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Flat Earth?


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I see NASA got hacked yesterday and 276gb of data was taken.


This could get interesting


I reckon "paul's got wright" did it to weaken the argument against his theory.


what theory?


Well, let me think about that for a minute..........................

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but now it's ablaze on the www, with many many people actively debating the subject...the videos [are] educational references


if you can show me something that i have written that is untrue, what are you waiting for? someone else to do it for you?

There we go. Not ablaze, not a debate, not educational.


Topic over?


for you maybe bobbie, but then again you are still here so who knows hey? x

Everyone else knows it's over, I wonder when the penny will drop with you?

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I see NASA got hacked yesterday and 276gb of data was taken.


This could get interesting


I reckon "paul's got wright" did it to weaken the argument against his theory.


what theory?


Well, let me think about that for a minute..........................


but you just said "against his theory". which theory did you mean. or are you just lying?

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but now it's ablaze on the www, with many many people actively debating the subject...the videos [are] educational references


if you can show me something that i have written that is untrue, what are you waiting for? someone else to do it for you?

There we go. Not ablaze, not a debate, not educational.


Topic over?


for you maybe bobbie, but then again you are still here so who knows hey? x

Everyone else knows it's over, I wonder when the penny will drop with you?


what's over?

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I see NASA got hacked yesterday and 276gb of data was taken.


This could get interesting

I think I've got more than that in music saved on my computer.


lol, I thought the amount was small also and whether the amount shared is of 'immense concern' is something which will no doubt develop over the next few weeks.

Apparently some 'faith supporters' believe that further evidence will open up on 23rd and 25th February but I'm sceptical of these type of rumours although I'll hold my hands up if they're in any way true, but in the meantime, won't hold my breath.

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what's over?


If there were no replies or comments, however droll, would you still post with the same earnest enthusiasm? Aren't there other threads in the forum that draw as much fascination from you? Why not contribute more in other threads?


I don't know, but it seem's obvious that you're the only one reeee-ally keeping this thread alive; were it not for you, gerard, and the few bored, intellectual giants who can't resist an opportunity to humour you and the Grand Wizard (because everything that could be said, has been), the thread would've been a long time gone.


So, do you honestly believe the world could be flat, yes or no, please ...

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what's over?


If there were no replies or comments, however droll, would you still post with the same earnest enthusiasm? Aren't there other threads in the forum that draw as much fascination from you? Why not contribute more in other threads?


I don't know, but it seem's obvious that you're the only one reeee-ally keeping this thread alive; were it not for you, gerard, and the few bored, intellectual giants who can't resist an opportunity to humour you and the Grand Wizard (because everything that could be said, has been), the thread would've been a long time gone.


So, do you honestly believe the world could be flat, yes or no, please ...


can't you read quilt? and assess what you read and understand it? your questions beggar belief at this point

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if you'd like to discuss any of my posts i'd be happy to.

That isn't what you said when I asked you to discuss the issues. Quite the opposite, you refused to.


But just in case you've changed you mind, I'll ask again:


So PGW what do you think is the most convincing piece of evidence or argument made by those claiming the world is flat?


What is it they are actually saying which makes you think this "debate" is actually showing our well-evidenced and understood knowledge that the world is a sphere is actually mistaken?


i don't think the world's flat china i've told you that. why don't you listen? there's no evidence that can convince me of that. it's not flat where i live nor where i have been. the debate is whether the world is a ball or not! i don't know the shape of the whole earth, i'm sorry i am not able to verify that for you. i'm enjoying the education and research. peacefully. some of you are intent on just being mean to people. i prefer to be nice x



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I'll try to keep it simple. Whenever I or Quilp ask you about the Flat Earth - referring to the idea that the bulk shape of the Earth isn't a sphere, but flat - you make fatuous comments about how you don't believe the world is flat because it has hills etc and how you don't know what the shape of the world is.


But when you post up videos titled Flat earth you don't make the same criticisms of them.


It's a double standard and a common trope you use to avoid having to discuss the issue while posting innumerable YouTube videos.

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