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Utopia. Should we look for it?


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World utopia is a myth. I don't believe it can ever exist. Not just humans but all forms of life are constantly engaged in battles concerning territory, food supply, mates and control. Bit like an aggravated form of natural selection.


What would you want from your own personal utopia? I have a pretty nice time doing what I'm doing. A simple soul with modest pleasures.

On a global scale, I would start with stopping bombings...



I would continue with the brainwashing of children to believe in invisible sky fairies.

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On a global scale, I would start with stopping bombings...



Only after those who would and do continue to bomb us are utterly destroyed.


What many people do not grasp is that there is one particular ideology, islam, where to compromise is to surrender and indeed a blasphemy.

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No its worse than that spook as they believe their god is on their side and they are fighting for it and its perceived ridiculous rewards. Of course, in their heads theirs is conveniently the only god and to question that proposition is blasphemy. Of course if you are affected enough punishment for that is a cruel death so job done and problem now gone. Next......


Can you understand how some have a real problem with all relgion?


In my utopia, all religion would receive absolutely no special considerations or respect. It would never get any further than a personal interest/hobby where you can discuss unprovable bollox with others similarly affected on a forum somewhere to your heart's content.

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No its worse than that spook as they believe their god is on their side and they are fighting for it and its perceived ridiculous rewards. Of course, in their heads theirs is conveniently the only god and to question that proposition is blasphemy. Of course if you are affected enough punishment for that is a cruel death so job done and problem now gone. Next......


Can you understand how some have a real problem with all relgion?


In my utopia, all religion would receive absolutely no special considerations or respect. It would never get any further than a personal interest/hobby where you can discuss unprovable bollox with others similarly affected on a forum somewhere to your heart's content.



Actually I agree with you. IMO religion should be two things. Firstly a matter of choice, and secondly a thing that does not impose the beliefs it engenders on people who want no truck with it.


What grieves me is that Muslims have been sold the belief that the Allah thing (that was invented by Mohammad) is the same God of Christians and Jews while that claim is indisputably false.

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On a global scale, I would start with stopping bombings...


Only after those who would and do continue to bomb us are utterly destroyed.


What many people do not grasp is that there is one particular ideology, islam, where to compromise is to surrender and indeed a blasphemy.

An eye for an eye yeah?


What did Ghandi say about that.


And yeah, I know Ghandi had opinions on South Africans that were racist.


But... hey ho... its a good thing the same thought was not applied to the troubles. This is the thing. Its young spunk filled people who do the attacks. Let them grow old and they can become statesmen. Kill them when they are young and they will be replaced.


When Ian Paisley passed on last year, the eulogy from Martin McGuiness was outstanding. Those men fought their war, and they grew older and wiser. The peace process in Ireland was outstanding. No reason the same thought process could not work in other places.

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I knew Dr. Paisley well on a personal basis. For all his public presented persona in real life and when not 'on the stump' he was a generous, kind, and caring man.


I know of McGuiness and his sidekick Adams well. McGuiness and Adams should be rotting in a prison cell, and if it were not for the actions of Bliar they would be.

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On a global scale, I would start with stopping bombings...


Only after those who would and do continue to bomb us are utterly destroyed.


What many people do not grasp is that there is one particular ideology, islam, where to compromise is to surrender and indeed a blasphemy.

An eye for an eye yeah?


What did Ghandi say about that.


And yeah, I know Ghandi had opinions on South Africans that were racist.


But... hey ho... its a good thing the same thought was not applied to the troubles. This is the thing. Its young spunk filled people who do the attacks. Let them grow old and they can become statesmen. Kill them when they are young and they will be replaced.


When Ian Paisley passed on last year, the eulogy from Martin McGuiness was outstanding. Those men fought their war, and they grew older and wiser. The peace process in Ireland was outstanding. No reason the same thought process could not work in other places.



You have a great deal to learn. Maybe after you have eaten much salt ----

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On a global scale, I would start with stopping bombings...


Only after those who would and do continue to bomb us are utterly destroyed.


What many people do not grasp is that there is one particular ideology, islam, where to compromise is to surrender and indeed a blasphemy.

An eye for an eye yeah?


What did Ghandi say about that.


And yeah, I know Ghandi had opinions on South Africans that were racist.


But... hey ho... its a good thing the same thought was not applied to the troubles. This is the thing. Its young spunk filled people who do the attacks. Let them grow old and they can become statesmen. Kill them when they are young and they will be replaced.


When Ian Paisley passed on last year, the eulogy from Martin McGuiness was outstanding. Those men fought their war, and they grew older and wiser. The peace process in Ireland was outstanding. No reason the same thought process could not work in other places.



You have a great deal to learn. Maybe after you have eaten much salt ----



Ha ha spook.


I do enjoy these banters. But I fear we are taking over the "International News" section on MF.


I openly admit I have a great deal to learn. But who is the person to teach me?


Your not a very good teacher Spook. I want fact based lessons. Not a" your a stupid boy" slap on the hand.


So, my master teacher. Do you think elder people make better statesmen?


That was the point of my post. I think they do. The fighters don't solve the problem. It's the old fighters who are fed up with fighting that sit down and talk. Do you agree?




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Unless they are still radicals. Can you imagine say er, A. Choudry, sitting down and talking calmly reasoning differences?


Choudry is a cunt. Paisley was a cunt. Adams and Mcguiness were cunts.


Put them in a room together, and I am sure the first thing they would agree upon is that being a cunt is a stupid thing to be. You wont win.

If Choudry wants to be a king, then those guys would teach him how to be a king of peace.


Personally, my thoughts on Choudry..... give him a contract on Muslim matters on fox news. Give him an American visa, offer him a pile of money to be a pundit.


The Choudry guys don't have faith. They have stupid vane ambition. Just bribe them.

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No its worse than that spook as they believe their god is on their side and they are fighting for it and its perceived ridiculous rewards. Of course, in their heads theirs is conveniently the only god and to question that proposition is blasphemy. Of course if you are affected enough punishment for that is a cruel death so job done and problem now gone. Next......


Can you understand how some have a real problem with all relgion?


In my utopia, all religion would receive absolutely no special considerations or respect. It would never get any further than a personal interest/hobby where you can discuss unprovable bollox with others similarly affected on a forum somewhere to your heart's content.



Actually I agree with you. IMO religion should be two things. Firstly a matter of choice, and secondly a thing that does not impose the beliefs it engenders on people who want no truck with it.


What grieves me is that Muslims have been sold the belief that the Allah thing (that was invented by Mohammad) is the same God of Christians and Jews while that claim is indisputably false.



Here is the core problem.


And... I agree.


My Muslim friends agree there is one God, as do my Christian friends, as do my Hindu friends, Bhuddist friend and my Wicca friends.


And guess what... we all agree that it is the same God.


My Athiest friends say there is no God of course, but that does not prevent us from being friends. Because we all have mutual respect.


So some guy says their God is different... Go kill the people who think different.


The problem is not the religion, the problem is the people who want the power that religion gives them.


A big thumbs up for the Pope by the way.He is a smart dude.



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