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on the " up side " ...... Spooky has left the islandbiggrin.png


Yeh, every cloud has a silver lining.


He goes on endlessly about things costing too much; but then adds he has not one (like most others), but a portfolio of properties.


So the housing shortfall - with associated high prices - is deliberately being created by his ilk to the detriment of those that can no longer access the property ladder.


A Christian my eye. A greedy parasite of the highest order and East Anglia is welcome to him.




I had thought to ignore that rubbish, but after thinking about it, I will reply. Specifically about my retirement fund, achieved by investing in buy to rent properties.


An alternative would have been to buy into a pension fund.


That way the money that I provided would have been used to invest in stocks and shares and goodness knows what.


By investing in property I have achieved a fair return on my investments that have provided homes for people who could never have afforded to buy their own, or for people while the saved in order to get on the housing ladder.


Not usury that many financial institutions engage in, not investing is markets that harm the environment or peoples lives in overseas countries, not - well many areas that are things that I wouldn't invest in were the choice up to me.


In addition I do wonder if YOU realise that buy to rent isn't a licence to print money. To get a regular return on what has been invested, the ROCE, when faced with all of the costs ranging from tenants who 'do a moonlight, who just don't pay and all the costs that results in getting them out a well as the lost income, the management costs when an agent has to be employed to regularly inspect the properties, an insurance must, the costs of renters insurance, repairs that can't be left but must be undertaken quickly, damage caused by tenants - the list just goes on and on.


Yes, there is a fair return but it's nowhere near as much as Joe Public thinks if you're going to run a legitimate business, and as for bringing my religion into it - apart from being insulting it clearly shows that it's another thing that you know NOTHING about.

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Spook, you say you provide homes for those who were not in a position to buy properties of their own , am I to assume that they are let at a "fair rent" or are regulated tenancies or are they let at "market rents"?


I own property and am aware that their are downsides to renting if one is unfortunate to have bad tenants , but you have failed to mention the increase in property values which if the properties are in the south of your island or London is considerable.


My reasons for buying property were based initially on putting a roof over my head and subsequent purchases were made as an investment in "bricks & mortar" because I don't understand money and regard the banks/financial institutions/insurance companies as the "enemy" .


Buying in inner London was, at the time I bought, considered lunacy by the institutions .................... they were wrong........ I got lucky.


I would not have the "front" to grizzle about bad tenants/ management costs etc or claim that I was motivated for my concerns for those less fortunate in providing them with accommodation.


You may be able to fool your gran but not all of us came over on the morning boatflowers.gif

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Look I think we all need to realise that the isle of man is starting to decline, lack of new business coming to the island, job losses on a regular basis and even the immigrants have stopped coming so if you want to put your head in the sand and say island life is grand well crack on, your probably a government employee or working for a good established company that suits the island.


But for the rest of us who are unsure about our future and our future retirement needs the isle of man is not stable, I am lucky to have kept my job although getting less pay and I am just one I am sure there maybe others.

I personally don't understand your attacks on theses guys who have relocated, people do it all the time all over the world.


There is a big world out there, further than the horizon you know, until your personally affected by job losses and an unpredictable future I guess every thing is great in your world.

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Spook, you say you provide homes for those who were not in a position to buy properties of their own , am I to assume that they are let at a "fair rent" or are regulated tenancies or are they let at "market rents"?


I own property and am aware that their are downsides to renting if one is unfortunate to have bad tenants , but you have failed to mention the increase in property values which if the properties are in the south of your island or London is considerable.


My reasons for buying property were based initially on putting a roof over my head and subsequent purchases were made as an investment in "bricks & mortar" because I don't understand money and regard the banks/financial institutions/insurance companies as the "enemy" .


Buying in inner London was, at the time I bought, considered lunacy by the institutions .................... they were wrong........ I got lucky.


I would not have the "front" to grizzle about bad tenants/ management costs etc or claim that I was motivated for my concerns for those less fortunate in providing them with accommodation.


You may be able to fool your gran but not all of us came over on the morning boatflowers.gif

The rents that I set are at the going rate.


It's an investment portfolio that I have, not a charity.


But my investments serve a useful social need, housing, rather than simply rely on investment managers use my capital without giving a toss what my money will be funding as long as there is a profit.

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Roxy, I'm not telling anyone that they're stupid for wanting to stay on the Island. Different things suit different people and yes, I am struggling to let go, or rather I'm very bitter that the utter incompetence and selfishness that more than any the Bell government has turned out to be and that has set the Island on the death dive that it is now on.


The amazing waste that has taken place beggars belief, the causal acceptance of the disgusting service offered by the ferry company, the ignorance about harm to the environment that so many of the policies continue to make, and so much more.


For people on the Island, especially young people, the pro's and con's as well as the differences that people have found having left their home can only help to be discussed and explored. As I wrote earlier on of the great exports of the Island has been people for generations. Some make it, some don't.


Some get shoved into a back street garage in Manchester as a way to be levered into Trident Tankers where they undertook one cruise and then came scurrying home and set up an HVAC business before being levered into politics by 'cantacts and thrived by doing what he was told.


Me? I expected to stay on the Island as I entered my dotage but when I discovered what an utter mess things had become, and how, sad to say they show no signs of improving, I saw two options. Either decay with the decaying infrastructure and fiscal black hole that no one dare mention, or to give look for moving to somewhere where at least albeit things are not utopian they are at least not in free fall.


If my wittering on has caused even one young person too get up the courage to say 'It's going to be tough but hey, it's better than vegetating' - then GOOD.

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Cheers Roxanne, the main driver for me really is the job security that is plaguing me and the other half, we just don't feel that if we lost our jobs here that we would get similar work.

Its a big move but I have chatted to a couple of people already in the UK about work and there is more of it over there, plus if we sell here we can buy 2 houses in the UK compared to here meaning the wife can not worry so much about work.

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People really do have to do what is best for themselves at any given time and security and familiarity are wonderful things. But so is discovering new things and it's fabulous to experience other places.


I wish anyone leaving the island the very best of good fortune, moving away can be upsetting at times. My own Manx parents had to leave many years ago and were so happy to return here when they eventually could.


It's always a judgement call and may not work for everyone.

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I have nothing but admiration for anyone who up sticks and leaves all that is dear to them in an effort to make a better life for themselves and their family. What sticks in my craw however is some emigrants on a daily, if not hourly basis, telling us how hellish life is here for those of us left.


That is very charitable of you, Roxanne. I personally have nothing but revulsion for people who have no loyalty to their nation and put their own interest and personal profit first. They are traitors.

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I have nothing but admiration for anyone who up sticks and leaves all that is dear to them in an effort to make a better life for themselves and their family. What sticks in my craw however is some emigrants on a daily, if not hourly basis, telling us how hellish life is here for those of us left.


That is very charitable of you, Roxanne. I personally have nothing but revulsion for people who have no loyalty to their nation and put their own interest and personal profit first. They are traitors.

People who see their homeland being driven down the toilet with no hope of redemption because the rot has become far too established, and see that they can break free yet do not break free I would call bloody fools if they don't.


Traitors, yes, but traitors to themselves and traitors to their dependants if they stay.

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Spook, you say you provide homes for those who were not in a position to buy properties of their own , am I to assume that they are let at a "fair rent" or are regulated tenancies or are they let at "market rents"?


I own property and am aware that their are downsides to renting if one is unfortunate to have bad tenants , but you have failed to mention the increase in property values which if the properties are in the south of your island or London is considerable.


My reasons for buying property were based initially on putting a roof over my head and subsequent purchases were made as an investment in "bricks & mortar" because I don't understand money and regard the banks/financial institutions/insurance companies as the "enemy" .


Buying in inner London was, at the time I bought, considered lunacy by the institutions .................... they were wrong........ I got lucky.


I would not have the "front" to grizzle about bad tenants/ management costs etc or claim that I was motivated for my concerns for those less fortunate in providing them with accommodation.


You may be able to fool your gran but not all of us came over on the morning boatflowers.gif

The rents that I set are at the going rate.


It's an investment portfolio that I have, not a charity.


But my investments serve a useful social need, housing, rather than simply rely on investment managers use my capital without giving a toss what my money will be funding as long as there is a profit.


Keep telling yourself you are motivated by serving a "social need" sunshine you may convince yourself, I think you are looking for a "profit".


As you say "it's an investment portfolio not a charity" , but according to the book "the greatest of these is Charity" flowers.gif


I do think that the island has some tough times ahead and I accept that I want to end my days here .


Were I a younger man I may take the view that it's worth investigating other possibilities in other places and I would not criticise those who do, good luck to them .


What I find a tad disappointing is that you , on the one hand claiming you are manx with an extensive investment portfolio jumping ship , and on the other advising folk how clever you have been and we should all follow your lead .


As a "leader" I would venture to suggest that the only reason to follow you would be " idle curiosity ".


You have told folk that you are a "christian" and have advised folk that they know nothing about the "true christian philosophy " but I am reminded of the " Pharisees " when I read some of your posts.


Just saying ..... hope this helps.biggrin.png

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Stop fighting FFS and look at the butterflies for a change.


Oh man, have you ever seen the butterflies in Cornwall? They're amazing.


WHAT.... better than in Switzerland ?


We have got Choughs here ( in my garden ) puffins and manx shearwaters .............


Do tell us about "your dad"laugh.png

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When it comes to Christianity a good start would be if you studied it before commenting on it.


As for not leaving, why is it anything but common sense to walk away from a place where life is going to get more and more difficult and unpleasant?


I owe the Island NOTHING.


That I was born on the Island is nothing more than a matter of chance, the Island has given me nothing beyond a memorable childhood and not all my childhood memories are good ones.


The Island was my home. I regret having to leave my home, especially for the reasons that I have, but when it comes to 'loyalty' - fergit it!


It's a nice place, or used to be, but that's all.


Especially now that the rot has set in.

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So people who decide to leave for a better life are traitors?


I personally have friends who have moved all over due to changes in life, meeting women from the uk etc and they still love the island and come back when they can for a beer.

Yeah the ones in Oz and New Zealand are a bit far but they have took the risk and are seeing it pay off, I also know other people who have gone to Oz and came back because they didn't have anyone there to help them to get work etc.

Needless to say that in other places they are just a number but when they are back here they get a helping hand.whatever.gif


There really isn't a need to slag someone off because they leave, I love travel myself something that is one of the reason why I want to move.

There is loving where you live but there is also being institutionalised if you love it too much.


Get out there people enjoy the difference of other places and cultures flowers.gif

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