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Flat Earth?


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We go round and round on this.


You say "I cannot possibly know the whole shape and size of the earth".


Why not? Is it because you can't trust other people to describe it to you?


Can you possibly know that there is a country called Australia (assuming you haven't been)?


Do you see some difference between you accepting the existence of Australia - a place you haven't been to, but which you trust exists because other people have told you about it - and accepting the fact that people in Australia have done all the experiments you could do here, but have not done, involving measuring the dip of horizon, the time of a double sunset, celestial navigation, astronomy etc, which will give evidence about the spherical nature of the earth.


Are you willing to accept other people's accounts of Australia, but not accounts of experiments done in Australia? What is the difference?

i accept all people's accounts as just that. their accounts. mine are mine. theirs might be true or they might not china. do you believe everything you read on the internet! i believe australia exists and i believe i can go there and it's a place called australia. how are you then comparing australia to space? that's very silly isn't it. how do nasa know we live on a ball? that's right, the reason they give is because they have sent men and women into space, who have seen it with their own eyes. you haven't i assume?


so all that's left is your belief, which is another way of saying that you have faith in their claims. sound like something else doesn't it? and that's fine by me. you can believe anything you like. it's up to you. and i can tell the truth and say i don't know.


but why do people insist that they "know" something, when it's clearly just a faith based opinion. nothing more nothing less. i enjoy my right to believe, disbelieve, or say i don't know, on any subject . and it shouldn't bother you one bit. but this subject has really got some people's goats. there lies the intrigue for many.


so why are you all so attentive to a subject you clearly only have only scorn for? i've never ridiculed the op i've engaged it rationally and honestly. so i'm here with integrity. whilst suffering constant attempted snipes by members of the same club, the john travolta tribute society. but i don't complain i just try my best to enjoy the forum as i understand it was intended for. honest communication. i will continue to do that as long as i am welcome to. i don't know what else to say to you?


you have to remember that the manners in these forums are appalling at times. we are all deserved of respect. but when none is forthcoming, and only attempted ridicule remains, then you will get what you give. and that's in your own control.


as you know my education on this subject is now far greater than before. i know more about it now than ever. please just be happy for me, at least for that. some take me for a fool, others a liar. and all i've done is tell the truth. that is a sad indictment for a public forum. i can only hope the real adults become more prominent on these forums in the future x


Seems straight forward to me.

He's telling things as he sees them and won't be persuaded to accept what others want him to believe in, regardless of how much information they have been second or third handed down.


Seeing is believing unless a clever person can manipulate others into believing what they want to see, like that of a magician or con man.

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We go round and round on this.


You say "I cannot possibly know the whole shape and size of the earth".


Why not? Is it because you can't trust other people to describe it to you?


Can you possibly know that there is a country called Australia (assuming you haven't been)?


Do you see some difference between you accepting the existence of Australia - a place you haven't been to, but which you trust exists because other people have told you about it - and accepting the fact that people in Australia have done all the experiments you could do here, but have not done, involving measuring the dip of horizon, the time of a double sunset, celestial navigation, astronomy etc, which will give evidence about the spherical nature of the earth.


Are you willing to accept other people's accounts of Australia, but not accounts of experiments done in Australia? What is the difference?

i accept all people's accounts as just that. their accounts. mine are mine. theirs might be true or they might not china. do you believe everything you read on the internet! i believe australia exists and i believe i can go there and it's a place called australia. how are you then comparing australia to space? that's very silly isn't it. how do nasa know we live on a ball? that's right, the reason they give is because they have sent men and women into space, who have seen it with their own eyes. you haven't i assume?


so all that's left is your belief, which is another way of saying that you have faith in their claims. sound like something else doesn't it? and that's fine by me. you can believe anything you like. it's up to you. and i can tell the truth and say i don't know.


but why do people insist that they "know" something, when it's clearly just a faith based opinion. nothing more nothing less. i enjoy my right to believe, disbelieve, or say i don't know, on any subject . and it shouldn't bother you one bit. but this subject has really got some people's goats. there lies the intrigue for many.


so why are you all so attentive to a subject you clearly only have only scorn for? i've never ridiculed the op i've engaged it rationally and honestly. so i'm here with integrity. whilst suffering constant attempted snipes by members of the same club, the john travolta tribute society. but i don't complain i just try my best to enjoy the forum as i understand it was intended for. honest communication. i will continue to do that as long as i am welcome to. i don't know what else to say to you?


you have to remember that the manners in these forums are appalling at times. we are all deserved of respect. but when none is forthcoming, and only attempted ridicule remains, then you will get what you give. and that's in your own control.


as you know my education on this subject is now far greater than before. i know more about it now than ever. please just be happy for me, at least for that. some take me for a fool, others a liar. and all i've done is tell the truth. that is a sad indictment for a public forum. i can only hope the real adults become more prominent on these forums in the future x


Seems straight forward to me.

He's telling things as he sees them and won't be persuaded to accept what others want him to believe in, regardless of how much information they have been second or third handed down.


Seeing is believing unless a clever person can manipulate others into believing what they want to see, like that of a magician or con man.


indeed x

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We go round and round on this.


You say "I cannot possibly know the whole shape and size of the earth".


Why not? Is it because you can't trust other people to describe it to you?


Can you possibly know that there is a country called Australia (assuming you haven't been)?


Do you see some difference between you accepting the existence of Australia - a place you haven't been to, but which you trust exists because other people have told you about it - and accepting the fact that people in Australia have done all the experiments you could do here, but have not done, involving measuring the dip of horizon, the time of a double sunset, celestial navigation, astronomy etc, which will give evidence about the spherical nature of the earth.


Are you willing to accept other people's accounts of Australia, but not accounts of experiments done in Australia? What is the difference?

i accept all people's accounts as just that. their accounts. mine are mine. theirs might be true or they might not china. do you believe everything you read on the internet! i believe australia exists and i believe i can go there and it's a place called australia. how are you then comparing australia to space? that's very silly isn't it. how do nasa know we live on a ball? that's right, the reason they give is because they have sent men and women into space, who have seen it with their own eyes. you haven't i assume?


so all that's left is your belief, which is another way of saying that you have faith in their claims. sound like something else doesn't it? and that's fine by me. you can believe anything you like. it's up to you. and i can tell the truth and say i don't know.


but why do people insist that they "know" something, when it's clearly just a faith based opinion. nothing more nothing less. i enjoy my right to believe, disbelieve, or say i don't know, on any subject . and it shouldn't bother you one bit. but this subject has really got some people's goats. there lies the intrigue for many.


so why are you all so attentive to a subject you clearly only have only scorn for? i've never ridiculed the op i've engaged it rationally and honestly. so i'm here with integrity. whilst suffering constant attempted snipes by members of the same club, the john travolta tribute society. but i don't complain i just try my best to enjoy the forum as i understand it was intended for. honest communication. i will continue to do that as long as i am welcome to. i don't know what else to say to you?


you have to remember that the manners in these forums are appalling at times. we are all deserved of respect. but when none is forthcoming, and only attempted ridicule remains, then you will get what you give. and that's in your own control.


as you know my education on this subject is now far greater than before. i know more about it now than ever. please just be happy for me, at least for that. some take me for a fool, others a liar. and all i've done is tell the truth. that is a sad indictment for a public forum. i can only hope the real adults become more prominent on these forums in the future x


Seems straight forward to me.

He's telling things as he sees them and won't be persuaded to accept what others want him to believe in, regardless of how much information they have been second or third handed down.


Seeing is believing unless a clever person can manipulate others into believing what they want to see, like that of a magician or con man.


indeed x


oh, i forgot the magician part. here


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Am I telling anyone to accept things on authority? I think not. From the very beginning of this thread I have been giving things that anyone can do themselves - make a Foucault's pendulum, work with a friend to observe the parallax of the moon, time a double sunset, climb Peel Hill, make observations of the pole star, learn the skills of navigation or astronomy.


I've also attempted to explain in detail the mathematics and theory behind these observations to show the only explanation for them is a globe and how if the world was flat you would get very different results.


The idea I am demanding people accept things at third hand is simply untrue.


When I've time I'm going to try and do a post on how you can measure the dip of the horizon - if you're 4m above the horizon on the sea front and use a 1m measuring rod the horizon will be 1mm or so lower along the length of the rod - that is measurable. Move up to the top of Douglas head, 30m up and the drop will be 3mm.


PGW doesn't have to take anyone's word for anything - he can go and do the work himself and that is what I've tried to explain.


I fully agree seeing is believing, and so have continuously said stop listening to people on Youtube and actually go and see if what they are saying is consistent with reality - it isn't!


NASA has nothing to do with this. Sextant navigation uses the same tables whether you are in the UK or Australia and they've worked from the time of Captain Cook to now.


It is entirely based on a spherical earth, as is all astronomy.


The Youtubers, and this rapper on Twitter, claim the horizon doesn't dip as you change your altitude - but it does - you can go and prove this yourself. Don't take their word for it, they are wrong. You can measure this yourself.


Aeronavigation needed to use corrections for horizon dip otherwise the angles they were measuring from the sun to the horizon were too big as they got higher and higher.


It was a vital part of pilot training for years and years which only ended with GPS and radio-navigation.


You can go to museums and see the instruments ancient mariners made to measure it, and build one yourself with a couple of pieces of wood, some dowling and some pencil marks.


I value the huge patient efforts scientists have put in to understand our world and really dislike people inaccurately dismissing this without putting in the work themselves to ensure what they say is accurate.



That is why I put so much effort into this thread - a desire to explain how we have come to know about the world, and to give people the skills to empower themselves to measure it themselves, rather than trusting the inaccurate statements those who mislead are making.


I've not relied on NASA, I've not said anyone has to take my word for it.


I've said the evidence shows these people to be wrong, and worked hard to show what that evidence is, how anyone can collect it, and encouraged people to go out and collect it themselves.


No one has to take what I say on faith - the horizon dips, you can measure it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You remind me of a vibrator an ex of mine used to own. One could put new batteries in it, switch it on and nothing, not a sausage. Then, in the middle of the night, lonely in its drawer, it would suddenly spark into life buzzing away like a bumblebee -- what a racket! It couldn't be switched off sometimes either! The only solution was to ignore it completely and eventually it died in a cats-purr of protest, un-noticed and un-loved.

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I stumbled upon an Interesting article recently, worth 5 mins of anyone's time I think. I tend to take this attitude towards Flat Earth. I find Archontic influences on the human psyche and Gnosticism fascinating.


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There could be something to all this flat earth stuff. I was driving out to Peel recently and passed a flat cat and a flat Hedgehog. And on the very same day my mate announced that he and his girlfriend had bought, yes, a flat.


Coincidence? Surely not.

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