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Jihadi Girls

Max Power

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The problem with ISIS is that it is not a political movement and is based entirely on a particular understanding of the Koran. Many Muslims have said that what ISIS is doing is wrong, however, many more are being duped or bullied into supporting ISIS on the basis of their religious belief. It has been a long time since something like ISIS existed and that is one of the reasons that the West is struggling with it.


No, the problem with ISIS is that it is a criminal movement run by the CIA, MI6, Mossad, and the Saudis, using the language of religion to communicate and enforce an ideology of hatred, murder and chaos. They are not legitimate. These criminals are not Islamic or Koranic purists; they are a reactionary movement totally invented out of thin air by the western and Saudi intelligence agencies. Yes, there are unwitting idiots and mentally ill people who have flocked to their banner believing its propaganda, but the bottom line is the people who created ISIS and the people directing ISIS at the very top are not Muslims but anti-Muslims. It's time the whole world stopped giving these fraudsters legitimacy and nuked the bastards.

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Meir, you say that ISIS is "run by the CIA,MI6, Mossad, and the Saudis" and then finish your paragraph with "it's time the whole world stopped giving these fraudsters legitimacy and nuked the bastards".


There are so many problems with that I don't know where to start!

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Meir, you say that ISIS is "run by the CIA,MI6, Mossad, and the Saudis" and then finish your paragraph with "it's time the whole world stopped giving these fraudsters legitimacy and nuked the bastards".


There are so many problems with that I don't know where to start!


ISIS are fraudsters (but real) - invented by the CIA, MI6, Mossad, the Saudis - and we should neutralise them. We have a fifth column of power hungry psychopaths here at home who are (A) working to turn us into something out of 1984, and B) arming an enemy which they have built up and are manipulating to further their own ends in the Middle East and to advance the cause of (A) here at home. What part of that doesn't make sense to you?

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Anyone else had this rather timely banner advert appear on the bottom of this thread? It can only be linked to this topic because I have certainly not been searching for Muslim brides! whistling.gifph34r.png

The one in the middle looks like one of Meir's western infiltrators. I wonder if Jihadi John will spot her?

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It's rather fun to note that The Caliphate adopt exactly the same punishments that the Saudi Arabian's and others do such as mutilation and beheading for contravening the dictates of Sharia. It rather gives the lie to the claim that what is taking place is Un-Islamic or interpretation dependant.


And sticking to the religious aspect, it's also fun to note that when Jesus was being crucified The Lord spoke saying 'This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased' which rather underlines that the Teaching of Jesus were in line with the will of God.


And then along comes the false prophet, Muhammed, who claims that what should be done is diametrically opposed to what God had approved of.


Some prophet of The Lord, some Abrahamic faith.



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It's rather fun to note that The Caliphate adopt exactly the same punishments that the Saudi Arabian's and others do such as mutilation and beheading for contravening the dictates of Sharia. It rather gives the lie to the claim that what is taking place is Un-Islamic or interpretation dependant.


And sticking to the religious aspect, it's also fun to note that when Jesus was being crucified The Lord spoke saying 'This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased' which rather underlines that the Teaching of Jesus were in line with the will of God.


And then along comes the false prophet, Muhammed, who claims that what should be done is diametrically opposed to what God had approved of.


Some prophet of The Lord, some Abrahamic faith.



Is it not a little credulous to believe any of it though, given that whichever faith you follow, it is based on hearsay and interpretation coming down multiple centuries, generations and vested interests? You quote it all as though it was indisputable historical fact. Who has the authority to arbitrate between Jesus and Muhammad? To me, religion is a weakness of man used by the unscrupulous to exploit his inability to come to terms with the finality of his own mortality. For an example of this we need look no further than the promise of the 72 prime virgins and eternity in paradise to the suggestible Muslim terrorists.

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Wooley - I absolutely understand the point that you make.


But putting aside the question of what religious people hold to be true what is surely of significance is that within the religious paradigm for one religion to state events that are claimed to have taken place and then for another 'religion' to be in this case invented that claims to be founded on the former, but advocates exactly the opposite of the former clearly proves that, within the paradigm, the latter is at best a load of rubbish.


I repeat, within the religious paradigm.

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I see the families are wanting an apology from the met police. Every time I see them they are blaming someone else and not actually taking any responsibility.

couldn't agree more.


As far as I see it, I hope they dont come back. I hope no resources are used to find them. They knew what they were doing when joining the 'enemy', if they turn up dead I wont be crying a tear over them. Good riddance.

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They, and others like them, are not joining the enemy, at least not in their eyes.


WE are the enemy, they are joining their brothers and sisters.


What should be of much more concern is the millions in the UK alone who see us as the enemy and those from the millions who will commit jihad against the 'enemy' in the UK.

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