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Flat Earth?


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china desperately believes in his ball and he's found out that many others do not. mystery solved x

I don't believe that the world is a ball. I understand that the evidence for it makes it unreasonable to deny it.


That evidence is totally overwhelming and, yes, I am amazed and curious what makes people ignore this.


The videos give pretty good hints, they are full of paranoid fears about conspiracies and the truth being hidden.


But how that stops people thinking about really basic things like how the sun rises, sets and moves through the sky is to me absolutely intriguing.


Over my life I've enjoyed learning about how the sun and the stars moves through the sky around the world. Doing so hasn't been due to this thread but a love of astronomy/navigation and a desire/need to learn about solar power and things like angles of incidence around the world.


I'm reasonably good at mathematics and have been able to replicate simulators similar to these myself via excel etc.


If you want to model solar power requirements, angles of incidence, solar energy generation at any part of the world you can do it with involved, but basic maths.


I've done it, and the results are consistent with reality. I can work out the power requirements of a solar cooker in Africa and when it is tested the results match those predictions.


Looking at the models put up in the Youtube videos and by Gerry etc we are back to a Cargo Cult version of science very similar to the way the Babylon is Fallen Thread aped the law.


These models just don't work. They may look superficially similar, but when tested they fail. Totally.


I like the power science gives and the fact it allows us to better understand the world. To be able to do some simple maths, estimate how quickly a reflector will heat a pot on a certain day at a certain latitude and then actually do it and see those results verified is a wonderful experience.


To see people reject that and cling to beliefs clearly disproven by evidence is something I don't understand, and I do see it as an enjoyable challenge to see if I can get Gerry to admit things which undermine his theories about a flat earth.


PGW I don't understand at all. He just seems to think if people disagree about an issue then that is enough to doubt it. Reality doesn't work like that, no matter how much dross you link to from youtube. He makes no substantive contributions of his own and adds basically no value with his endless links and deepities, but each to there own, but it is pretty pointless trying to engage with him other than as a foil to explain my views to others. He'll just make his deepities, express his dislike of me doing this and carry on posting junk.


Each to their own ... I've posted on average 2 posts a day on MF for over 10 years now. 75% of my posts in the last year have been on this thread. Albert and Quilp can fuck off if they don't like that.

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china desperately believes in his ball and he's found out that many others do not. mystery solved x

I don't believe that the world is a ball. I understand that the evidence for it makes it unreasonable to deny it.


That evidence is totally overwhelming and, yes, I am amazed and curious what makes people ignore this.


The videos give pretty good hints, they are full of paranoid fears about conspiracies and the truth being hidden.


But how that stops people thinking about really basic things like how the sun rises, sets and moves through the sky is to me absolutely intriguing.


Over my life I've enjoyed learning about how the sun and the stars moves through the sky around the world. Doing so hasn't been due to this thread but a love of astronomy/navigation and a desire/need to learn about solar power and things like angles of incidence around the world.


I'm reasonably good at mathematics and have been able to replicate simulators similar to these myself via excel etc.


If you want to model solar power requirements, angles of incidence, solar energy generation at any part of the world you can do it with involved, but basic maths.


I've done it, and the results are consistent with reality. I can work out the power requirements of a solar cooker in Africa and when it is tested the results match those predictions.


Looking at the models put up in the Youtube videos and by Gerry etc we are back to a Cargo Cult version of science very similar to the way the Babylon is Fallen Thread aped the law.


These models just don't work. They may look superficially similar, but when tested they fail. Totally.


I like the power science gives and the fact it allows us to better understand the world. To be able to do some simple maths, estimate how quickly a reflector will heat a pot on a certain day at a certain latitude and then actually do it and see those results verified is a wonderful experience.


To see people reject that and cling to beliefs clearly disproven by evidence is something I don't understand, and I do see it as an enjoyable challenge to see if I can get Gerry to admit things which undermine his theories about a flat earth.


PGW I don't understand at all. He just seems to think if people disagree about an issue then that is enough to doubt it. Reality doesn't work like that, no matter how much dross you link to from youtube. He makes no substantive contributions of his own and adds basically no value with his endless links and deepities, but each to there own, but it is pretty pointless trying to engage with him other than as a foil to explain my views to others. He'll just make his deepities, express his dislike of me doing this and carry on posting junk.


Each to their own ... I've posted on average 2 posts a day on MF for over 10 years now. 75% of my posts in the last year have been on this thread. Albert and Quilp can fuck off if they don't like that.


you tryin to say you're better at posting than me? even after admitting you don't understand me at all x

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Accusations of sockpuppetry against those you disagree with - the 21st century equivalent of "that's your mum, that is".

Ok ok. What is a mystery to me is how an obviously erudite individual like Chinahand would go to such exhaustive lengths, in an attempt to educate and patronise an obviously entrenched mind. The only thing that's been gained, from my point of view, in 122 (and counting, probably) pages is China's ability to intellectualise minutiae.


What is the point?


Ah, well that's that then, since obviously you're the ultimate arbiter of thread value.


It matters not that a lot of people have learned many things from this thread, because you think it's a waste of time and yet for some reason insist on reading it, and posting in it complaining about, rather than just ignoring it like a sane person would.

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I wonder why. I wonder why.
I wonder why I wonder.
I wonder why I wonder why
I wonder why I wonder!

The poet: Richard P. Feynman. The occasion: an undergraduate philosophy term paper at MIT. A great work of poetry? Perhaps not. An example of profound thinking and the ability to render a complex process in a way that is engaging, easy to follow, and evoking of an I could do that, too feeling? Absolutely. And that, in a nutshell, is the great man’s genius.

From The Last Word on Nothing. Any excuse for a bit of ol' Feynman.

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