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Flat Earth?


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Gerry, could you explain where the sun is in your diagram. Thanks.

Gerry, as well as explaining where the sun is, you also need to remember we can only observe one side of the moon from the Earth.


Please make sure you explain this, I don't think your current diagram is up to it, though I might be misunderstanding it.

Hello Gerry, care to comment on this?


As ever you obsess about really minor issues - like a photograph - while not admitting to the reality of very simple observations which cannot be explained on a flat earth.


Why do you see one face of the moon, but with it orientated at different angles as you change your latitude?


Your diagram cannot explains this - it presumes seeing different faces of the moon.


Are you going to admit this. If not you have to explain how your representation explains clearly observable things. We see one face of the moon, but its orientation changes with latitude.


This is a simple consequence of living on a globe.


It isn't something explainable in the diagram you've put up. Do you agree? Or disagree?


You need to stick to observations of reality, rather than obsessing about NASA. They are irrelevant to our understanding of observations of the face of the moon and how it is orientated.



Yes I realise that we can only see one face of the moon, I think my diagram of yesterday addresses the moon on a flat earth and also accounts for the angular change that you will see as you change your latitude, this works perfectly on the flat plane, I have made another below, perhaps I have conveyed it better this time..


It does not assume seeing different faces of the moon. It would also show the moon slowly rotating as you changed latitude.


EDIT* Error on diagram, the T and B are the wrong way around on the southern observers perspective lines....




So from three places like N.Hemisphere to equator to S Hemisphere it would look like this..




I also do not understand your thinking that this Rectangle mask around the earth in NASAs earth rise image to be "a really Minor Issue", they have now replaced the source image so it does not appear, that's not very suspicious is it. Look at it again on a bigger scale, does it look like the handwork of a forger or the work of astronauts orbiting the moon and surprising us with this wonderful and unexpected picture of our beautiful home seeming to rise over the moons horizon and then worked on a little for public consumption..


This is the very reason why all of the original data, footage, plans and sample rocks have gone missing, never to be seen again, many mistakes were made and its called destroying the evidence.






Can we actually physically measure the curvature of the earth?


I know a good experiment, travel from a pole to the equator in straight line, then turn 90° left and travel 1/4 of the supposed diameter of the globe and turn another 90° left and go upwards back to the pole in a straight line North, if it is a globe then it should take just 2 90° turns to make the journey back to your start position, whereas on a flat surface it would take three 90° turns to get back to your starting point, I wonder if anyone has tried this, its a good practical test, it could be done by air I would imagine..

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Gerry, could you explain where the sun is in your diagram. Thanks.

Gerry, as well as explaining where the sun is, you also need to remember we can only observe one side of the moon from the Earth.


Please make sure you explain this, I don't think your current diagram is up to it, though I might be misunderstanding it.

Hello Gerry, care to comment on this?


As ever you obsess about really minor issues - like a photograph - while not admitting to the reality of very simple observations which cannot be explained on a flat earth.


Why do you see one face of the moon, but with it orientated at different angles as you change your latitude?


Your diagram cannot explains this - it presumes seeing different faces of the moon.


Are you going to admit this. If not you have to explain how your representation explains clearly observable things. We see one face of the moon, but its orientation changes with latitude.


This is a simple consequence of living on a globe.


It isn't something explainable in the diagram you've put up. Do you agree? Or disagree?


You need to stick to observations of reality, rather than obsessing about NASA. They are irrelevant to our understanding of observations of the face of the moon and how it is orientated.



Yes I realise that we can only see one face of the moon, I think my diagram of yesterday addresses the moon on a flat earth and also accounts for the angular change that you will see as you change your latitude, this works perfectly on the flat plane, I have made another below, perhaps I have conveyed it better this time..


It does not assume seeing different faces of the moon. It would also show the moon slowly rotating as you changed latitude.


EDIT* Error on diagram, the T and B are the wrong way around on the southern observers perspective lines....


attachicon.gifmoon perspective over flat earth 2.jpg


So from three places like N.Hemisphere to equator to S Hemisphere it would look like this..


attachicon.gifmoon views.jpg




Gerry, can I ask you. If you moved along a line of longitude, rather than a line of latitude, would the moon also seem to rotate in your model.


Does the moon rotate as you move along a line of latitude in reality?


Also what parallax would you see as you moved about on the surface of the Earth (either longitude, or latitude) in your model.


How much parallax do you see in reality?



Also, am I correct in you assuming that the moon is a flat dish? If so wouldn't the shape of the moon become oval when looked at different places on the earth.


Do you agree that your model would cause the Moon to look oval when you are not directly below it?


Does the moon become an oval in reality?


Also how do you get an eclipse of the moon in this model?


Do you really think this is an effective model?


To be frank it is blindingly obvious for anyone willing to look at it with even rudimentary mathematical skills that it is nothing like reality.



But you aren't going to admit that are you Gerry.

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but gerry don't forget, no one would ever really discuss such a stupid subject would they! x

Most people aren't discussing this subject because they think it is worth discussing. They are attempting to counter ignorant and inaccurate statements by explaining such things as evidence and practical experimentation.


It amazes us that people can keep insisting there is merit in this 'stupid subject' and we try to find ways to get you and Gerry to see that there is no merit in claims the world is flat no matter how much dross you dredge up from YouTube.


Really simple things, like climbing Peel Hill or watching the moon or the sunset will show you things that cannot be explained on a flat earth but rather than learn about science and consistency between theory and evidence you just endlessly regurgitate dross. Wanting to counter that isn't evidence that your YouTube videos have merit.


The fact you seem to think it does sums up your error and mind set. This quite definitely is a stupid subject and will remain it no matter how much you post YouTube videos and people try to give you explanations as to why they are wrong.

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i've already told you china that i don't think the world is flat. wake up, i'm a ball earth skeptic. and as for your opinion, where is the evidence that you have collected from "most people"?. can i get a copy of the survey? i've posted plenty of people giving evidence using practical experiments. did you watch them all? how can you refute what you are not aware of? there is merit in the honest opinion of those who are questioning the ball. end of. you assume i have not watched the moon! or walked up peel hill! your ignorance is only matched by your arrogance and lack of manners.


they are not my youtube videos are they? that's the whole point china. many many real, intelligent people are questioning the ball. as opposed to the theory that nobody would because it's so stupid.


here we go again........"The fact that you seem to think it does"

how can it be a fact if it seems like i think? seems to whom? you? so because it seems to you then it must mean that i think it!!!! get a grip of yeself. what error have i made by posting real people discussing the shape of the earth? my mind set is clear and my comprehension of science is just fine thank you very much. i'm the product of a sound education. i choose to be good in my life. and i don't need you for any explanations china i have my own brain for that. i wish you well in your balliefs so please accept my skepticism x

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You can dream on pretending your videos and debate cast doubt on the shape of the Earth. All they show is ignorance and inability to understand evidence.

no need to dream about it is there i can just keep posting the people who are skeptical of the ball. your the ignorant one with a lack of manners and dogmatic beliefs.


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... no matter how much dross you dredge up from YouTube....


... you just endlessly regurgitate dross ...


... This quite definitely is a stupid subject and will remain it ...



So once again I ask, why are you sustaining a ''stupid subject'' ...?


If you didn't respond with your frustrated yet determined efforts, this, '' stupid subject would die the death it deserves '' ...


Fucks sake ...

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