparently ISIS have a magical VPN that avoids detection. Yeah right.

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I Wish They All Could Be Jihadi Girls? No. Doesn't scan with the music.

The Mid-West Jihadis' daughters really set you alight

And the Jihadi girls with the way they blow

keep their boyfriends exploding all night

I wish they all could be Saudi Arabia

I wish they all could be Saudi Arabia girls


Well virtuous East coast girls don't show any skin

I really dig those burkas they wear

And the Southern girls with the way they don't talk

Their stench knocks me out when I'm down there

I wish they all could be Saudi Arabia

I wish they all could be Saudi Arabia girls

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I Wish They All Could Be Jihadi Girls? No. Doesn't scan with the music.

The Mid-West Jihadis' daughters really set you alight

And the Jihadi girls with the way they blow

keep their boyfriends exploding all night

I wish they all could be Saudi Arabia

I wish they all could be Saudi Arabia girls


Well virtuous East coast girls don't show any skin

I really dig those burkas they wear

And the Southern girls with the way they don't talk

Their stench knocks me out when I'm down there

I wish they all could be Saudi Arabia

I wish they all could be Saudi Arabia girls


the Saudi guys are fucking great,

they buy our guns and they buy our planes.

they chop off heads and they chop off hands.

but we don't mind cos their our friends.


The Saudi guys are a bunch of fun,

the women cant drive ,

but hey who cares.

We want civil rights but not over there.


Those dudes are our friends man,

those dudes are our friends.


We go to war,

we fight the big fight man.

But not against our friends man,

No way we fight them.


Sorry for your women dude,

they lost that fight.

Keep them under your thumb dudes

That is your right.


Give them freedom?

Hey no way.

The husbands have the oil,

so you have no rights :-)

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The passports of these girls need to be cancelled and they should never be allowed back in this country again, they are a danger to society and it is time we toughened up.

They are British Childern. British. As such they deserve the protection British law gives them.


You cant cancel nationallity based on what people believe in.


As British citizens they are allowed freedom of speech. Yeah, but you don't agree with what they say so you say take their citizenship away.


Shame on you hissingsid. You have fallen into the hatred trap that ISIS has set. They do what they do to build hatred. They want a war. Your reaction is exactly what they want. Your reaction helps their recruitment.


Because you are saying "YOU ARE DIFFERENT !!!!"




You are falling right into the ISIS trap dude. Head first.


ISIS want you to hate them. They want a war. A religious war. Way to go dude. Go give it to them.


But in the meantime, come home girls.




These girls are 15 years old, they know right from wrong. If seeing videos of ISIS beheading and burning alive innocent human beings makes them want to go and join them then good riddance to them. Should they ever set foot back in Britain they should be treated as potential terrorists intent on doing harm to British people. The British government/police shouldn't be wasting their time trying to find these girls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quote" The British government/police shouldn't be wasting their time trying to find these girls"


I disagree.


Watch this:




It does not matter what colour they are, what religion they are, they are British subjects.


I live in Guangzhou. My wife sent me a video this morning of a knife attack at Guangzhou railway station. I showed it to my Chinese people in the office. "Ah.. terrorists" they proclaimed. Nope I said. Look, it's suicide by cop.

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I'd just like to see them come back shocked and unharmed, realise their total error of judgement and to forever exclude the isis's from their lives.

If they can't do that and they firmly believe in the isis way of killing innocent people, then good riddance to them and they can stay there.


I do like the idea of stopping all news from that area and if it means jamming their internet or whatever way of electronic communication they have, then go for it.

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