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£1,250,000 ? You must have a mansion :) .

It's three cottages knocked into one, and the rebuilding cost includes demolition and removal of rubble if it comes to that.


The walls are a couple of feet thick and covered in napped flints. No thatch fortunately, that stuff really ramps insurance up.

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I moved to Cornwall as it's not really cold in winter, I know just how cold the east coast can be, i was born in Rutland but raised on the rock. Like you I wanted to be by the coast.


What really makes this the place to be for me compared to the IOM is that the beaches still have small cafes / eateries open all year round (maybe just 3 days a week in winter), I can go into a pub with the dog and people really care about the place in general and especially tourism.


The workmanship is excellent, there's a reason for the Cornish phrase 'Proper Job'.


It's booked out for Easter, then will be rocking from mid-may to the end of September.


Still miss the Manx mountain & hills though. Don't miss the second and third-rate politicians.

Well, this is what you missed today.

It also explains your wealth at such an early age, you must have found that "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow.

For those that can't make out the area, the mobile photo was taken today up above the Gooseneck.post-18002-0-34979400-1428963409_thumb.jpg


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We've got a 5 year plan to have gone by the time the eldest finishes school. The island is on a gradual decline which they might be able to fudge by creative accounting for about another 5 years I reckon, after that it will be a steep decline.

Selling our house will be the biggest hassle I think, but we're working hard towards paying it off so we can be flexible on price if need be.


There are lots of lovely places to live in the UK, most south of Birmingham and we quite like the south coast where I lived for a short time. I wouldn't go back to the north west from here, not enough of an upgrade.

Fair play to Spook for leaving, he had his reasons, although the constant sniping at the state of things back here does get tiresome. Most people know it but can't do anything about it so it doesn't help for someone else to sound smug that they got out.


Anyway, that's my tuppence on the subject.

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