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Flat Earth?


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Gerry, I have got to come back on this. The lack of awareness it portrays is stunning.


You've put this diagram up as an explanation as to how the moon rotates from the perspective of an observer on the same line of longitude, but at different latitudes.


Please look at the diagram and THINK.


Your little man is walking from the N.Pole south towards the equator, will the image of the moon seem to rotate from their perspective, as they move? Or will the moon simply become higher in the sky? - Please be intellectually honest enough to answer this.


The only rotation that occurs is when the man turns round at the equator.


This diagram does not in anyway explain the well observed phenomena that the view of the moon gradually and progressively rotates with latitude At all.


Do you have the honesty to acknowledge this?


As ever, your explanations don't work, they are totally inconsistent with evidence, and genuinely show a real inability to conceptually think about how a model represents reality. But hey, that's not a reason to re-evaluate the relevance of your theory ... because NASA uses photoshop.


That is such a good reason to cling to a vision of reality which totally fails to provide any explanation for well observed, real life phenomena which anyone with a pair of eyes can gather any day of the week.

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OMG. It's amazing the guy who made this video has PROVED and I mean PROVED that trains get narrower the further they travel along a railway track.


Just look at this image for conclusive proof of this fact.




Anyone looking at this image will instantly be able to see that the tracks narrow with distance.


People who claim trains are a constant width are simply hiding the TRUTH from us.


Train tracks are NOT parallel, anyone who says they are is a government shill. It is totally clear from the picture they are at an angle to each other and converge.


The shills deny the clear evidence in front of their eyes.


Trains get narrower the further they travel. It is the truth. Why are we being lied to?



The video is also conclusive proof that having great graphical skills is no guarantee of understanding perspective.

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Gerry, I have got to come back on this. The lack of awareness it portrays is stunning.


You've put this diagram up as an explanation as to how the moon rotates from the perspective of an observer on the same line of longitude, but at different latitudes.


Please look at the diagram and THINK.


Your little man is walking from the N.Pole south towards the equator, will the image of the moon seem to rotate from their perspective, as they move? Or will the moon simply become higher in the sky? - Please be intellectually honest enough to answer this.


The only rotation that occurs is when the man turns round at the equator.


This diagram does not in anyway explain the well observed phenomena that the view of the moon gradually and progressively rotates with latitude At all.


Do you have the honesty to acknowledge this?


As ever, your explanations don't work, they are totally inconsistent with evidence, and genuinely show a real inability to conceptually think about how a model represents reality. But hey, that's not a reason to re-evaluate the relevance of your theory ... because NASA uses photoshop.


That is such a good reason to cling to a vision of reality which totally fails to provide any explanation for well observed, real life phenomena which anyone with a pair of eyes can gather any day of the week.


I anticipated this very question prior to posting up the image yesterday as the thought had also crossed my mind at the time, and the way I see it, is that it would gradually rotate as the man walked from north to south, I am trying to think of a way I can relate this thought to you at the moment through the available medium, its not easy. But....


Does this address your concerns?





Can I ask you serious question chinahand, what are your thoughts on the Rectangle around the earth on the 1968 NASA earth rise image?


I am not expecting anyone to just take my word for the source image being changed by NASA a couple of months ago, but just say it is the truth what would you think of that?

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OMG. It's amazing the guy who made this video has PROVED and I mean PROVED that trains get narrower the further they travel along a railway track.


Just look at this image for conclusive proof of this fact.




Anyone looking at this image will instantly be able to see that the tracks narrow with distance.


People who claim trains are a constant width are simply hiding the TRUTH from us.


Train tracks are NOT parallel, anyone who says they are is a government shill. It is totally clear from the picture they are at an angle to each other and converge.


The shills deny the clear evidence in front of their eyes.


Trains get narrower the further they travel. It is the truth. Why are we being lied to?



The video is also conclusive proof that having great graphical skills is no guarantee of understanding perspective.


this video proves the subject is being discussed, as opposed to the fallacious opinion that no one would ever discuss it because it's so stupid x

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Actually, it would be interesting to hear what others think. Bobby or Helix for instance as they're following this thread.


Do you believe from what you have viewed, that NASA's image was photoshopped?


There is no conspiracy or anything hidden here. NASA fully admits it uses Photoshop. Often to merge images together for scientific purposes,* but also to make them pretty for public consumption, where things are cleaned up:


The optics of the camera can create artifacts that to a naive viewer might look like something real from the universe," he says. "But these are things we want to clean out of the image, because we don’t want people to think there’s some weird planet thing floating out there when there isn’t."


They employ people with titles like visualization scientist, who "feel both a sense of artistic and scientific responsibility".


A part of NASA's mission is public outreach and that involves creating pretty images.


They don't try and hide the fact they delete and tweak - as the guy in the video showed they are perfectly visible to anyone looking for them.


A major point to make is there is a lot of noise in these instruments due to cosmic rays etc. Conspiracy theorists make a huge deal about them, but anyone who works in the field expect them and just delete the area in the image hit by them.


Raw images are like this:



All the flaring, and artifacts are cleaned up prior to being used. This isn't sinister, unusual or something to start making a conspiracy about.


The original moonshot images are from film, they will have been scanned etc to put them onto the web.


Compression issues, scanner algorithms and yes tidying it up afterwards are all perfectly rational explanations.


Claiming this proves the original image is a fake isn't.



*The guy in the video makes a big deal about the green line in the image of the moon passing the Earth - NASA provide a clear explanation of why this is there - it is a composite of individual Red filter, Blue filter and Green filter images and the moon moved between the three photos. NASA provided a consistent, rational explanation for why a composite image has an artefact; the guy in the video totally ignores this and leaps to the conclusion it is a fake. That isn't a reasonable thing to do.

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this video proves the subject is being discussed, as opposed to the fallacious opinion that no one would ever discuss it because it's so stupid x


Obviously the subject is being discussed, the question is whether this discussion has any merit.


Oh lots of people are talking about x, does not mean x is true.

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this video proves the subject is being discussed, as opposed to the fallacious opinion that no one would ever discuss it because it's so stupid x




A video or series of videos is not evidence of a serious discussion. I suspect that you are either deliberately searching youtube for flat earth videos or they are now being recommended to you by youtube as you watch them.


The top 100 in the most popular videos in the UK at the moment contain no videos about the flat earth theories. In fact this is the current top 10;




Using your logic these must be some of the most important videos in the world...


PS. I agree that the number one video is ironic in the context of this thread.

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and it's better than the videos you made china,...........oh wait you haven't made any have you! that's right nasa and brian cox make yours for you sorry!!! x x

I don't need to make a video, Nasa, or Brian Cox to understand how the moon looks in the night sky in South Africa, Spain and the Isle of Man.


I've observed these things myself and know how to use mathematics to understand how well different conceptual ideas might fit into this reality.


A flat earth cannot explain these observations. Gerry's conceptions are to be frank a joke, a caricature of a working conceptual model which fails again and again to explain well observed phenomena - like sunsets, the parallax of the moon, the sun at mid-day on the IOM and in Egypt (something I repeatedly asked Gerry to work out ... he never did ... crickets again hey).


I'll waste my time trying to explain reality and a conceptual model to understand it on here, but I doubt that will ever involve any videos ... but who knows hey.

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this video proves the subject is being discussed, as opposed to the fallacious opinion that no one would ever discuss it because it's so stupid x


Obviously the subject is being discussed, the question is whether this discussion has any merit.


Oh lots of people are talking about x, does not mean x is true.


134 pages says yes in the mf community. you certainly don't think it's not worth discussing that's for sure! x

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