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Flat Earth?


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Evasion as ever - you know full well this debate is about the bulk properties of the earth - whether the local morphology of hills, valleys, mountains and plains are overlaid onto a much larger spherical surface, or a flat one.


Deliberately conflating the issue of local morphology with the bulk structure is pedantry.


But anyway I'll re-word my questions to try to see if you will answer them:


So PGW what do you think is the most convincing piece of evidence or argument made by those claiming the world is flat isn't a sphere with a radius of approximately 6300km?


What is it they are actually saying which makes you think this "debate" is actually showing our well-evidenced and understood knowledge that the world is a sphere is actually mistaken?

you seem confused as usual china. as for those "crazy" flat earthers, maybe they don't trust super nintendo composite images as irrefutable proof of the ball you love so much.





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So PGW what do you think is the most convincing piece of evidence or argument made by those claiming the world is flat.


What is it they are actually saying which makes you think this "debate" is actually showing our well-evidenced and understood knowledge that the world is a sphere is actually mistaken?


We all know you have an abiding love of posting up YouTube videos, but where's the beef in what they are saying?

And facts, don't forget facts. PGW claims his video postings are based on fact.


Paul's got it wrong ...

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it's not a claim quilt. i don't mind repeating for you. i post here in accordance with the detail of the original post by gerry. read it. then read the second post. then read the next 25 pages and you will see how we got here. the facts are that gerry was, i feel, genuine and asked others what they think about this subject he had stumbled upon.


so, people ridiculed him and accused him of "trolling" etc. but now it's ablaze on the www, with many many people actively debating the subject on various radio and video shows, forums, etc etc. and, as it has already been stated, a lot of my posts just illustrate the fact that this thread is continually validated,internationally, by those taking part in the educational research and debate.


it's all perfectly harmless. it doesn't matter which side you might be on. it doesn't stop people learning about the world which they live in. why begrudge them that? so if you can't handle that simple scenario, don't look at it.


you would never catch me posting in a thread about something i thought was just a complete joke and pointless. like if someone started a thread called "how quilp became the best poster on manxforums".


i stick to the facts. the contents of the videos i post are not mine, they're educational references. so anything in them that you deem as untrue, you can take up with the uploader. if you can show me something that i have written that is untrue, what are you waiting for? someone else to do it for you?

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but now it's ablaze on the www, with many many people actively debating the subject...the videos [are] educational references


if you can show me something that i have written that is untrue, what are you waiting for? someone else to do it for you?

There we go. Not ablaze, not a debate, not educational.


Topic over?

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but now it's ablaze on the www, with many many people actively debating the subject...the videos [are] educational references


if you can show me something that i have written that is untrue, what are you waiting for? someone else to do it for you?

There we go. Not ablaze, not a debate, not educational.


Topic over?


for you maybe bobbie, but then again you are still here so who knows hey? x

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