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Why Delaney?


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My, my, my Delilah Delaney

Why, why, why Delilah Delaney

So before they come to break down the door

Forgive me Delilah Delaney I just couldn't take vote any more





If anyone wants to have a go at the whole thing



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Because we dont vote.


We work, we watch telly, we take our kids to clubs. We live our lives. Most people dont vote. Some people do, and seasoned politicians know exactly who those people are. They even drive them to the polling stations.


Democratic politics work this way, until more of the population turn out to vote (less than half turned out today), you'll get results like this.


There's other stuff too, over 3/4 of the voters who did turn out today didn't want Dominic, yet he won. That's one serious flaw in our system.

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Because we dont vote.


We work, we watch telly, we take our kids to clubs. We live our lives. Most people dont vote.



Isn't it wonderful that you live in a society where . . . . you work, you watch telly, you take your kids to clubs. You live your lives. And where you don't have to or need to vote.


Sounds to me that everything is just fine.

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Because we dont vote.


We work, we watch telly, we take our kids to clubs. We live our lives. Most people dont vote. Some people do, and seasoned politicians know exactly who those people are. They even drive them to the polling stations.


Democratic politics work this way, until more of the population turn out to vote (less than half turned out today), you'll get results like this.


There's other stuff too, over 3/4 of the voters who did turn out today didn't want Dominic, yet he won. That's one serious flaw in our system.


Exactly...I had one condidate around at the doorstep and only because his mum lives across the road from me. They prey on voter apathy and concentrate on those people who are most likely to vote for them. Why bother stirring up interested in a election for those voters who might not vote for you. Its genius really.

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Please may people explain why this man has won?



it seems that your own criteria on judging the candidates is something like "which one would I want to spend a night out on the town with" or something like that. In fact, I reckon that is as good a way of deciding who to vote for than any. Seriously.


But to attempt to answer your question, I believe people want to return Dominic Delaney into Tynwald to finish the work he had started.


There are a number of matters he wishes to attempt to resolve. One is that the Legislative Council (Pam Crowe, Alex Downey, Claire Chrisitian et al) should be elected by the people and not by fellow politicians. The current situation he sees as being perhaps too cosy. And so do many of the electorate judging by last night's result.


You don't have to be a cynic to conclude that he was recently ousted from the Legislative Council himself because of this view. As he said, to vote him into the Legislative Council would be like turkeys voting for Christmas. (Perhaps the emphasis was on turkeys, I don't know!)


Alex Downey was elevated to the Council and so left a vacant seat in Douglas West. Lo and behold the ousted Dominic Delaney gets elected back in as an MHK in Alex Downey's place. Now some could see this as being a cosy arrangement. Nothing could be further from the truth. 'They' wanted rid of DD but he has bounced back. He has work to do.


Good on him.




There's other stuff too, over 3/4 of the voters who did turn out today didn't want Dominic, yet he won. That's one serious flaw in our system.

2/3 is a more accurate figure. Pedantic? Maybe, but I don't think so.


Anyway when you consider the number of candidates, who in any case will have 50-100 votes apiece before they even consider entering, it was a very positive message from the elctorate of Douglas West.



I do not know Dominic Delaney or any of the other candidates or people mentioned personally. I have drawn my post from what I have heard on the radio over the years and reading the Hansards.

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I agree with most of what you say, Dell.


Dominic Delaney will hit the ground running and there is no need to take time from the short period remaining to learn everything from scratch.


I do believe that his approach is frequently more democratic than a lot of others presently in politics.



Why do people happily comment on politics on forums, yet never make their voices known at the ballot box?


I'm genuinely confused.

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Errr well actually Mr Bee and I did vote (see nerrr). I did not vote for a person I would like to go out for a beer with either, I voted for a person I don't even like, his manifesto was the best - quite simple.


Dell - oh my how nice to meet you, new poster, joined today.....dont know Dom.....blah blah blah.

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I would have voted but didn't really get the chance, i was working till 8 and the polling stations closed then. In the General election on England our polling station was open until 10pm, why does the Isle of Man have shorter times, especially as there is a "lot of concern" about voter apathy (just a quick scan of the manifesto's that came through the letterbox shows that)

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