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Flat Earth?


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A huge amount of money is resting on Inmarsat's latest GlobalXpress Satellite getting safely into a geostationary orbit over the Pacific.




It makes no sense for really hard headed businesses tracked by share analysts who also track everything from Ford to Del Monte to report this as being anything other than what it is: a risky exercise costing millions of dollars to put a satellite 36,000 kilometres up into space where its orbital speed will exactly match the rotation of the earth, hence causing it to be Geostationary.

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Was it launched..yes we can see so here, probable destination south China Sea.


Watch it take off, follow it up, then it conveniently switch's to computer graphics.


Is there a reason why no one films these things with telephoto lens popping out into space, or at least until out of sight, the thing is arcing over towards the sea about 30 seconds from take off, I will wager that is why they don't like to film if for too long.


All to get internet over an ocean or on a isolated desert island whatever.gif


They claim to use the earths spin and angle for their benefit in getting out there, However I have suspected for some time now that these launches are just going into the sea, its just an exercise to keep the illusion of space travel alive, I notice that the filming of these events is now very brief as with this one, they know that people are catching onto them and to leave the camera on the trajectory of the rocket is just giving too much opportunity for them to be exposed.


No astronauts or cargo are on any of these rockets at all, this is why the "Challenger disaster" of the 80s killed no one, so they are all alive today as was covered earlier in this thread.

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Gerry, do you understand that Inmarsat's main business model is shipping?




So the rocket just crashes, and what about the satellite which cost around £250 million, is that fake too? Where does the money actually go?



All going on in a PLC with audited accounts, tracked by analysts, paying dividends to its shareholders. Why would it do this, at huge expense, for what purpose?


Why would its shareholders allow it to get away with this waste? It's a PLC anyone can buy shares in it.


This is the trouble with Gerry - he thinks THEY control everything and everyone.

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