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Jihadi Girls

Max Power

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Why can't we have a compete Media black out of all things Isis, IS, Etc etc.

They must be laughing their arses off at all the free media attention we the western world give them.

Fuck 'em.


Why can't we do what the British media did when those pesky IRA sympathisers were on the news in the 80/90's and dub the voices. We can do the same now for IS etc and have cartoon voices instead...

But wait..... If I lived in London and googled "how to make a pipe bomb", how long would it take before a swat team would be on my doorstep?


But for some reason ISIS can post beheadings on social media and the world powers are clueless as to who the poster is. Think about it. Billions of dollars worth of warplanes in the sky with state of the art electronic monitoring, and they cant even track an ip address.


Total nonsense. I live behind the great firewall of Chna. I know about censorship. But apparently ISIS have a magical VPN that avoids detection. Yeah right.

ISIS are the biggest piece of fabricated nonsense since Al CIAda. But with magic VPN.

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ISIS are were initially the self proclaimed Caliphate but have now become the accepted Caliphate across much of the Muslim world - and growing. The recent announcement by Boko Haram leaders that they are accepting ISIS as the Caliphate has opened up a whole new theatre of war as well as massive kudos to them.


The Caliphate, and what it entails is a thing that really should be taken very seriously as it is having growing influence and repercussions world wide.


Ignore this, or worse dismiss it lightly, and look out for trouble.

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ISIS are a gang of criminals and outlaws, as are Boko Haram. Here's an interesting video link from CNN of King Abdullah II of Jordan (a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad) discussing ISIS and whether ISIS is an Islamic organisation. He doesn't seem to think it is.

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ISIS is increasingly being accepted as the new Caliphate, the question of recognition is as convoluted as the basis of the Sunni and the Shia schools, but what they are doing under interpretation of Koran and hadith is absolutely legitimate - in their eyes. Similarly by accepting the Caliph Boko Haram are simply following the rules of the game.


What I think of the whole lot of them, for that matter what any civilised human being thinks of them matters not one iota, it is what they think and what their devotees think that is the root of the matter.


And the numbers of people who are now accepting that the new Caliphate has emerged is a huge cause for concern, and it is accepting the authority of the new Caliph that is calling those who accept him to his cause. Personally my opinion on Islam is probably unprintable but I do absolutely believe that it is evil incarnate.


I am a devout Christian but much as it would pain me I would refute my beliefs if I thought that by so doing I could free even a single person from being caught in islam, it is literally a draconian evil cult.

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A few gangs of petty thugs have proclaimed a more heavily armed gang of petty thugs a caliphate. Are we supposed to be impressed? They are still just petty thugs and they don't speak for the world's Muslim community. Even the Taliban have come out and said they are not real Muslims. What does that tell you?

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It tells me that the Islamic imperative to restart the attack on Dar ul-Haarb are has restarted. Jihad is an imperative of Islam.


What it tells me is that they are two-bit phonies who have been sent in as agents of chaos to destabilise the region, prevent a resurgence of secular Arab nationalism, and to serve as yet another boogeyman to scare us all into giving up even more of our rights and liberties here in the west.

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Time will tell.




What they are doing is in line with tradition over the past 1300 years and Koranic dictate as well as Hadith examples.


I support the views of Manuel 11 Palaiologos where Islam is concerned. He described it perfectly.


The Caliphate is real and recognised by increasing numbers and should NOT be written Off. When it comes to people wanting to leave the Western world and join then let them go --- but NEVER let them return.


What is desperately needed is a restoration of the crime of treason and appropriate punishment for those found guilty.

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ISIS are were initially the self proclaimed Caliphate but have now become the accepted Caliphate across much of the Muslim world - and growing. The recent announcement by Boko Haram leaders that they are accepting ISIS as the Caliphate has opened up a whole new theatre of war as well as massive kudos to them.

Boko Haram will be attacked on three sides in the very near future. Nigeria and her neighbours are going to make a concerted effort to wipe Boko Haram from the face of the earth. So BH have resorted to playing the ISIS card in a hope it will help them build resources. I suspect it will not.


These three girls know EXACTLY what ISIS are all about.How could they not. And they've STILL decided to join in. Good riddance.


Personally I have no problem at all with bloodthirsty sadistic zealots travelling out to join ISIS. The more target rich the environment the more that will get vapourised. As I have posted previously they have to concentrate to advance and that makes them vulnerable to airstrikes. Although Kobane had little strategic value ISIS poured in men and material and suffered for it.


So if they stop advancing then you have to concentrate them another way. The Iraqi army and Shia malitias are going to advance on the oilfields and processing facilities that help fund ISIS. They will concentrate to defend them. Goodnight Vienna.

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but thommo is a policeman no? its more the insight into his actual thoughts with regard to complete responsibilty and culpability of deeply impressionable children of that age and complete lack of any compassion whatsoever that i find particularily shocking woolley

Firstly I have never said what I do for a living you have made an assumption based on what I don't know.


Secondly they are 15 and 16 years old not exactly small kids who can't think for themselvess at that age I was able to realise that killing and beheading people was wrong why can't they? We have seen what isis do to non believers which is why I think the government shouldn't risk people's lives sending people out to look for these girls

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i would argue that 14,15,16 years old is the most impressionable age of the lot ...its not by accident the army ikes to do its recruitment drives around that age ...i joined at 17 at the time of desert storm , desperately wanted to go to iraq kill " ragheads" because we were the good guys and they were evil..or catholics in ireland ...idealistic i know now things not that simple are they? as for you being a policeman or not , it just seemed to me from some of your earlier posts that you were .....being idealistic again , i did half expect some sort of understanding from you about the vulnerability of children of that age , ideally naturally or thought at least you would have been sent on some sort of course or something to at least be able to pretend you had some sort of compassion and understanding .....perhaps these girls had read about the amount of civilians and children still being murdered by us and in an idealistic immature not understanding full implications way, decided to try do something about it? i have seen the aftermath of true ethnic cleansing thommo , against muslims in kosovo, , and we let it happen

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The problem with ISIS is that it is not a political movement and is based entirely on a particular understanding of the Koran. Many Muslims have said that what ISIS is doing is wrong, however, many more are being duped or bullied into supporting ISIS on the basis of their religious belief. It has been a long time since something like ISIS existed and that is one of the reasons that the West is struggling with it.


I think the west should allow the nations in that region to deal with ISIS but offer support if it is requested. The west being directly involved simply gives ISIS what they want which is a war against the "infidels".


As for the girls. It has highlighted that we need to do more to protect children from being groomed (whether it be by paedophiles or religious nutcases). I am not sure how we can do that but maybe education is the best way. I read one article with a Muslim girl which said that she was attracted to the videos because of the "sexy men" but then was gradually drawn into accepting the more violent elements.

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