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Flat Earth?


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I'll try to keep it simple. Whenever I or Quilp ask you about the Flat Earth - referring to the idea that the bulk shape of the Earth isn't a sphere, but flat - you make fatuous comments about how you don't believe the world is flat because it has hills etc and how you don't know what the shape of the world is.


But when you post up videos titled Flat earth you don't make the same criticisms of them.


It's a double standard and a common trope you use to avoid having to discuss the issue while posting innumerable YouTube videos.

i'm not making criticism of anyone, by stating that i don't believe the earth is flat. and i'm not criticising anyone who believes it is. i'm not criticising people who believe they live on a ball. and i'm not criticising anyone, by admitting that i do not know the shape of the whole earth.

i hope that's clear enough for you.


i don't avoid "having to discuss" anything with you. i don't have to discuss anything with you! it's the same choice for you and, considering you are so sure you live on a ball, i'm suprised you come to this thread so often china. scared you might miss somethin?

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PGW you seem to be saying that you have a neutral stance on the discussion, however, that is hard to believe as every video you post is from proponents of a flat earth theory.


If you were truly neutral then surely you should also post videos from people who refute the claims of a flat earth.


I personally know where I stand on this supposed debate but you remain evasive and appear to claim that there is some alternative view that doesn't appear on this thread.


As Quilp has said the only reason that this thread remains active is because you keep adding more YouTube links.


Yes there are a few people who respond, including myself, but that is not any indication that there is a real debate.


Personally it is an interest in human nature that makes me view this thread. I'm intrigued about your real views and intentions.


The longer you remain evasive on your true views the more I am inclined to believe that this is a deliberate ploy to wind people up. You claim to be openminded yet I have seen no real evidence of this.

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mm. i don't seem to be taking a neutral stance. i don't know the answer to the question, "what is the shape and size of the whole earth". i haven't circumnavigated the earth, nor have i seen it from space. so i don't know. just like you and everyone else on here, i suspect. so it's not neutral it's honesty. the difference is that you all have faith in your beliefs. as for your questions, do your own research x

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i don't know the answer to the question, "what is the shape and size of the whole earth".

But you do. It's an oblate spheroid. As has been covered by China in depth.


Your point in this topic has been to show that there are lots of youtube videos that ignore this fact, aka lots of nutters on the internet. Conclusively proven.

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no i don't bobbie. i'm me, and you are not me. can you understand that? so i'm the one who knows what i know. and i'm also the one who knows what i don't know. you following?


good, now, when i post my words with my intent, then i am the arbiter of those words. therefore, i, and only i, can verify the meaning and intent as such. you with me?


good, now, all that's left, is me telling the truth, as i pointed out above. so i will reiterate for you. i do not and cannot possibly know the whole shape and size of the earth. for the reasons stated previously. no matter how much china tells me. if he knows, then good for him. if you know good for you.


if you think i'm lying then just say so, and we know where we stand. i stand by my truth bobbie. can you stand by yours?


you are also incorrect about my "point" in this topic. and that means you have deliberately ignored the truth i have posted, or you are unable to grasp the simple meaning of these words which clearly explain my intent. either way you are completely incorrect and all you have keft is to take my word as true or believe i am lying. i don't mind what you think it cannot change my truth. you can't just label people what you want and expect them to accept it cause you or china says so! silly bobbie x

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no i don't bobbie. i'm me, and you are not me. can you understand that? so i'm the one who knows what i know. and i'm also the one who knows what i don't know. you following?


good, now, when i post my words with my intent, then i am the arbiter of those words. therefore, i, and only i, can verify the meaning and intent as such. you with me?


good, now, all that's left, is me telling the truth, as i pointed out above. so i will reiterate for you. i do not and cannot possibly know the whole shape and size of the earth. for the reasons stated previously. no matter how much china tells me. if he knows, then good for him. if you know good for you.


if you think i'm lying then just say so, and we know where we stand. i stand by my truth bobbie. can you stand by yours?


you are also incorrect about my "point" in this topic. and that means you have deliberately ignored the truth i have posted, or you are unable to grasp the simple meaning of these words which clearly explain my intent. either way you are completely incorrect and all you have keft is to take my word as true or believe i am lying. i don't mind what you think it cannot change my truth. you can't just label people what you want and expect them to accept it cause you or china says so! silly bobbie x



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We go round and round on this.


You say "I cannot possibly know the whole shape and size of the earth".


Why not? Is it because you can't trust other people to describe it to you?


Can you possibly know that there is a country called Australia (assuming you haven't been)?


Do you see some difference between you accepting the existence of Australia - a place you haven't been to, but which you trust exists because other people have told you about it - and accepting the fact that people in Australia have done all the experiments you could do here, but have not done, involving measuring the dip of horizon, the time of a double sunset, celestial navigation, astronomy etc, which will give evidence about the spherical nature of the earth.


Are you willing to accept other people's accounts of Australia, but not accounts of experiments done in Australia? What is the difference?

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no i don't bobbie. i'm me, and you are not me. can you understand that? so i'm the one who knows what i know. and i'm also the one who knows what i don't know. you following?


good, now, when i post my words with my intent, then i am the arbiter of those words. therefore, i, and only i, can verify the meaning and intent as such. you with me?


good, now, all that's left, is me telling the truth, as i pointed out above. so i will reiterate for you. i do not and cannot possibly know the whole shape and size of the earth. for the reasons stated previously. no matter how much china tells me. if he knows, then good for him. if you know good for you.


if you think i'm lying then just say so, and we know where we stand. i stand by my truth bobbie. can you stand by yours?


you are also incorrect about my "point" in this topic. and that means you have deliberately ignored the truth i have posted, or you are unable to grasp the simple meaning of these words which clearly explain my intent. either way you are completely incorrect and all you have keft is to take my word as true or believe i am lying. i don't mind what you think it cannot change my truth. you can't just label people what you want and expect them to accept it cause you or china says so! silly bobbie x




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We go round and round on this.


You say "I cannot possibly know the whole shape and size of the earth".


Why not? Is it because you can't trust other people to describe it to you?


Can you possibly know that there is a country called Australia (assuming you haven't been)?


Do you see some difference between you accepting the existence of Australia - a place you haven't been to, but which you trust exists because other people have told you about it - and accepting the fact that people in Australia have done all the experiments you could do here, but have not done, involving measuring the dip of horizon, the time of a double sunset, celestial navigation, astronomy etc, which will give evidence about the spherical nature of the earth.


Are you willing to accept other people's accounts of Australia, but not accounts of experiments done in Australia? What is the difference?

i accept all people's accounts as just that. their accounts. mine are mine. theirs might be true or they might not china. do you believe everything you read on the internet! i believe australia exists and i believe i can go there and it's a place called australia. how are you then comparing australia to space? that's very silly isn't it. how do nasa know we live on a ball? that's right, the reason they give is because they have sent men and women into space, who have seen it with their own eyes. you haven't i assume?


so all that's left is your belief, which is another way of saying that you have faith in their claims. sound like something else doesn't it? and that's fine by me. you can believe anything you like. it's up to you. and i can tell the truth and say i don't know.


but why do people insist that they "know" something, when it's clearly just a faith based opinion. nothing more nothing less. i enjoy my right to believe, disbelieve, or say i don't know, on any subject . and it shouldn't bother you one bit. but this subject has really got some people's goats. there lies the intrigue for many.


so why are you all so attentive to a subject you clearly only have only scorn for? i've never ridiculed the op i've engaged it rationally and honestly. so i'm here with integrity. whilst suffering constant attempted snipes by members of the same club, the john travolta tribute society. but i don't complain i just try my best to enjoy the forum as i understand it was intended for. honest communication. i will continue to do that as long as i am welcome to. i don't know what else to say to you?


you have to remember that the manners in these forums are appalling at times. we are all deserved of respect. but when none is forthcoming, and only attempted ridicule remains, then you will get what you give. and that's in your own control.


as you know my education on this subject is now far greater than before. i know more about it now than ever. please just be happy for me, at least for that. some take me for a fool, others a liar. and all i've done is tell the truth. that is a sad indictment for a public forum. i can only hope the real adults become more prominent on these forums in the future x

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