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Flat Earth?


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I have been pondering on a couple of problems with the Flat Earth model, two of which have been highlighted by Chinahand (the pole star and the sun angles in various locations, they both suggest that the FE model does not work in either of these cases), and one nag that was with me from the beginning, this is merely why has this come to light in 2015 and why are so many picking this up and running with it. So I thought I would take a break from FE and continue my musing on who “THEY” are, but it seems FE just came back again, as I was reading page 283 of “Vatican Assassins” by Eric Jon Phelps (2001 edition) yesterday, I stumble across this below..


Note before reading..The society of Jesus “the Jesuits” are also known as the Order, after a couple of years looking into this it is my firm belief that the “Jesuits” are “They” and the true power behind all world governments, they are responsible for ALL of the troubles of the world, all roads do seem to lead to Rome…The “Craft” is freemasonry, they are merely a creation of the Jesuits and are the foot soldiers of the Jesuits. If you read the Jesuit oath you will understand “the Poison Cup” and also the “leaded Bullet” that JFK and Abraham Lincoln both received from this truly luciferian cult…Anyone interested in finding out what is really going on here, I can save you years of wasted time down various rabbit holes if you just start with the “Society of Jesus”…Banking, Politics, the legal system, the media, intelligence agencies (CIA, MI6, KGB) ….They control it all under their supreme general “ the Black Pope”. This is my answer to those who throughout this thread have asked who “They” are..so not really off topic as I am fairly certain that "they" have brought the Flat Earth issue into light again for 2015 for a specific reason…


It Reads:


[The Society of Jesus, in control of the world’s major universities and thus the sciences, would continue its attack on the inerrancy of the Protestant Reformation’s “final authority of faith and practice.” With the Bible teaching “geocentricity,” that the earth is stationary and therefore cannot be moved(Psalm 93:1), while the sun orbits around the earth travelling on its daily circuit(Psalm 19:6), both the Order and the Craft would use their corrupted form of “astronomy” to promote the opposite. (For Tycho Brahe, a Danish Protestant and the foremost geocentric astronomer of the Sixteenth Century, was given the Order’s “poison cup” in 1564 by his heliocentric assistant and student, Johannes Kepler, whose uncle was a Jesuit!) The Satanic sun worshiping doctrine of "heliocentricity,” that the earth “rotates on its axis while revolving around the sun,” would continue be forced down the throat of the world’s scientific community using one of the Pope’s Court Jews, the Masonic Jewish Zionist Albert Einstein, who openly advocated the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Heliocentricity would ultimately become a religious tenet, disbelief of which would constitute a scientific “heresy” resulting in the expulsion and “excommunication” from the world’s “Holy Mother Scientific Church.”]


Phelps is not a “flat earther”, so I was very surprised to read the above..He does seem to take the King James Bible literally though, I do question that, however "never throw the baby out with the bathwater"


There are many interesting ways of looking at that passage, one of which is that "kepler" murdered and modified a "flat earthers" work and passed it off as his own work perhaps!....How the Roman Catholic Church pretended to resist the Heliocentric scientists, when all along it was by their very design to sell this to us all...Nothing is as it seems when the Jesuits are involved, sadly this is pretty much everything...you wont find this in "Wikipedia" for good reason....

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Flat or a sphere, is the world upside down or the right way up?

Ch and many others say round.

Gerry says flat

PGW came up with something new which I haven't seen before (link here). If you dismiss the probable for the time being and think of this, then this becomes interesting. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but would appreciate CH's input on this as to why this cannot be correct.

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Flat or a sphere, is the world upside down or the right way up?


Ch and many others say round.

Gerry says flat

PGW came up with something new which I haven't seen before (link here). If you dismiss the probable for the time being and think of this, then this becomes interesting. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but would appreciate CH's input on this as to why this cannot be correct.

In that video, he is still saying the earth is flat, however there is a medium between the earth and sun that is retracting the light of the sun.


So he seems to be suggesting that the sun is outside of the dome firmament. This could also explain the angle of the sun in the sky for different locations. It's a good effort indeed and a thought I have considered myself, but I very much doubt that someone religiously following science would ever get to the end of that video.


At the end he mentions "they want to escape " and the real reason of CERN, I agree, CERN and flat earth are definitely connected....

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A serious question for you, Gerry. Do you think NASA are supressing the information coming from the Mars probes? Is there stuff they're not telling us? I've been seeing this theory a lot lately.

I am more certain that we are in an enclosed system than what the the shape of the earth is, making space travel impossible, so all of the data coming back from the Mars probes is manufactured. The suppression of data is the distraction.


They have cleverly made the conspiracy theory people think data is being suppressed and that NASA are covering something up, by releasing pictures of what looks like a face on mars, pyramids and all sorts of questionable shapes, they blur bits out for a reason also, all this is to get the tin foil hatters shouting "NASA are holding back data of lost alien civilizations" , I think they do this with everything to do with space. They blot out a section of Google sky and they all cry that "Planet X is coming and NASA have just covered it up". Its all ridiculous nonsense and all done to hide the biggest secret of them all and that is we cannot go out into space, but if you look like you are hold back data from the public with questionable shapes in images then at least you have succeeded in the "we can go into space" deception...The conspiracy group are being played just like the space enthusiast is being played, they seem to cater to all groups.


Every thing NASA releases is on purpose and has a reason.


ACT 1 : Rocket goes up (empty), arcs into the sea and is recovered..


ACT 2: Time for stunning computer simulation of probe on its journey with nice animation and some CGI image on it way out "if we are lucky".


ACT 3: The set changes to somewhere restricted in the desert (probably a restricted area 51 type of location where they test true hidden technology and keep the alien and UFO hoax going), a model is set up taking selfies and pictures to keep the conspiracy theories going and the credulous space enthusiast is now happy at the sight of humanities great strides onward to the future....start trek here we come..lol


ACT 4: Photoshop the images with a reddish hue and an anomaly or two added to keep the tin foil hatters happy, and then sell it out to the public as genuine science via the controlled media.


Each stage of the ACT will hit the news for a while, to add to the mass mind control and visually convince us all of the literal STORY, whilst the tin foil hatters are scrutinizing the picture for signs of hidden alien activity and ready to call NASA out for covering it all up..."was that a zen command mother ship I just saw there harry parked up behind the moon", or "was that a fossil of a reptilian shape shifter to the top left of the image Joe", "no its an abandoned space station Fred"



In 1969 they apparently managed to a take fairly ordinary camera into space and with all the clumsy gloves and suits they were wearing, they managed to take good quality photos, construct a moon buggy to scramble around in, play some golf and get back to tell the tale...Now in 2015 we cant have an ordinary photo of earth from our much more sophisticated technology, we have to make up some BS about using different exotic, complicated wavelengths and then splicing it all together and making composites from different images, why cant they just take a bloody normal photo like, 1000 miles out,...snap....5000 mile out snap...n+10000 miles out snap.


2 official admitted composites of earth from out in space taken 42 years apart...


Roswell was a hoax to get it all started, get you believing in aliens and they get you to believe in space.. If aliens exist then they don't fly here from across space in flying saucers, this is disinfo.


If anything is coming here it is from far closer, not from lights years away, not from distant solar systems, CERN is not looking to recreate the big bang as they tell us, "THEY" believe the only way out of this prison is inter-dimensional, I tend to agree.

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In 1969 they apparently managed to a take fairly ordinary camera into space and with all the clumsy gloves and suits they were wearing, they managed to take good quality photos, construct a moon buggy to scramble around in, play some golf and get back to tell the tale...Now in 2015 we cant have an ordinary photo of earth from our much more sophisticated technology, we have to make up some BS about using different exotic, complicated wavelengths and then splicing it all together and making composites from different images, why cant they just take a bloody normal photo like, 1000 miles out,...snap....5000 mile out snap...n+10000 miles out snap.


Of course you realise that no manned spacecraft has been out that far since the moon landings don't you? The space station and shuttles do not operate that far away and putting standard cameras onto the long distance probes would just increase the cost (additional weight = more energy required at launch). Even if they did attach a standard camera you would just deny that it was a real photograph so why should anyone bother?


The best solution to all this is to send you into space so you can witness it with your own eyes.

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I am more certain that we are in an enclosed system than what the the shape of the earth is, making space travel impossible, so all of the data coming back from the Mars probes is manufactured. The suppression of data is the distraction.

Care In The Community simply isn't working...

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