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Flat Earth?


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I then asked the question on here as to how NASA manages to fire a laser to the moon and back onto a 2 foot mirror 250,000 miles away and passing through many miles of atmosphere in both directions...I just heard crickets!!!!


Gerry believe it or not providing your whims on a plate to you, served up in a way that you can receive them without your biases instantly rejecting them is time consuming and pretty difficult.


You have a mind set which thinks 100s of thousands, if not millions of people are conducting fake experiments and either faking the results or being fed fake results by the illuminati.


Even you in your garage hey - tried setting up a Foucault's pendulum yet, or looking at the Coriolis effect in still water, or buying a sextant and measuring horizon dip or the changing position of the stars with latitude?


Doing science is hard, takes effort, conscientiousness and learning.


You sneer and think because someone with a laser bought off ebay finds it all scattered after aiming it across a lake it's therefore impossible to get a signal off the moon and denigrate the scientists who have achieved such results.


Well believe it or not the lasers fired at the moon are slightly more sophisticated, but yes they are spread out to about 10 km across once they get to the moon - being able to detect that signal - how spread over 100km once it gets back to earth is incredibly difficult.


It is a huge achievement and has been ongoing over decades as grad-student after grad-student works on it to steadily improve the results.


You heard crickets? FFS you lazy spoon fed person who expects everything to be served up to you without you having your preconceptions changed.


Go read here for starters. Or here. Or here. Or here. Or here. Don't tell us its all lies.

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You heard crickets? FFS you lazy spoon fed person who expects everything to be served up to you without you having your preconceptions changed.



"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed." - Jonathan Swift

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i can see how this subject makes certain people emotional. not to the point of obscurity i hope though, it really is a fascinating subject. rob skiba gave up even talking about it because of his detractors. then he saw the light and made a comeback due to his supporters!

i certainly know more now about it than i ever did and have a far better picture in my mind, of all the models. even made some new friends. really nice x

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After reviewing mountains of information for the for's and against's, I think the flat earth theory doesn't work, but I do like to hear facts, theories and eventual conclusions.


Now a concave earth .......................... or even a convex one throws up some different scenarios. ooerr!



I haven't looked at these at all to be fair, so don't bother replying to my comment above with two words suggesting nothing really, but if anyone is interested in developing any theories, then I'll catch up with them tomorrow and may even look up the yay or nay possibilities and would hope that CH jumps in with some straight talking check this link out etc. (That's if you don't mind CH?)

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Gerry, go and walk up Peel Hill, you've spent too much time getting paranoid on the internet.


The walk will do you good, and the view will change your perception of the earth. For once in your life, trust the evidence in front of your eyes rather than that fed to you by the deluded on the internet.

One of the first observations I made with my eyes long before the FE revelations was that the Sun and the Moon look the same size in the sky to my eyes, however they are not, the sun is in fact 400 times larger than the moon and as it happens is 400 times farther away from us, so only its appearance is the same size, this is another fantastical coincidence that for many years bugged me.


Did you ever see the "Father Ted" episode where they explained the big sheep was closer and the tiny sheep was far away?thumbsup.gif

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After reviewing mountains of information for the for's and against's, I think the flat earth theory doesn't work, but I do like to hear facts, theories and eventual conclusions.


Now a concave earth .......................... or even a convex one throws up some different scenarios. ooerr!



I haven't looked at these at all to be fair, so don't bother replying to my comment above with two words suggesting nothing really, but if anyone is interested in developing any theories, then I'll catch up with them tomorrow and may even look up the yay or nay possibilities and would hope that CH jumps in with some straight talking check this link out etc. (That's if you don't mind CH?)


God help us. Are you being serious?

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After reviewing mountains of information for the for's and against's, I think the flat earth theory doesn't work, but I do like to hear facts, theories and eventual conclusions.


Now a concave earth .......................... or even a convex one throws up some different scenarios. ooerr!



I haven't looked at these at all to be fair, so don't bother replying to my comment above with two words suggesting nothing really, but if anyone is interested in developing any theories, then I'll catch up with them tomorrow and may even look up the yay or nay possibilities and would hope that CH jumps in with some straight talking check this link out etc. (That's if you don't mind CH?)


God help us. Are you being serious?


God help us?


Don't be silly, there isn't a god!

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@HeliX Although, out of the mouths of babes...

Some interesting "planetary" topologies in increasing order of Kardashev rating,

Type I O'Neill cylinders (not sure about the black boots/white jumpsuit combo)

Type I-II intermediate Ringworlds, courtesy Larry Niven

Ringworlds being a special case, possibly less resource intensive, then full Type II Dyson Spheres. (couldn't find a decent depiction of the inside of one of these)

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Many times throughout this thread the mention of the inverse square law and gravity is used, but can someone show of an experiment that has taken place which shows this to be true, one where we don't have to make any assumptions?



Look up the Cavendish experiment: Read the original attempt here.




There are lots of amateur demonstrations, as ever Gerry, try it yourself.


Edited to add: I like this one, it's a bit more quantitative - the amount of twist is where you can investigate r2.

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