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Flat Earth?


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ok china mate calm down it's only a flat earth thread. nothing for you to worry about. we're just doing science and asking questions that's all. and in the process we're finding out just how many people don't even know why they live on a ball. in the research boom, try to remember that you are just a small part of the whole. some might say insignificant (not me though) compared to the vast number of people involved and all the info about this subject. now, back to "flat earth" tales and the young man i met.


it was a lovely day about six weeks ago and i was off to do some messages in town. i'd cycled down prospect hill with the intention of coming back up crellins hill. but in a twist of fate, i changed my mind once i'd began the journey back. i now fancied goin back up prospect hill. so off i went. by the time i turned the next corner i was looking along the pavement and saw a well dressed lad looking down the sight of a laser level.


me with me trackies, on me mates bike. him with his smooth builders attire. he came off the sight, turned towards me an was about to put his headphones in. i couldn't resist really and he looked friendly enough. i was pretty sure he could take it so i waved to him and said "excuse me, but would you mind if i ask you a question please. he kindly said yes.


"it's about the laser level i saw you on just then. do you take the curvature of the earth into account when you're using it?" let's just say he looked surprised.

"not for the work i'm doing here" he said

"oh i see. ok. does the laser level always take it into account then?"

"well yes but it would only be measurabe over bigger distances, and nothing i have been involved in has been that big"


"oh ok then" i said. by now he was looking rather uncomfortable, but still being polite and keeping eye contact with me. i was as jovial as ever of course. so i said "well if you were to do this over long distance, what would be the equation to figure out the curvature of the earth per mile.


and would you adam n eve it. he didn't know, and even better, he said "but the machine knows". i asked him his profession and he was a qualified surveyor. now me doin my homework of course, i knew how to figure it out, and that's what i told him. he said if he needed, to he could go and figure it out. i asked him if he didn't think this was a little strange how i, a common lad, knew what he, a qualified surveyor, surely should be expected to know by trade. he agreed but insisted that he could find out or that his boss could tell him.


it was a brilliant exchange and in the end i just reassured him that in no way was i being deliberately pushy with him, and in no way was i making fun of him. it was just a small test to see just who is aware of the simplest facts. he was a very nice man and i just said " type flat earth in youtube and have fun. and if you need to know any more facts about the ball you're better of asking a flat earther or ball earth skeptic, they are far better informed in my experience"


we parted ways and i hope to meet him again to see how he got on. wonder who he asked about it?

Not a chance of that, if he sees you coming.

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I don't get what your story is trying to illustrate PGW? Someone who has never worked in an environment where he needs to account for curvature of the earth isn't likely to carry the calculation around in his head on the off chance he gets caught by surprise. If he was going to need it for his day's work, he'd check it before he left. I don't think it demonstrates a lack of understanding about the proofs of roundedness. Just that he doesn't carry that particular calculation around daily.


As an aside I think I saw you in the street last week. On Victoria Street. Your hat blew off.

shame you never said hello helix. maybe next time? maybe we already say hello and i just don't know that? x

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ok china mate calm down it's only a flat earth thread. nothing for you to worry about. we're just doing science and asking questions that's all. and in the process we're finding out just how many people don't even know why they live on a ball. in the research boom, try to remember that you are just a small part of the whole. some might say insignificant (not me though) compared to the vast number of people involved and all the info about this subject. now, back to "flat earth" tales and the young man i met.


it was a lovely day about six weeks ago and i was off to do some messages in town. i'd cycled down prospect hill with the intention of coming back up crellins hill. but in a twist of fate, i changed my mind once i'd began the journey back. i now fancied goin back up prospect hill. so off i went. by the time i turned the next corner i was looking along the pavement and saw a well dressed lad looking down the sight of a laser level.


me with me trackies, on me mates bike. him with his smooth builders attire. he came off the sight, turned towards me an was about to put his headphones in. i couldn't resist really and he looked friendly enough. i was pretty sure he could take it so i waved to him and said "excuse me, but would you mind if i ask you a question please. he kindly said yes.


"it's about the laser level i saw you on just then. do you take the curvature of the earth into account when you're using it?" let's just say he looked surprised.

"not for the work i'm doing here" he said

"oh i see. ok. does the laser level always take it into account then?"

"well yes but it would only be measurabe over bigger distances, and nothing i have been involved in has been that big"


"oh ok then" i said. by now he was looking rather uncomfortable, but still being polite and keeping eye contact with me. i was as jovial as ever of course. so i said "well if you were to do this over long distance, what would be the equation to figure out the curvature of the earth per mile.


and would you adam n eve it. he didn't know, and even better, he said "but the machine knows". i asked him his profession and he was a qualified surveyor. now me doin my homework of course, i knew how to figure it out, and that's what i told him. he said if he needed, to he could go and figure it out. i asked him if he didn't think this was a little strange how i, a common lad, knew what he, a qualified surveyor, surely should be expected to know by trade. he agreed but insisted that he could find out or that his boss could tell him.


it was a brilliant exchange and in the end i just reassured him that in no way was i being deliberately pushy with him, and in no way was i making fun of him. it was just a small test to see just who is aware of the simplest facts. he was a very nice man and i just said " type flat earth in youtube and have fun. and if you need to know any more facts about the ball you're better of asking a flat earther or ball earth skeptic, they are far better informed in my experience"


we parted ways and i hope to meet him again to see how he got on. wonder who he asked about it?

Not a chance of that, if he sees you coming.


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I don't get what your story is trying to illustrate PGW? Someone who has never worked in an environment where he needs to account for curvature of the earth isn't likely to carry the calculation around in his head on the off chance he gets caught by surprise. If he was going to need it for his day's work, he'd check it before he left. I don't think it demonstrates a lack of understanding about the proofs of roundedness. Just that he doesn't carry that particular calculation around daily.


As an aside I think I saw you in the street last week. On Victoria Street. Your hat blew off.

shame you never said hello helix. maybe next time? maybe we already say hello and i just don't know that? x


Had already overstayed my lunch hour smile.png

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as gerry said, and as this thread as proven absolutely, people just believe what they are told. by people they think are more intelligent than themselves. so if science "knows", then they know. if a certain person says something, it must be true. if it's on the news, in the papers etc etc.


then you have the "global" politicos on here, from their computer thinkin they actually know the script in the middle east and all kinds of other none sense. but fully expecting you to believe that they are so informed and correct. john travoltas the lot of them.


we all got brains when we were born. some people just actually use them. can't wait for the next wally to tell me how stupid i am when they're screaming "gravity gravity".


gerry if you have the cavendish experiments as your survey question i think you'd have alot more fun with the results! oh and that reminds me. the manners on this thread, and alot of the others, has been appalling. especially from those who think themselves to be a cut above and oh so well informed. programmed more like x

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I don't get what your story is trying to illustrate PGW? Someone who has never worked in an environment where he needs to account for curvature of the earth isn't likely to carry the calculation around in his head on the off chance he gets caught by surprise. If he was going to need it for his day's work, he'd check it before he left. I don't think it demonstrates a lack of understanding about the proofs of roundedness. Just that he doesn't carry that particular calculation around daily.


As an aside I think I saw you in the street last week. On Victoria Street. Your hat blew off.

shame you never said hello helix. maybe next time? maybe we already say hello and i just don't know that? x


Had already overstayed my lunch hour smile.png


hopefully next time you catch me at the start of lunch x

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as gerry said, and as this thread as proven absolutely, people just believe what they are told. by people they think are more intelligent than themselves. so if science "knows", then they know. if a certain person says something, it must be true. if it's on the news, in the papers etc etc.

Not exclusive to scientists vs non-scientists. In fact it's very useful to be able to rely on other's research (assuming it's well documented and reproducible!) in Scientific endeavours.


Written in 1676 by Sir Isaac Newton to his fellow-scientist Robert Hooke, acknowledging the debt he owed to other scientists: 'if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants'.
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as gerry said, and as this thread as proven absolutely, people just believe what they are told. by people they think are more intelligent than themselves. so if science "knows", then they know. if a certain person says something, it must be true. if it's on the news, in the papers etc etc.


then you have the "global" politicos on here, from their computer thinkin they actually know the script in the middle east and all kinds of other none sense. but fully expecting you to believe that they are so informed and correct. john travoltas the lot of them.


You're making a lot of assumptions about people you don't know there.

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as gerry said, and as this thread as proven absolutely, people just believe what they are told. by people they think are more intelligent than themselves. so if science "knows", then they know. if a certain person says something, it must be true. if it's on the news, in the papers etc etc.

Not exclusive to scientists vs non-scientists. In fact it's very useful to be able to rely on other's research (assuming it's well documented and reproducible!) in Scientific endeavours.


Written in 1676 by Sir Isaac Newton to his fellow-scientist Robert Hooke, acknowledging the debt he owed to other scientists: 'if I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants'.


they'd lost the swagger by then with me. an liam's voice was on it's way out


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as gerry said, and as this thread as proven absolutely, people just believe what they are told. by people they think are more intelligent than themselves. so if science "knows", then they know. if a certain person says something, it must be true. if it's on the news, in the papers etc etc.


then you have the "global" politicos on here, from their computer thinkin they actually know the script in the middle east and all kinds of other none sense. but fully expecting you to believe that they are so informed and correct. john travoltas the lot of them.


You're making a lot of assumptions about people you don't know there.


prove it or stop talking a load of sausages

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as gerry said, and as this thread as proven absolutely, people just believe what they are told. by people they think are more intelligent than themselves. so if science "knows", then they know. if a certain person says something, it must be true. if it's on the news, in the papers etc etc.


then you have the "global" politicos on here, from their computer thinkin they actually know the script in the middle east and all kinds of other none sense. but fully expecting you to believe that they are so informed and correct. john travoltas the lot of them.


You're making a lot of assumptions about people you don't know there.


prove it or stop talking a load of sausages


You should just concentrate on persuading more posters to believe you're more intelligent than they are and you'd have this flat earth thing cracked.

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as gerry said, and as this thread as proven absolutely, people just believe what they are told. by people they think are more intelligent than themselves. so if science "knows", then they know. if a certain person says something, it must be true. if it's on the news, in the papers etc etc.


then you have the "global" politicos on here, from their computer thinkin they actually know the script in the middle east and all kinds of other none sense. but fully expecting you to believe that they are so informed and correct. john travoltas the lot of them.


You're making a lot of assumptions about people you don't know there.


prove it or stop talking a load of sausages


You should just concentrate on persuading more posters to believe you're more intelligent than they are and you'd have this flat earth thing cracked.


well we're all intelligent really lisenchuck. and if we don't know something that's fine. it doesn't make us stupid does it. i don't see how anyone can really be more intelligent than anyone else. what would the criteria be? regurgitating what you were told? that's not really intelligence. to me, being honest is the most intelligent anybody can be. it makes us equal and i think that's the fairest starting point.


i'm not trying to crack a flat earth thing i have no idea what you mean x

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