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Flat Earth?


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Well, Paul, I predict that the sun will be 18.5 degrees above the horizon at its highest point tomorrow at Castletown, latitude 54.0727°N, and 16.3 degrees at Edinburgh, latitude 55.9533°N.

If you can find anyone who can explain or predict this using a flat earth model I'll be very happy for them to make their case.

It's not really the Sun, it's just a 1MW lightbulb on a pulley.
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To dismiss people's questions by calling everyone who does not know something as ignorant; opens the doors to distrust and resentment towards professions that IMO, are generally wanting to do good for humanity.

Do you know what ignorant means?


and that's why resentment becomes an issue as to be deliberately ignorant to others works both ways from the caller to the receiver.

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What's disturbing about that link is that the students are illustrating the process of argument by counter-arguing against a proposition that they know to be true. That's profoundly different to actually believing that the earth is flat on the basis of some tinfoil-hat twoofer nonsense, which is what I suspect is what has happened to you.


It's pretty simple to settle the argument by getting on a high-flying international flight and observing the curvature of the earth first-hand, but then that would be unweaving the unicorns from your personal rainbow, destroying your own self-appointed exalted position as a wannabe David Icke-prophet imparting your "special" knowledge to the world, even if the world wishes you'd just start taking your medication again.


In the meantime,I shall choose to believe that you and Gerry are a pair of attention-seeking, borderline-mentally-ill time-wasters. Perhaps you could prove that wrong.

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