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Flat Earth?


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No they are in place to put out 80% truth 20% lies, this is how it works, they drop big bombs of dis-information to ridicule the theory. Wouldn't you say they have done a great job?

Not as great a job as your hypnotist.

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@gerry What would you define as succes in this instance?


You and others just think I am a troll. Just because I don't lap up the official version of reality


To think about the possibility that the people of this plane(t) may have been deceived, is the best instance as I cannot see how it can be proved as there is a coalition of governments monitoring the Antarctic, stopping investigators from seeing if the Ice Wall exists or not...


As I said before if the earth is a globe then I don't believe it is spinning at 1000mph anymore than I believe that Muslim terrorists took down the 3 world trade buildings..I was shocked to realise that there are still many people that believe the official 9/11 tale to be fact, once you see that a Government would happily Kill over 3000 of its citizens so it can justify through a "False Flag" the invasion of another country and cover up its own fraudulent activities.


If anyone doesn't know what a "false flag" is then its the equivalent of me committing a crime and leaving your gloves at the scene. It is described in Hegelian Dialect..



It seems the consensus here is the official version of "every discussed topic" really, or you are called a troll

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Dude, get some help, seriously, because this stuff hampers your life. The beliefs you have are delusional. That means they are not founded in reality but are only true in your own mind and the minds of others who have similar beliefs.


You won't get any help here, only abuse and ridicule which are the proper response to your delusions.

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@gerry What would you define as succes in this instance?


....seeing if the Ice Wall exists or not...


...It is described in Hegelian Dialect..

Well, firstly, of course the ice wall exists because Jon Snow and the Night's Watch are defending it for us.


Secondly, don't go quoting Hegel because as you know, both he and Schopenhauer can be out-consumed by David Hume.


And I guess you mean Hegelian Dialectic...Hegelian Dialect is what they speak in Hegel-land where, incidentally, the earth is a cube.

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I don't have an issue with a flat or even egg shaped earth etc, etc, although there is some facts to support a round one.

The problem with thinking it is flat, is that one would think that there must be edges and Antarctica could provide the solution to one edge, but is it large enough to cover right round?

Then again, I'm thinking three dimensionally whereas four dimensional space (tesseract) is hard to figure.

Now 10 dimensionally should blow your stack although this is a theory.




The thing is; we see something and see it as a basic shape by height, length and width and to think outside of the box isn't required as it's accepted as just being there. We generally don't examine 'items/things' in greater depth as there isn't any real need.

When a magic trick is performed, we might be able to work it out or if not, just applaud the person for doing something that cannot be explained but accept that it must be a trick and accept it as that.


So who knows what we're missing by following the easy explanation and if people knew more about quantum physics for example, would this just be accepted as a trick or not?

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As I said before if the earth is a globe then I don't believe it is spinning at 1000mph



Gerry, I've asked you before, but you didn't answer: have you heard of the Coriolis effect?


Look at this site: Clicky Doo


Do you have any idea why low pressure systems rotate anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere?


Do you even agree with this simple observable truth?


Physicists can calculate something called a Rossby number to examine how something will be affected by the rotation of the earth - it's a bit complex, but based on really solid physics going back to Newton and his apple. And guess what - hurricanes are consistent with it.


You've made statements about aeroplanes flying from the equator. Do you even know that they do have to correct their flight paths to take account of the Coriolis effect?


It is even more relevant for artillery and even for snipers - over 1000 m the movement of the earth does have a clearly measurable effect.


This is once again something you could go and do yourself to check it out. Even better find a friend in South Africa and get them to do the same tests to you - your corrections will be different as they are in the Southern Hemisphere. Do you believe this? Would you be willing to try it?


Even red necks get this!


Gerry, sorry, but you really do come over as profoundly ignorant and incredibly credulous. Ignorance isn't a problem - we are all ignorant of multiple things, but genuinely you can overcome your ignorance!


You clearly aren't willing to actually try things for yourself, or think about them.


Either that or you are a troll.

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To CH ref #245


I like this, but you do push a deep negativity towards Gerry which there is no real need to do so.

I personally accept that Gerry's opinions count for what he believes in as much as I also believe that your structured counter-claim pulls that much deeper.

Still, you would also have to accept that there's a science out there that has not been fully explained yet and I find that part fascinating, I really, really do.

I would like to say CH, that it was you that put me on to Quantum mechanics a long time back and I thank you as looking at this type of physics is so compelling and intriguing that although I will never fully understand it, I only wish I could.

I do not attempt to try and pull the wool over your eyes, as I do respect your integrity towards that of which you believe in and only ask that you message me some time with regards 'things' which you think I might find additionally fascinating. (ps, no cartoons)


Kind regards,


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Manxy - Gerrydandridge thinks it is a reasonable subject to debate whether the earth is flat and whether it rotates.


For someone in the 21st century that is profoundly sad.


It is quite fun to try to think how to explain how he's wrong. I've used up most of the really obvious ones by now*.


I am fully "down" on this type of idiocy - that is the only word to be used for it.


There are huge and beautiful areas where we are profoundly uncertain about the form of our cosmos, but these have basically no relevance to the issue of whether the Earth is a spherical object rotating according to Newton's and Kepler's laws about a much larger spherical object ie the sun.


We can finese Newton and Kepler via relativity and quantum gravity and understand in ever more detailed terms the structure of the Earth and the dimensions of space and time, but these won't change these basic approximations - the earth is a rotating sphere orbiting another rotating sphere.


Genuinely Manxy - that isn't going to change even if we discover we exist in 10 dimensional quantum phase space.


Newtons laws are wrong - they do not deal with relativistic effects, which themselves don't deal with quantum effects, but all that is irrelevant in working out the period of a Foucault's pendulum, or sunrise and sunset times, or the time it takes an apple to fall to the ground in a vacumn - the accuracy of the results will be 100 times bigger than any relativistic/quantum or multidimensional corrections.


All of science is an approximation - but these approximations are useful - even when they are wrong in detail. They are only accurate to within a certain error, but if that accuracy is good enough it will do.


To the accuracy needed in this discussion the earth is a sphere which rotates in 23.9344696 hours - I really hope that Gerrydandridge can understand why this isn't 24 hours, but I doubt it!


It's fun to try to explain basic science and find pretty youtube clips explaining it, but doing so isn't providing the "official" account. It's the real account, one Gerry, if he wasn't profoundly lazy, could actually verify himself using very simple techniques.


But he won't do it, and rather pretends there is some huge conspiracy to explain away results he could get sitting in his garden with a telescope, a mobile phone, a pencil and a working brain.


That is really sad, and not something worthy of respect. To be blunt it is pretty contemptible. Gerry is perfectly welcome to his own opinions, but not to his own facts - and willfully ignoring simple measurable facts is stupid ... but that's Gerrydandridge for you.


Anyway, I'm sure I'll be called a bully for this post.




Reality is what it is and Gerrydandridge is a nutter if he believes what he's posting. It shouldn't be respected because there is nothing to respect in what he is saying. It is factually and provably wrong.


But I am pretty sure saying this won't change Gerry's mind one bit - because it isn't a mind which is amenable to evidence, but we all know that is so, it is readily apparent in nearly everything he posts.




*Apart from simple surveying.


I presume Gerrydandridge thinks the person Mount Everest is named after was a reptilian Illuminati or something who deliberately faked his surveying results to include calculations to compensate for the curvature of the earth as he surveyed the British Raj?


To learn more click here then click "look inside" and type in "curvature" to the search box - or else just read the book, it's very good!

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Here is a screen shot showing an aeroplane following a great circle route across the Atlantic yesterday. This happens day in, day out, across the globe. Seafarers have done the same for centuries. The Earth is a spheroid. If it was flat, the meridians would be parallel, instead of converging at the poles, and the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the Earth would appear is a rhumb line on a chart or map, not as a great circle.


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