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Flat Earth?


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I've been watching a few flat earth videos on YouTube recently. It's a fascinating topic. I don't believe in it for a minute but I think it shows the loss of faith people have in authority. If that means more people question things, great. At least a flat earther is impervious to being granny farmed in the next election.

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the topic is up for debate. No doubt.





Gerry and all the people you are publicising are all profoundly ignorant of the evidence for the shape of the Earth. This isn't changed one bit by the fact they are publicising their views and agreeing with each other.

We will let kickstarter be the judge i think x



Ignorant people affirming their ignorance does not make a topic "up for debate" and a kickstarter is not a judge of facts.


Paul, you seem to concentrate on opinions and not evidence and conflate them.


Gerry being sincere is totally different from being right - this is not a debate, there is no possibility of these people refuting the evidence of the shape of the earth. They can ignore that evidence, refuse to understand it, pretend it is fake - but that position can only be maintained by their own refusal to actually do the work themselves and show their lazy ignorance is mistaken.


They are perfectly capable of showing the curvature of the Earth - it just takes patience and detailed observation - but rather than do that they prefer the echo chamber of youtube.


It is profoundly sad that so many people are so ignorant and believe clinging to their ignorance shows them to be challenging authority.

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Flat earth popularity perhaps does show people's growing lack of faith in so called authority, there is a great awakening happening worldwide, inasmuch that people are questioning the very nature of reality, the legal system and the great fiction we call " Government", the thread "Babylon in fallen" was a good example of this.


From an observer on earth the flat earth points still heavily outweigh the globe earth points, I.e. take out the pre programmed mind and its easier to convince someone it's flat.


My feeling is that the earth is not flat, and it's almost impossible to know what it is when most of the information we get, is fraudulent, you have to be stupid to believe NASAs claims, but alas their fraud is only second to the financial system.


Flat earth is not a good place to start, read a good investigative book on September 11th 2001, then reflect on the current world situation with this in mind, that is step one. Then start asking the question "what else did they lie about".........sadly pretty much everything, these are the people that are making YouTube videos of flat earth now, is it these people that have been targeted by a desperate system unable to keep the lid on this false reality, is it a distraction from their other, possibly more productive works?


These people, myself incuded, are not ignorant, we are patiently waiting for the other asylum inmates to catch on, however it seems things still need to get much worse before they see it.


Once you look at the fictional fraudulent legal system, and how the banking system enslaved us with debt from fresh air, and what the secret societies get up to, and why you need to be a sociopath to get into political office, and how it all connects to institutionalized paedophilia..at this point flat earth doesn't seem so ridiculous.


I personally think the people that take everything "official" with no question, are the ignorant ones and help keep this demented system going.

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What has it told me, Paul?


Gerry doesn't think the world is flat, but thinks an ignorant observer would think it is so - I pretty much agree with that. The world is huge compared to us and it isn't immediately obvious without careful observation what the horizon is and how the view we can see changes as we move on the Earth's surface. I have repeatedly given you methods to understand the shape of the Earth which have absolutely nothing to do with NASA and which cannot be subject to a conspiracy due to the fact the observations are really simple for anybody to make - the only dogmatic people insisting that their truth is different from reality are those refusing to go and take some very simple observations of things like the Pole star, the sun rise or midday; observations which totally refute the idea the world is flat, and which are totally consistent with an earth with a radius of 6,300 or so kilometres.


Gerry's political beliefs are also at variance with reality as the Babylon has Fallen thread clearly showed. Tameelf's claims and posturing did not in any way affect the way he was dealt with by the courts, other than him seeing the inside of the holding cells due to being at risk of being held in contempt. Gerry and Tameelf were repeatedly warned their ignorance of the legal system was going to end badly for them, and only someone who is seriously deluded would see the total failure of Tameelf's time wasting as any form of victory for their political beliefs.


But that is the type of behaviour we get - those who will not learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them.


Science is the best method humanity has yet discovered to learn from our mistakes. It is by no means perfect, but it is a far far better method than the behaviour Gerry has exhibited - claiming most of the evidence that contradicts his world view is faked, and refusing to use observation and simplified models of reality to see which is best able to usefully predict reality.

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What has it told me, Paul?


Gerry doesn't think the world is flat, but thinks an ignorant observer would think it is so - I pretty much agree with that. The world is huge compared to us and it isn't immediately obvious without careful observation what the horizon is and how the view we can see changes as we move on the Earth's surface. I have repeatedly given you methods to understand the shape of the Earth which have absolutely nothing to do with NASA and which cannot be subject to a conspiracy due to the fact the observations are really simple for anybody to make - the only dogmatic people insisting that their truth is different from reality are those refusing to go and take some very simple observations of things like the Pole star, the sun rise or midday; observations which totally refute the idea the world is flat, and which are totally consistent with an earth with a radius of 6,300 or so kilometres.


Gerry's political beliefs are also at variance with reality as the Babylon has Fallen thread clearly showed. Tameelf's claims and posturing did not in any way affect the way he was dealt with by the courts, other than him seeing the inside of the holding cells due to being at risk of being held in contempt. Gerry and Tameelf were repeatedly warned their ignorance of the legal system was going to end badly for them, and only someone who is seriously deluded would see the total failure of Tameelf's time wasting as any form of victory for their political beliefs.


But that is the type of behaviour we get - those who will not learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them.


Science is the best method humanity has yet discovered to learn from our mistakes. It is by no means perfect, but it is a far far better method than the behaviour Gerry has exhibited - claiming most of the evidence that contradicts his world view is faked, and refusing to use observation and simplified models of reality to see which is best able to usefully predict reality.

"none are more imprisoned than those who hug their ball"

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Well, Paul, I predict that the sun will be 18.5 degrees above the horizon at its highest point tomorrow at Castletown, latitude 54.0727°N, and 16.3 degrees at Edinburgh, latitude 55.9533°N.

If you can find anyone who can explain or predict this using a flat earth model I'll be very happy for them to make their case.

I use a spherical earth model because it reliably predicts real events - do you really think that is to be imprisoned?

Human knowledge and human power meet in one; for where the cause is not known the effect cannot be produced. Nature to be commanded must be obeyed

Francis Bacon

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To dismiss people's questions by calling everyone who does not know something as ignorant; opens the doors to distrust and resentment towards professions that IMO, are generally wanting to do good for humanity.


Knowing who to trust these days is becoming more like George Orwells novel Nineteen eighty four as how many times does one hear the phrase 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.'

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