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Flat Earth?


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youtube flat earth search results are now over half million, (last 24hrs results yield over a thousand) once again proving the debate is alive, kicking and growing. i think it will hit a million by christmas, as so many people are researching and discussing the subject. it may hit 2 million by the new year. who knows? x

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youtube flat earth search results are now over half million, (last 24hrs results yield over a thousand) once again proving the debate is alive, kicking and growing. i think it will hit a million by christmas, as so many people are researching and discussing the subject. it may hit 2 million by the new year. who knows? x


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Thread's dead baby. Thread's dead.

Says who?


PGW ... it has been repeatedly pointed out to you that evidence for a discussion of x is not evidence for x.


But what is it evidence for?


What do you think?


What conclusions can be drawn from the evidence you are providing that loads of people are putting up videos claiming that the earth is flat?

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I found Flat Earth theory quite addictive, I can also say that I have actually learnt a couple of good lessons and along the way improved my understanding of the world thanks to certain posts here, to question something that is taken for granted and ridiculed for just questioning it, then that means it has to be questioned and thought about.


So with that said if it were true and the Earth was indeed flat then I would welcome this increased interest, but from what I am seeing the FE subject is hiding something much bigger as there are some truths hidden in this topic but as per usual the best way to hide the truth is wrap it in a lie...


"What do you think?

What conclusions can be drawn from the evidence you are providing that loads of people are putting up videos claiming that the earth is flat?"


Chinahand: I kjow your question was aimed at Paul but my view is Discredit by Association...we were right to call you all tin foil hatters...everything you lot have been saying about the Government, 911, moon landings, etc is all wrong, we "conspiracy Theory" people are clearly so gullible and stupid as to believe the earth is FLAT. At the same time putting a clear divide through a group of people that THEY consider a problem..


We have so many points in FE that to me makes sense, But...from a flat earth perspective some things just don't work, to name, the moon parallax problem, the angles of the sun from various locations, the pole star angles, I'm not happy with the FE explanation of sun set/rise's either..


For me its NASAs obfuscation and logo, that gave me some reason to doubt consensus view, then there was the Antarctic treaty, inconsistencies with measuring the purported curvature and seeing far off coastlines, the UN flag along with a many of the other points raised along the way, this subject is indeed a bright flame for the conspiracy moth. I think "open Mindedness" is exploited with this topic, many here will call it credulity.

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Thread's dead baby. Thread's dead.

Says who?


PGW ... it has been repeatedly pointed out to you that evidence for a discussion of x is not evidence for x.


But what is it evidence for?


What do you think?


What conclusions can be drawn from the evidence you are providing that loads of people are putting up videos claiming that the earth is flat?


what conclusions must be drawn? i've enjoyed the info and the various viewpoints given from various people, just like you. the only difference is they are not anonymous, though they are all sharing their evidence freely, as you are. researching any subject gives me more knowledge and awareness, and is enjoyable as well. i like reading and the "flat earth" has been quite a story so far. conclusions come at the end of the research process china, bide your time.


gerry you started this thread so i wonder if you'll keep us up to date with your understanding of the subject? will you remain a bezzie?!! if the thread is indeed dead then the people who said it was so stupid it shouldn't even be discussed, were clearly wrong, as we are on p137. whatever shape the earth actually is, more and more people are looking at this subject with great scrutiny. absolutely normal thing to do in science. so why quite so many ball huggers got upset i really dont know. it's just doin science when you question science results and theories. great thread though x

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