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Flat Earth?


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I presume you're being ironic by choosing to quote Aristotle on this thread?


that's your problem mojo x



"it's hard to get up when ye spinning round and round" x

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  • 4 weeks later...
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So its broke a millin on youtube. Well before christmas. 2 million soon enough i think. So why would it generate such massive hits if no one would even consider the idea as a conversation? Gerry was on to something obviously. Dont worry its ok to talk about it now its popular on youtube!

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from the article..........


People are posting videos faster than anyone could keep up! There are many showing the sun over one part of the world, illuminating that part, and the rays of light not reaching the other parts, which are in darkness (night-time). Here is one example of many:


Thanks for your comment. Perhaps it is wisest to admit we don’t know certain things. As Socrates said, true knowledge is knowing that you don’t know. The Universe is a mystery, and it doesn’t always reveal its mysteries to us easily. Those of a rigidly scientific mindset love it when people like Newton and Einstein come along with their “theories” which seemed so great and rock solid at the time – but now, centuries later, we can see they were good attempts but are full of holes nonetheless. Mainstream science likes to pretend it knows everything, and can map everything with its formulae, all the while making massive assumptions which underpin all these formulae – including the invention of certain constants and other figures to balance its equations!

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  • 3 weeks later...

flat earth now yields more search results on youtube than quantum physics. a note to all the walters who said no one would even entertain the idea of it...........





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I think you will find these searches more relevant:




A lot of videos which have nothing to do with a "Flat Earth" will contain the words flat and Earth.


And as has been repeatedly pointed out - evidence for a discussion of x is not evidence for x; and I don't think anyone has said anything about people entertaining the idea of a flat earth ... P.T Barnum and H.L. Mencken were far pithier about that than anyone on MF ever could be.

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I think you will find these searches more relevant:






A lot of videos which have nothing to do with a "Flat Earth" will contain the words flat and Earth.


And as has been repeatedly pointed out - evidence for a discussion of x is not evidence for x; and I don't think anyone has said anything about people entertaining the idea of a flat earth ... P.T Barnum and H.L. Mencken were far pithier about that than anyone on MF ever could be.

This whole thread is a load of pith.

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"flat earth" now yields 151,000 search results on youtube. that's 1/3 of the yield when you search "david cameron". he's the prime minister of a big place on the ball x

and it's double the amount of "brian cox" results. he's a ball expert x

Something tells me YouTube isn't somewhere many people go looking for Cox, but don't let that stop you trying.

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It is quite fascinating the result for flat earth with a mere Google search, I wish I made a note of the results this time last year and compared them to now. It's still not convincing that it is as we are told, our cosmology that is, when you take away NASAs contribution.


The latest rocket launch on the astronomy thread follows the same pattern, launch then switch to CGI, as for the landing, didn't the Apollo lander do it that way nearly 50 years ago. It still makes no sense to me that they did what they did in the 60s 1/2 million mile round trip and in 2015 change the scale to feet and its somehow impressive. 300,000 feet and CGI footage at it's peak altitude...what am I missing...I don't share the excitement.


The planets, the moon look round to me and not flat as the flat earth proponents claim, I cannot agree with them on this, however if you are standing in a forest, does that make you a tree?


I think this thread is good fun and I am still glad it started, it's a good escape from all the bad things going on in the world.

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