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Flat Earth?


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What force is supposed to move the sun further out while maintaining its constant angular velocity Gerry? Or are you going the whole hog and saying Newton's laws of motion are fake too (Newton being the original free mason who started up all these lies we all believe)

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If the earth were flat and that model was true would we not be able to see the sun even during the night?


Or does this model require the sun to be more like a spotlight with the light pointing in only on direction?


I'm going to guess that the answer to that is going to be something along the lies of, "the moon has a dampening effect on the light", or indeed "the moon emits darkness"


Undoubtedly high comedy by the faux-flat earthers whatever the jury-rigged-make-do "answer" will be.


No its the perspective argument I have been having with chinahand, the same applies to the sun and the moon, they appear to rise and set as they either come towards us or move away..They never go down, they just move away, its a big plane and effectively the sun and moon are circumnavigating the earth east/ west.



This also shows how east/west circumnavigation is possible and has been done by many whom think they went around the globe. nobody has evidence of a north/south circumnavigation, only lies from insiders to the whole fraud...


Also the ice wall around the edge is why "things don't fall off".


This is why they have the Antarctic treaty and nobody is allowed to go there without official permission and under close guard, kept to only certain "tourist" parts of the Antarctic...


Antarctic is off bounds for a reason and it is not to protect the wildlife. They don't want the cattle getting off the farm....or knowing they are on a farm

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Think of all the assumptions that have to be made ...The 23.4° tilt off its axis, the 93,000,000 miles the sun has to be from the Earth...The rotation of the Earth,

Point of order. These are observable measurements, not assumptions.


For good measure, wobble in the tilt is predictable and explainable by newtons and keplers laws. Leading on from this, I find it helps if you think of it as just a bit of fun, trying to come up with a consistent theory that allows for a flat earth without any arm-waving "turtles all the way down" stuff. The problem is you can't get very far at all before the theory breaks down against measurable, repeatable observations.


Contrast this with current theories of gravitation, geography, cosmology and probably a couple of other ologys (thanks Beattie!) which give a satisfyingly complete picture that explains pretty much everything at a macro level and can be used to predict future outcomes with high accuracy.





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Gerry, you say your model is showing the Equinox.


Could you explain what the word Equinox actually means? Could you then look at your model and actually use your brain.


Is your model really showing the Equinox?

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At this moment, in late august the sun is heading back to the equator....moving away from us...the spring will soon be upon the southern hemisphere.


Seasons are easily predicted with this model chinahand.



use your child-like mind for once in your life. Look at it and tell us what season is being shown- is it the equinox? Northern or Southern Hemisphere summer or what? Come on Gerry. Think and answer these questions?




I consider that as a compliment, the child's mind is pure until it goes along to the Government indoctrination centers, to become a programmed drone ready to become another cog in the machine and believing all the falsehoods it is taught...

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Think of all the assumptions that have to be made for the ball earth for the seasons...The 23.4° tilt off its axis, the 93,000,000 miles the sun has to be from the Earth,,,The rotation of the Earth, Did you know the earth is supposed to be in an elliptical orbit around the sun and in its summer time's according to the heliocentric model it is actually furthest from the sun.


Are you saying that it's more believable that all orbits lie in exactly the same plane, that all axes are exactly perpendicular to that plane, and that all orbits are perfectly circular? Or are you saying, as Wrighty mentioned above, that Newton's laws of motion don't apply, and that gravity is a myth?


A competent schoolchild can take the inverse square principle and derive elliptical orbits from it, and progress from there to Kepler's orbital dynamics. But you already know that, don't you?

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Gerry, you say your model is showing the Equinox.


Could you explain what the word Equinox actually means? Could you then look at your model and actually use your brain.


Is your model really showing the Equinox?

The short video that Paul posted is a far better animation, it shows the sun catching the moon and passing it, the model I posted is crude, not to be taken literally as MoJo has taken it.

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Gerry, you say your model is showing the Equinox.


Could you explain what the word Equinox actually means? Could you then look at your model and actually use your brain.


Is your model really showing the Equinox?

The short video that Paul posted is a far better animation, it shows the sun catching the moon and passing it, the model I posted is crude, not to be taken literally as MoJo has taken it.



Ah, so the reason you can't (or won't) answer my question is that evidence model you posted was not accurate. Ok, can you please stick to posting accurate evidence.


As for that video, one of the supposed reasons for a flat earth is that Nasa is nearly an anagram of satan! Really, is that the best that some people can do? The earth was claimed to be spherical long before Nasa. I do like how the guy in that video sounds a bit like Professor Brian Cox.

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What has the moon got to do with the Equinox?


You've not answered a single one of my questions.


Does the single day in the gif you posted, or in PGR's video when it purports to be the equinox actually produce Eqinox throughout the world?


Yes or no?

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Fascinating how they get this...When nobody has been able to drill greater than 8 miles..no matter where in the world they try, 8 miles seems to be the limit?





How deep is the flat earth?


Spherical earth or flat earth, the actual real world logistics and problems of drilling a depth of 8 miles or more are immense.

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What has the moon got to do with the Equinox?


You've not answered a single one of my questions.


Does the single day in the gif you posted, or in PGR's video when it purports to be the equinox actually produce Eqinox throughout the world?


Yes or no?

The GIF I posted was in answer to woolleys question "Gerry: How does the flat earth brigade explain night and day? Sorry if I've missed it."


It was just to show a mental image of how it works, not an accurate depiction of seasons, just to show that the sun moving around the plane in such a way would produce both night and day.


​Equal Days and nights occur at different times depending where your are..

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