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All I know is that doom and gloom pessimism, worrying and anxiety contribute nothing to a situation and simply waste energy and time which could otherwise be spent on doing something positive to fix a situation.


Anyone who uses ManxForums as a source of information used for potential investment on the island deserves what they get.



Yes, but it helps to contribute to a cumulative negative ripple effect on the general discourse and narrative of events, which goes beyond these forums.

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Anyone who uses ManxForums as a source of information used for potential investment on the island deserves what they get.

Quite right. If you believed half the stuff on here you'd be bonkers...


...didn't stop me investing me life savings in the Isle of Man film fund and in Steam Packet shares and be on course to make a fortune when I retire...when most of the suckers on here will still be working till they're 70.

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I am also not sure that I understand Spook's motivation for leaving the island.


He has a UK property portfolio which provides him with an income so implies he is pretty insulated from any detrimental actions on the state pension.


He has referred to the quality of healthcare here, is his health such a concern? Couldn't he afford to have treatment privately in the UK if he has real concerns?


He comments on opportunity for young people here. Surely, that is not a direct concern for him?


All in all, I get the feeling it is more to do with pique, from whatever cause, coupled with a worship of mammon that is proving not to have led him to the right decision in reality.


Whatever, I do feel that he is regretting what he thought was a master stroke decision and sympathise, but would be more supportive if he came clean and stopped trying to justify what is possibly turning out to be an ill-thought out plan.


He made his decision now should live with it rather than berating the rest of us who have made a different choice, but one we are very happy with.

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I am also not sure that I understand Spook's motivation for leaving the island.


He has a UK property portfolio which provides him with an income so implies he is pretty insulated from any detrimental actions on the state pension.


He has referred to the quality of healthcare here, is his health such a concern? Couldn't he afford to have treatment privately in the UK if he has real concerns?


He comments on opportunity for young people here. Surely, that is not a direct concern for him?


All in all, I get the feeling it is more to do with pique, from whatever cause, coupled with a worship of mammon that is proving not to have led him to the right decision in reality.


Whatever, I do feel that he is regretting what he thought was a master stroke decision and sympathise, but would be more supportive if he came clean and stopped trying to justify what is possibly turning out to be an ill-thought out plan.


He made his decision now should live with it rather than berating the rest of us who have made a different choice, but one we are very happy with.

My reason for opening this thread were altruistic.


I do not regret leaving the Island. I am bitter that I had to, but that's a different matter.


The Island is on a downward spiral and no end of pretending such is not the case will change that. If people do realise that this is taking place in spite of the BS claiming such is not the case then GOOD.


I left the island because of a decaying infrastructure that is creating the sort of society that emerges when infrastructures do decay and I don't want to live in such a society and here's the point, nor do other people.


There is also the matter of encouraging especially young people to bite the bullet and not just sit and watch life get tougher, because for all the howls of anguish that it won't, and for all the 'don't let on just how bad things are and will get' and for all the claims that it's just a phase and things will get better and for all the claims that people should stay and help improve things the reality is that for the Island as people knew and expected it to always be - it just ain't so.


I could well afford to stay on the Island but having seen what's coming down the pike I decided that I wanted no part of what the future over there holds and I fervently hope that I've encouraged at least a few young people to want no part of it either when what is available even though by no means a Utopia is one hell of a lot better than what they will be leaving behind.


To add --- what concern is it of mine? I would hate to think that for the sake of a little encouragement lives will be wasted. Call it concern over the future of fellow Manx people who may think that branching out is a bad thing or that the Island is the finest place on earth.


Nowhere is, but especially not the Island now the rot has started.

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Aaah, poor spook and GD4ELI. And Amadeus come to that! Can't live with the Isle of Man. Can't live without the Isle of Man.



Certainly in my case.


And not in the case of many of the people who will be leaving the Island in the coming months and years out of desperation, need, or just wanting a better life.

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I am also not sure that I understand Spook's motivation for leaving the island.


He has a UK property portfolio which provides him with an income so implies he is pretty insulated from any detrimental actions on the state pension.


He has referred to the quality of healthcare here, is his health such a concern? Couldn't he afford to have treatment privately in the UK if he has real concerns?


He comments on opportunity for young people here. Surely, that is not a direct concern for him?


All in all, I get the feeling it is more to do with pique, from whatever cause, coupled with a worship of mammon that is proving not to have led him to the right decision in reality.


Whatever, I do feel that he is regretting what he thought was a master stroke decision and sympathise, but would be more supportive if he came clean and stopped trying to justify what is possibly turning out to be an ill-thought out plan.


He made his decision now should live with it rather than berating the rest of us who have made a different choice, but one we are very happy with.

Excellent post Gladys , I have responded to his posts but he seems to give his "opinions" as "facts" and dismiss others opinions .


I feel I've indulged him long enough and life is sometimes too short waste time with folk who persist in telling you what to do and what to think whilst at the same time claiming he is altruistic and is a benefactor to those "less fortunate"laugh.png


Of course he could be trolling his attitudes seem to follow those of Augustus Carp.... if you get a chance to read it (Frank Muir reckoned it was the funniest book he had ever read)biggrin.png

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To Spook - Okay, but how do you have the special insight, what right do you have to tell people they are making the wrong decision? You have made your choice, leave us to live with ours, good or bad.


The start of the thread was promising, an unbiased assessment of living elsewhere but it has now descended into the usual Manx crab in reverse.


With all due respect, you do come across as someone with something of a chip.

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I am also not sure that I understand Spook's motivation for leaving the island.


He has a UK property portfolio which provides him with an income so implies he is pretty insulated from any detrimental actions on the state pension.


He has referred to the quality of healthcare here, is his health such a concern? Couldn't he afford to have treatment privately in the UK if he has real concerns?


He comments on opportunity for young people here. Surely, that is not a direct concern for him?


All in all, I get the feeling it is more to do with pique, from whatever cause, coupled with a worship of mammon that is proving not to have led him to the right decision in reality.


Whatever, I do feel that he is regretting what he thought was a master stroke decision and sympathise, but would be more supportive if he came clean and stopped trying to justify what is possibly turning out to be an ill-thought out plan.


He made his decision now should live with it rather than berating the rest of us who have made a different choice, but one we are very happy with.

My reason for opening this thread were altruistic.


I do not regret leaving the Island. I am bitter that I had to, but that's a different matter.


The Island is on a downward spiral and no end of pretending such is not the case will change that. If people do realise that this is taking place in spite of the BS claiming such is not the case then GOOD.


I left the island because of a decaying infrastructure that is creating the sort of society that emerges when infrastructures do decay and I don't want to live in such a society and here's the point, nor do other people.


There is also the matter of encouraging especially young people to bite the bullet and not just sit and watch life get tougher, because for all the howls of anguish that it won't, and for all the 'don't let on just how bad things are and will get' and for all the claims that it's just a phase and things will get better and for all the claims that people should stay and help improve things the reality is that for the Island as people knew and expected it to always be - it just ain't so.


I could well afford to stay on the Island but having seen what's coming down the pike I decided that I wanted no part of what the future over there holds and I fervently hope that I've encouraged at least a few young people to want no part of it either when what is available even though by no means a Utopia is one hell of a lot better than what they will be leaving behind.


To add --- what concern is it of mine? I would hate to think that for the sake of a little encouragement lives will be wasted. Call it concern over the future of fellow Manx people who may think that branching out is a bad thing or that the Island is the finest place on earth.


Nowhere is, but especially not the Island now the rot has started.



Do you really think that people will up sticks and leave the island on the basis of someone's anonymous and seemingly resentful posts on here?


What suits one person doesn't suit another. Some people couldn't bear to live in a rural environment, some couldn't stand to live in a big city. Just because I wouldn't want to live in a city doesn't make the choice wrong for others, does it?


One's home can a little like a relationship, sometimes wonderful, sometimes difficult. It's a very personal thing that involves so much more than money.

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To Spook - Okay, but how do you have the special insight, what right do you have to tell people they are making the wrong decision? You have made your choice, leave us to live with ours, good or bad.


The start of the thread was promising, an unbiased assessment of living elsewhere but it has now descended into the usual Manx crab in reverse.


With all due respect, you do come across as someone with something of a chip.

I do have a 'chip', a very big one, and it is totally related to the wasted opportunity that Bell had to sort out the mess that he walked into.


It would not have been easy, (metaphorical) blood would have flowed, but there was still time.




But he and the rest of the mostly numpties just sat back as if everything would be the same and worse yet ignored the Elephant.


I'm not telling anyone that they've made the 'wrong' decision, there is no absolute right or wrong decision, in both cases it depends on an individual, but I do remember as a young person the feeling that 'across' was somehow almost unattainable, and worse that the Island.


My point is that neither is true.


Of course people should and indeed must make their own choices but they should have the opportunities to take account of as many facts as they can in order to make their own choices.


The Island IS on a downward spiral. There are those who will be quite content to enjoy the ride, such is human nature, but some will not and those people deserve to see what alternatives there are and the pro's and con's associated with them.


Just as someone writing that across the water is a land of milk and honey and with streets paved with gold (FAR from reality!) so to read that it's OK, we're going to be OK, don't rock the boat is also a load of hogwash.


Different strokes for different folks, but at least let people see what strokes there are that they can choose from.

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