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Expat living


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Some parts of south West France is pretty British too. Riberac and Bergerac are known as either Little London or Little England.

Some people living there for years and never managing to learn French at all beyond odd bits on a menu. Incredible and sad.

Hmmm, not exactly. That awful 'reality' tv program from this area a year or so back portrayed this idea but I think it's far from the truth. All these reality programs have an agenda and only air the views of the similarly awful gobshites that match that agenda. There's always a few that don't disappoint but the picture they paint is often a very long way from the real life scenario, thankfully.


Whilst Department 24 has many of British descent living there, I'd say the majority have integrated well and do speak a reasonable level of French. Even in the publicised enclaves of Riberac (and worse still, Eymet) there will be those who refuse to integrate by not speaking more than a few French words but Bergerac and Dordogne generally remain very French. They have not been culturally flooded in the same way as a few UK town and cities have.

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Culturally flooded?


Good grief, there's whole areas of several of the major cities and towns over here that are colonies in every sense of the word.


Sharia rules, sharia police, sharia courts, and sharia punishments. In the case of a couple particularly but not exclusively in London even for people just passing through them.


I suspect that a good many people on the Island don't have the first idea of just what has been taking place in the UK.


Another thing that gets missed is that when the illegal / non-integrating immigrant population is expressed as a percentage of the population that it is not homogeneous, they form colonies where the immigrant population is close to 100% with the result that there are parts of the country that are quite literally no longer Britain other than the influx of 'benefit' payments and the weather.


So before slagging off UKIP and the people who support them because they are the ONLY (now) major party that even admits the huge problem let alone speaks out about it maybe getting to actually understand just how broken Britain has become would be a good start to understand why.


Because under the awful lying Blair that created the mess, and how the Cammoron / Clegg have done NOTHING to try to restore anything other than the fiscal mess UKIP is the ONLY light on the horizon. Only since UKIP became a main stream political party has Cameron even shown a sign of moving towards putting the British people, and especially the English people anywhere in his parties agenda rather than toadying towards Marginal seats 'where the immigrants mostly be'.

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Some parts of south West France is pretty British too. Riberac and Bergerac are known as either Little London or Little England.

Some people living there for years and never managing to learn French at all beyond odd bits on a menu. Incredible and sad.

Hmmm, not exactly. That awful 'reality' tv program from this area a year or so back portrayed this idea but I think it's far from the truth. All these reality programs have an agenda and only air the views of the similarly awful gobshites that match that agenda. There's always a few that don't disappoint but the picture they paint is often a very long way from the real life scenario, thankfully.


Whilst Department 24 has many of British descent living there, I'd say the majority have integrated well and do speak a reasonable level of French. Even in the publicised enclaves of Riberac (and worse still, Eymet) there will be those who refuse to integrate by not speaking more than a few French words but Bergerac and Dordogne generally remain very French. They have not been culturally flooded in the same way as a few UK town and cities have.



Sorry but I absolutely disagree. Have you lived in the Perigord?

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On the subject of ex-pat living ----


The 'Curry's 'thread' reminded me that having choice is a big deal when it comes to living here rather than on the Island. Not only the choice of supplier but also the choice of outlet.


Take Supermarkets. Supermarkets of the same 'family' often don't have the same choice as it's determined by local demand, and different supermarkets are better for different things. For example Asda are cheapest at present for run of the mill stuff such as dishwasher tablets, detergents, big brand products, and so forth whereas (we find) Sainsbury are more expensive, Lidl and Aldi are very good for a limited range, whereas Waitrose have a really nice range of foodstuffs that are not a frequent buy but make a nice treat.


Tesco we avoid like the plague.


But it's having the choice that's great, especially as there are also artisan bakeries (cakes are usually 'orrid but breads are usually good) and still a few little shops that haven't been swamped out by Supermarkets --- yet.


Then there's the weekly markets and a number of 'box schemes' that really do offer very good value and very good and fresh produce delivered to your door but pretty much Hobson's Choice when it comes to what's in the box, that's determined by what's in season and what the supplier offers within their box range.


Choice is not only a nice thing to have, it also keeps standards up, quality up, and prices down.


I still am missing a leg of Manx lamb this Easter weekend though.


If Heineken sold lamb if it wasn't Manx lamb it wouldn't be the best in the world!

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Tesco we avoid like the plague.

Nice to see some things are common to both here and there.


Why are the artisan bakery cakes 'orrid as a matter of interest? Surely they can't be worse than some of the mass produced over sugared rubbish that passes as cake?

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Tesco we avoid like the plague.

Nice to see some things are common to both here and there.


Why are the artisan bakery cakes 'orrid as a matter of interest? Surely they can't be worse than some of the mass produced over sugared rubbish that passes as cake?


Synthetic cream, and sponge cakes made with lard.


It seems to be a Norfolk thing, if in doubt use lard or dripping - and in the case of chips dripping until its gone rancid.


There's a very great deal to like about Norfolk but the utter stink of chips being cooked in stale dripping in Gt. Yarmouth market on a damp dull Winter day has to be experience to be believed. The horrifying thing is to see the locals scoffing them like they were going out of fashion.


Entirely different in Norwich where there's some fabulous patisseries making selling cakes and pastries to die for, and in the Autumn chestnuts cooking over small coke braziers are gorgeous when it's cold, but in the sticks, beware what you buy.


Did I mention the synthetic cream? I suspect they even use lard to make even that!

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Meanwhile down here the fish and chips are excellent. Fish usually landed either the same day or at the latest within 24 hours, chips also excellent.


Bread is also good, way better than Ramsey Bakery.


Bloody windy today :) .

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Cold and drizzle here. Never mind buckets and spades, you'd make a fortune flogging mops and buckets for the beach!


Quite a few visitors about though. Even in Cromer, this morning it could have been named 'Bleak on Sea'.


We've come down to GY and are presently sitting on the 'prom (in the car) eating ice creams and hot donuts --- but no chips though.

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