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Jihadi Girls

Max Power

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I've learned the hard way to never ever trust a Muslim. Take as a classic example the lies that were spread about 9/11 being a black flag operationby the US.


Spreading lies as truth to undermine the moral of the 'enemy' is hardly true in times of war and absolutely part of the stock in trade of the followers of the 'prophet' who based the whole box and dice on lies.

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No, not British.


They are people who inhabit Dar ul-Islam.


Our national borders mean nothing, we are living in the land of conflict.

Their passports say they are British.


But Spook says they are not. Fair enough. Spook must be right.


Honestly, with my IQ of 82, I can't come up with a single arguement to counter spooks statement.

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The passport is our means of dealing with our borders (apart from the scum who break into our country as 'asylum seekers') Our passports are simply a means for the nationals of Dar ul-Islam to cross our borders and scrounge our 'benefits' system.

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and take "our" jobs? lol .biggrin.png


Given that you say you are manx could it be said that you are a " Scrounger" on the UK benefits system , or perhaps an "economic migrant" , a description you share with the East European folk you don't seem too keen on?


You do seem to want your penny and your bunsmile.png

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As far as I see it, I hope they dont come back. I hope no resources are used to find them.

FFS they're just kids.
Exactly. British kids at that.

Hypothetical but would you be saying the same if one of these kids were to strap a bomb to themselves and blew up a packed shopping centre or went out and knifed some poor innocent bloke going about hos business?

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and take "our" jobs? lol .:D


Given that you say you are manx could it be said that you are a " Scrounger" on the UK benefits system , or perhaps an "economic migrant" , a description you share with the East European folk you don't seem too keen on?


You do seem to want your penny and your bun:)

Because I am paying my way, and am paying UK taxes, and because for a considerable number of years I was paying tax and NI into Britain I am certainly no economic migrant. :)

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As far as I see it, I hope they dont come back. I hope no resources are used to find them.

FFS they're just kids.
Exactly. British kids at that.
Hypothetical but would you be saying the same if one of these kids were to strap a bomb to themselves and blew up a packed shopping centre or went out and knifed some poor innocent bloke going about hos business?

The kids that killed Jamie Bulger was given the full protection of UK law. Why are these kids different ?

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The law was changed so that they could be charged with murder I believe at the time the age of criminal responsibility was 11 or 12 now it is 10. They were rightly prosecuted and handed ddown a punishment. I believe they knew what they were doing but it could be argued at 10 years old you don't know the difference between right and wrong but that argument can't be said for 15 and 16 years old which these girls are. I stand by what I said isis don't like the west these girls know that and should they return or be found they should be taken into custody until such time it is proven they are not a threat to the British public

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Because the killers of Burger were just rotten little scrotes, these jihadis are acting under commitment to a foul cult that is the antithesis to OUR nation and values, and who have no affection for OUR nation.


Personally I would make no attempt to stop them leaving and would do everything possible to kick their scummy families out as well.

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The law was changed so that they could be charged with murder I believe at the time the age of criminal responsibility was 11 or 12 now it is 10. They were rightly prosecuted and handed ddown a punishment. I believe they knew what they were doing but it could be argued at 10 years old you don't know the difference between right and wrong but that argument can't be said for 15 and 16 years old which these girls are. I stand by what I said isis don't like the west these girls know that and should they return or be found they should be taken into custody until such time it is proven they are not a threat to the British public

That day will never dawn. Expel them with no chance of return.


It's time for a sea change in how these low life scum are dealt with.

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I'm told , according to the Daily Mail, that the father of one of the "girls" was involved in demonstrations involving the burning of the American flag,which would appear to be at odds with his claim that she was not influenced by "extremist views " at home.


Just sayingsmile.png

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