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If I was going to leave the Isle of Man and was financially independent, I'd go to Cornwall.


Really. I'm not aware of the relative merits of Cornwall compared to those of the Isle of Man. Could anyone enlighten me?



I think it has relative merits compared to other parts of the UK - less people, more countryside. I'd still prefer the Isle of Man.

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I think it has relative merits compared to other parts of the UK - less people, more countryside. I'd still prefer the Isle of Man.


The reasons I came here:

  • Warmer in winter, markedly so
  • Good NHS (no travelling to Liverpool etc.) although I've never had to visit a doctor in my life apart from routine stuff
  • Fibre broadband
  • Better house prices but every spring the estate agents try to ramp up prices down here by 10%, I was very, very lucky to get my place


Seriously, if you like the IOM you'll love Cornwall & Devon. Yesterday was just stunning.


ETA: Just for Isaac - there's a vibrant tourist industry.

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Really. I'm not aware of the relative merits of Cornwall compared to those of the Isle of Man. Could anyone enlighten me?



I don't think that you'll find anyone on here from Cornwall. Oh, ullonaminit...



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"We're full" - I take it you're a native Cornish person then, GD4ELI?

If a person decides to immigrate somewhere then doing ones best to integrate into the place and society has to be the right way to go.


That doesn't mean totally turning one's back on where one was born, especially if there is a great deal about what one likes and even cares about it.


But if you're going to make The Move then do it fully. For me Norfolk is where I now live and belong.


When I started this thread it wasn't to gloat, or to 'rub anyone's nose in what's happening on the Island' as has been suggested, instead it was to give a warts and all impression and experience of making The Move.



The South West of England is wonderful, no question, though the tourist traffic and business there is thing that puts me off, but there's a pasty shop on Market Jew St. in Penzance that IMO is probably worth a few hours drive! And there's an absolutely belting hotel just outside of Hayle -----


But that's just me.


AS for the relative merits of Cornwall compared to those of the Isle of Man, here to start? The ONLY thing that can be said that Cornwall fails is that for a person Manx born and bred Cornwall isn't the Isle of Man.


Otherwise IMO Cornwall beats the Island hands down in every other respect.

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Have to say that there's parts of the A5 through Snowdonia that take some beating, same with parts of Scotland (which are spoiled only by the natives).


Round here some parts are so flat that at times it can seem as if there's a boat sailing across a field!

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I have been down the land of the pasties and its virtually identical in places to the island but Cornwall still has its charm, think peel over here and that is similar to the costal villages.

Great people very friendly and loads to do, good cider too lol.


If I had the choice I think Cornwall, Devon or Dorset are top of my list, but house prices are expensive due to the bankers buying up holiday homes.

North Wales is lovely too if countryside is your thing then there still is some cracking places in the UK that have not been over run by rag heads or poles lol

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I lived on Anglesey - North Wales is very nice but it's wet! True about house prices here, also there's a lot of very serious money down here, talk as though they own the place (which they often do).

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Yeah I must admit summers seem to last a lot longer down your way, not as cold or damp when ever I was down there.


What is the traffic like in the summers, I bet its busy in July & August ?

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Sprint is typically 3 weeks ahead of the IOM and Autumn lasts 3 weeks longer, makes a big difference. Traffic in Summer - you learn when not to venture out. Outside the peak times the county belongs to the locals and those who are down here, never had a serious problem but don't spend all day in the car. Will be going to Tavistock on May 4th (bank holiday), will be 'interesting'.

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The ONLY thing that can be said that Cornwall fails is that for a person Manx born and bred Cornwall isn't the Isle of Man.


Otherwise IMO Cornwall beats the Island hands down in every other respect.


What about internet forums?

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I drove once from Bournemouth to Newquay in the summer, pleasant drive but took me about 6 hours. Not blessed in that part of the world with efficient road system for the amount of traffic on them when the sun is out.

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