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Interesting thread, Spook. Just out of interest, having moved from the Isle of Man to England how do you identify yourself in your new abode?


Manx? English? British?


I heard a comment the other day that, for the British, Britain doesn't feel like home these days. Not so much because of all the new residents but due to the way the whole country has changed politically.


How do you feel about this aspect?




There are some VERY good points!


How do I identify myself?


As an ex pat Manxman but someone who has determined to fully integrate into the local community, into Norfolk, and indeed into England.


I say England rather than Britain because England seems to me and many others to have become a somewhat non-contiguous enclave within the British Isles.




Britain is broken.


Broken because of the foul combination of Bliar and Nose Picker Brown and their stupidity that was behind the destruction, and typical Socialist hatred of England and everything that was good about it.



Ii is my understanding that, as a general rule, people these days identify more with being English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh or Manx than with being British:




Comparing all the latest social attitudes surveys gives us this contrast: if voters are forced to choose, 52% ofEnglish voters choose British first compared to 19% of Scots, and 30% of Welsh



The exception being the 'new residents' who regard themselves as British. So here we have, say, Mo Farrah regarding himself as British but Andy Murray regarding himself as Scottish.




For my myself, I am English and live in the Isle of Man. Whilst I identify with the Island I am not Manx and cannot call myself Manx. I am a British Citizen living in the Isle of Man. Simple.


Except that it's not that simple because the 'foul combination of Bliar and Nose Picker Brown and their stupidity that was behind the destruction' has soured the feeling of being British. I support the Monarchy, the Armed Forces and the Church of England. But I hate the current political set up. We're ruled by faceless bureaucrats, ultimately from Brussels, who seem intent on tying us all up in digital red tape. That's changing things. Britain does not feel like the country I grew up in and loved.


I blame Bliar and the EU.

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Interesting thread, Spook. Just out of interest, having moved from the Isle of Man to England how do you identify yourself in your new abode?


Manx? English? British?


I heard a comment the other day that, for the British, Britain doesn't feel like home these days. Not so much because of all the new residents but due to the way the whole country has changed politically.


How do you feel about this aspect?



There are some VERY good points!


How do I identify myself?


As an ex pat Manxman but someone who has determined to fully integrate into the local community, into Norfolk, and indeed into England.


I say England rather than Britain because England seems to me and many others to have become a somewhat non-contiguous enclave within the British Isles.




Britain is broken.


Broken because of the foul combination of Bliar and Nose Picker Brown and their stupidity that was behind the destruction, and typical Socialist hatred of England and everything that was good about it.

Ha ha. I am from Scotland, but since they voted no, I call myself British. Democracy in action. Its about respecting the wish of the majority. No point argueing with the ballot box after the event. Argue before, then respect the decision.

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Serious question --- is it worth me attempting a 'blog' based on how I find living permanently in Norfolk, and if so how do I go about doing so?

Perhaps you need help to boost your self confidence, perhaps you could identify your "blog" as "the return of Augustus Carp" if you feel it's for universal consumption , however if the purpose is to slag off the IOM " The return of lord Haw Haw" may be more appropriate.


I for one would certainly waste no time in reading your "blog" but I'm surprised that you don't know how to set it upwhistling.gif

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If you want an idea of which part of Britian you are most likely to feel at home in then this study may help:



New genetic map of Britain shows successive waves of immigration going back 10,000 years



Geneticists and historians collaborated closely on the 10-years project and have been astonished to find that patterns in the DNA of Britons living today reflect historical events going back centuries, and in some cases millennia.

. . . “This has allowed us to see what has happened. The established genetic makeup of the British Isles today is reflecting events that took place 1400 years ago,” Professor Robinson said.


They didn't sample the Isle of Man by the way.


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I had launched this thread simply to comment on some of the pro's and con's of living off the Island based on my own experiences as well as some odds and sods about daily life here in North Norfolk.


There's been a couple of snide and nasty bits added by a couple of people, well that came as no surprise because it's the sort of thing that can happen and I've no intention to name and shame apart from which there's no need.


Additionally my having one leg in a cast because I forgot there's two steps betwixt kitchen and dining room in our old place it gave me something to do.


But a combination of snide remarks on this thread plus what can only be described as rotten foul invective during discussion involving Thatcher is it as far as I'm concerned.


So enjoy!


I'm off, now in more ways than one. All I will conclude with is to say that I sincerely hope that the future for the people in my homeland is not as bad as I believe it is going to be, though the news today that some folk there are having to wait a year for cancer diagnosis does not bode well.

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I'm off, now in more ways than one. All I will conclude with is to say that I sincerely hope that the future for the people in my homeland is not as bad as I believe it is going to be, though the news today that some folk there are having to wait a year for cancer diagnosis does not bode well.

Plenty of instnces of tardy cancer diagnosis over there Spook, so I wouldn't read too much into it.


You're not doing a flounce are you? I hate that. We know the nature of the Forum from long experience, so when people tell you to go away and die it should be water off a duck's back by now. We need more people posting here to broaden the range of views, not less. I find your posts interesting even though I often strongly disagree with them. I hope that you reconsider.

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It annoys me when people whinge about the cost of getting on and off the rock. It has never been so cheap to get away for a weekend to London, Liverpool or Manchester.

A day return flight to London you can now do for £50 there and back, similarly Mcr or L'pl although maybe not in a day. I recently did a trip to Glasgow via Mcr and it cost me more to get to Glasgow and back by train than it did to get on and off here.

There are many gripes about living on here but cost of getting on and off these days isn't one of them.

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If you want to get off once a month or so to have a shop/drink/eat in a major city it's cheap, quick and not that inconvenient. Granted if you want to shop in large shopping centres every week the island isn't for you, but if you're sad enough to want to live that shallow consumerist lifestyle then we're better off without such people.

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If you want to get off once a month or so to have a shop/drink/eat in a major city it's cheap, quick and not that inconvenient. Granted if you want to shop in large shopping centres every week the island isn't for you, but if you're sad enough to want to live that shallow consumerist lifestyle then we're better off without such people.

Nice post Lxxx , can you have a word with the present Mrs pastbiggrin.png ,just hope that you are not going to have a pop at "sad old boys on vintage motorcycles........lol ..........there are worse vices (IMO).

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