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I've taken more than a little flak as a result of comments that I've made about such things as the absence of an MOT based certification for private cars and motor cycles on the Island as well as the need and advantages of ANPR and safety cameras on the Island roads.


But I'd like to address some of the down side of becoming expat.


Leaving ones home is the first. Leaving ones social circle another, neither to be treated too lightly.


But there's more besides. We've moved to semi-rural Norfolk. It's a nice part of the UK but the countryside is a whole lot different from the Island and although fabulous in its own right with huge open skys and wide fields with lots of really nice places to visit and much better roads we both miss the variation that the Island offers.


Another thing that we notice is the different weather. When the East wind blows it's like there's only a couple of Brussel Sprouts between us and the Steppes of Russia, and they were blown flat sometime in late Autumn of the previous year.


Then there's rubbish collection. We've got four bins, and have to sort refuse before putting things in the bin and our recycling things have to be washed before being binned and the bin men audit that people are doing so.


No washed tins etc. and the bin is not emptied.


Driving is another bugbear. Not so much the private car drivers but the people who drive agricultural rolling roadblocks down single lane roads, Huge things driven by people who may well, know how to drive the thing on a field of sugar beet but seem to not know how to reverse the things so one ends up having to back up considerable distances to find where the road is wide enough to allow the gargantuan things get past.


Then there's the perennial problems brought on by gyp*sites. Our next door but one neighbour who has a farm has had two visits over the last 18 months. How festering great John Deer almost new tractor can be stolen during the night with not a sound beats us but it was. And theft of animals. 60 sheep nicked a few weeks ago.


We've installed quite a high tech intruder alarm including CCTV as a precaution and will soon be getting a dog once it's weaned. A gorgeous black and white Border Collie (that will probably end up soft as butter knowing animals we've had in the past!) And we've upgraded the door and windows locks as well.


Given the spate of burglaries on the Island that may not be such a difference though.


Anyway that'll do for now, I've got to go and see about having my cast removed. Maybe more later?I Tel, me if you want me to rabbit on!

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Interesting, Spook. Great not to hear the normal 'life's much better here and you sad old Manxies on your dead rock etc...' comments.


I have family in Norfolk and my immediate opinion was a) it's so flat but great for getting around on a bike and b) you get flooded too easily but you also get fantastically long and warm summers.


And they also have fantastic craft shops :-)

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An unhealthy obsession with safety & security. Whinging about just about every aspect of the place you've chosen to make home. All you need to do now is start every sentence with the words "when I" and you'll be English never mind just living there!

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I moved to Cornwall as it's not really cold in winter, I know just how cold the east coast can be, i was born in Rutland but raised on the rock. Like you I wanted to be by the coast.


What really makes this the place to be for me compared to the IOM is that the beaches still have small cafes / eateries open all year round (maybe just 3 days a week in winter), I can go into a pub with the dog and people really care about the place in general and especially tourism.


The workmanship is excellent, there's a reason for the Cornish phrase 'Proper Job'.


It's booked out for Easter, then will be rocking from mid-may to the end of September.


Still miss the Manx mountain & hills though. Don't miss the second and third-rate politicians.

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Looking at Monkey boy's comment, it rather brings out another downside, that of crime levels here. You can't just go on published statistics when it comes to burglary for one thing because so many people take so much more care of their property and it's security here than on the Island.


A big problem is traveling thieves who have 'cased' the area either while undertaking casual agriculture work or even having come on a jaunt to see what gives.


It's not at all unusual for thieves to travel many miles and at present the influx of immigrant agricultural workers along with 'Travelers' ironically living on fixed sites are creating the biggest problem for most people who very often don't even bother reporting small thefts such as the contents of garden sheds or things from garages or gardens. Things that can be readily sold at Boot Fairs or even just on a rented stall on one of the many markets that take place.


Thing is that if you loose a couple of hundred pounds worth of things the effect on your household insurance over two or three years will be more costly than just replacing what's been nicked.


So investing in security is a good move and a thing that most people do.


So that's another down side. Unless told not to I'll carry on with this warts and all critique on how things differ from living on the Island based on my experiences and perspective.


BTW - The cast is off!


And we've been employed by a cat. It's been named by Mrs Spook as 'Snot'. G'won, ask me why!

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LOL! No, when the cat sauntered into our open back door as we were offloading the shopping the first thing that Mrs Spook said was "That thing's not coming in here!" 'cos she knows that I'm a soft touch with strays.


Snot had different ideas about this. She's a neutered black and white thing that now has use of the kennel left behind by the previous owner of this place. When she's not sprawled out in front of her favourite radiator that is.

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fuck me...victor meldrew has a heart .... within a week that cat will be returning to its old stray pals , reminding them how miserable their lives are, their only hope an early death, making sure to constantly ram home to them how miserable their existence really is , whilst congratulating itself in front of them at its lucky escape from the misery from which they have no escape ...... within 2 weeks it will be back telling them its new life is pretty shit too

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I doubt it though, she may point out some of the downsides such as being consigned to the old washroom at night if she doesn't want to go out.


TSE, what a pathetic excuse for a human being you are. But then, jealousy does bring out the worst in a person so I suppose that I should make some allowances for you.

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