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Bibi who?


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You're off your head if you think talking is going to get anywhere. Both sides having a last man standing shoot 'em up is the only way to sort out the bad blood between them. My money is on Israel kicking arse which is the best outcome. Not that I like Jews much but they're better than ragheads. At least Jews take showers.

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"At least Jews take showers".........? I do hope that cheap shot was not reference to what happened in the concentration camps.

So you think the statement is ok if it is not a reference to that?


No I don't it's not the sort of cheap shot I'd make or endorse , what would make it more despicable if it was a reference to what happened in the concentration camps.


Am I to assume that you do ?

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I was talking about showers as in bathing and being hygienic. Everyone (even limp wristed politically correct do gooders who won't admit it) knows Muslims don't wash as often as everyone else. The prophet Mohammed said they could wipe their asses with sand before prayer time and Allah would accept that as a wash. With hygeine rules like that you can understand why they smell so much.

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The Arab nations kicked most of the Jews out of their lands in 1948. In hindsight, it might have been prudent for the Jews to have returned the favour and kicked all the Arabs out of Jewish lands.


I do wonder how many people today realise that the partition of what became the British Mandate area of Palestine was achieved by the British 'recognising' Trans Jordan and it becoming modern day Jordan, and that Jordan became the Arab designated part of the Mandated region and the remainder supposed to be the territory that was to become the Jewish homeland.


This was set out by the League of Nations as part of the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.


It was the refusal by a number of arab states to accept the ruling by the LON that resulted in the conflict and it was the desire for peace that saw the Israeli government in 1948 agree to allow what was legally their land be used by violent arab tribes who had been barred by Jordan from entering the Arab state live on what was in law part of the Israeli state territory.


Not content with that and stirred up by filth led mostly by Arafat and the Muslim Brotherhood who were intent on reforming a new Ottoman Empire the violent tribes were eventually collectively named as 'Palestinians' in spite of there never having previously bee a Palestinian single people and violent battle then ramped up.


IMO if the world ever was in need of an enema it is somewhere in the region that the tube would be shoved, and my suggestion would be Gaza city.


There is a very strong argument that the whole, or at least the major part of the blame for the bloody mess lies at the door of the British government because of their duplicity and mendacity in the period from 1914 to 1953.


One outstanding example involves the presentation of the Balfour Declaration and the almost simultaneous activities and promises being made by T.E. Lawrence ('of Arabia' fame)



The Jewish homeland could quite easily have been Uganda (or what is today known as part of Kenya) if the British proposed state for them had been accepted, which it was by many, many Jews. However the idea was stopped by the lunatic fringe of the Zionist movement who insisted they needed to kick out the arabs and settle around Jerusalem.

Granted there were some Masai tribes who might have been displaced but nowhere near the amount that resulted in the move to where we see today.

Of course there were other options mooted throughout history, with Madagascar being talked about long before the Nazi's signed off on it.


The point being the Jewish people had a number of options for a state of their own which would have resulted in a lot less upheaval and turmoil than 'Judea', but due to the loonies in the far right we have what we have now; Instability and turmoil that spans a whole region and impacts that are felt worldwide.

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Lxxx, my goodness.


You say that many, many Jews accepted a homeland in Uganda. Really. Got any data to justify that? Are you really claiming it would have been a majority choice over Israel? Come on, mate, methinks your sources may be a little ... how should I put it ... unreliable.


At the start of the 19th Century thousands of Jews chose to move back to the land ruled by the British Mandate. This movement was far more than a lunatic fringe of the Zionist movement - the desire of Jews to live in Jerusalem goes back to Lamentations and beyond. It is a cultural sine qua non of Judaism. It isn't some loony idea of the far right.


The Jews are pretty unique in maintaining an aspiration to return to their historical home even thousands of years after being expelled from it, and after thousands of years being persecuted for maintaining that cultural identity.


The UN recognized their right to return to their homeland, and a Palestinian homeland too.


If all sides abided by that, the world would be a more stable place, I agree, but what relevance it has to the rest of your post, well, I don't really know.

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Try as I might Stu but I just can't imagine what sport she is supposed to be illustrating.... they say if you stare at it long enough the answer will appear. Well, I've tried doing that since first thing this morning and nothing comes to mind. So I guess I'll have to keep looking. Interesting post nevertheless.

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Not relevant, Stu. But very, very nice early on a Tuesday morning. Make love not war. Coz war is ugly, and love is lovely. If only the world was like that. Is that your new girlfriend by the way?


Yes, every night we make mad, passionate love until the early hours, then she makes a pot of fresh coffee and toast, tidies the house and cuddles up to me for the night.


Then every morning I wake up alone, cold, hungry and unloved. You see it was a dream. All just a dream...

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