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It seems somewhat odd that some people are still obsessing about the island when they have an election to pontificate about in their new adopted homeland but seem unable to move on.


Sad really. Who are the Manx crabs now?

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The island has problems, but then so does every economy in the world. We're doing OKAY in comparative terms.

No, the Island is NOT.


Teare had once again to raid reserves in order to produce thus years budget, the Manx current account is in deficit, capital assets are being sold off, and the financial sectors are either collapsing as in the tax dodging sector or the on line gambling sector which is now being attacked by nations that are losing out by their nationals taking advantage of them.


On top of that changes to terms of employment, especially pension arrangements for people working in the professions are leading to degrading of infrastructure and as for the public sector pensions black hole --- .


The Island and the people living on it are very far from doing well.


And more than anyone since he is the CM (what does he do?) I blame Bell.

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I think you place far too much emphasis on the Isle of Man Government, Spook. The government is not the be all and end all of the Isle of Man. We still have a private sector which is doing okay. There will come a point when people won't accept any more tax increases to perpetuate the bloat of government. Power is with the private sector, not the government. The government and its bloat continues at the good grace of the power movers and shapers in the private sector. It is taxes which fund the bloat and it is taxes wihch will end the bloat. I have full confidence that this tax issue will right itself over the next ten years.

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Calm it down guys as we're back to name calling again.

If you want to splash out on some expletives towards each other, there's a chat room above where you can let off some steam.




You silly cow.


That is a bullying comment.

Please refrain from using bad language like that to me.

Thank you

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I think you place far too much emphasis on the Isle of Man Government, Spook. The government is not the be all and end all of the Isle of Man. We still have a private sector which is doing okay. There will come a point when people won't accept any more tax increases to perpetuate the bloat of government. Power is with the private sector, not the government. The government and its bloat continues at the good grace of the power movers and shapers in the private sector. It is taxes which fund the bloat and it is taxes wihch will end the bloat. I have full confidence that this tax issue will right itself over the next ten years.

The Red and Blue books do not support your assertions.

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Parts of the economy are always going to be doing ok, if they are providing services to other parts of the world, but the local economy is the main issue.

Tango man is all the time going on about the island being in 3% growth, what he isn't telling you is which part he cherry picked that from ?


The cost of living is going one way, plus the stealth taxes and other hikes the government seem to think will help to balance the budget.


You can tell they are desperate by the stupid ideas they are rolling out instead of cutting the wage bill.


Maybe once the population starts to shrink the penny might drop but until then it is the old attitude, if it doesn't affect them or they are personally not feeling the pinch then everything is rosy and great.


The are going to have to face the wage bill sometime, that is without the pension issues.


You might stop singing your happy tunes when your working to 71 before you can retire ?

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You silly cow.

That is a bullying comment.


No it isn't.


Give us your dinner money you silly cow, or I'll punch your stupid face.


That's a bullying comment.



A forum bully preys on their victims to show that they have power and able to denigrate others through fear.

They do this on a constant basis and hide behind a screen of anonymity.

Bullies hate being challenged as this power comes from fear and they have little to no empathy towards others as this is a narcissistic trait or mental disorder.

The internet creates a freedom for the bully and allows a user to escape responsibility and is a release mechanism for the stresses and strains of their work, home or lifestyle.

Bullies need others to respond to their negative comments or their efforts will have been in vain and their time wasted. They crave attention and get a buzz out of picking on the weak but dislike feeling alone. They usually have other aliases to attack from different angles as like hunting in a pack.


That is a forum bully and confirmation of you being a bully or not will be in your response or type of response.

Have a good day

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Bullying, as if - it was obviously a joke. Just like Spook and his chronic need to put down and criticise the Isle of Man. Does he not realise that by constantly repeating this negative mantra, he may be indirectly contributing to a ripple effect in online discourse which creates lack of confidence in the Isle of Man and could potentially put people off investing here. Sure, you're just one nuthead on an internet forum, but words and attitudes can influence others, who can in turn influence others. All I know is that doom and gloom pessimism, worrying and anxiety contribute nothing to a situation and simply waste energy and time which could otherwise be spent on doing something positive to fix a situation.

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All I know is that doom and gloom pessimism, worrying and anxiety contribute nothing to a situation and simply waste energy and time which could otherwise be spent on doing something positive to fix a situation.


Anyone who uses ManxForums as a source of information used for potential investment on the island deserves what they get.

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Well said, Rox.


Having lived in England for 20 of my 55 years, I know where I have the deepest connecton and where I want to be for the remainder of my life. Sure, the island has its challenges, but it is not unique in that and I would rather live my life in a place I love, taking the rough with the smooth than up sticks and move to a place where I will always feel that I am marking time.


It is a choice and I have made mine.

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