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Flat Earth?


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13 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Measure the distance on a globe between "relative point A & B" (the points where you would land if you head due South from the Southern most tips of Australia and South America.

The do the same on a "Flat Earth" disc...


have you measured any distances on the earth Richard? are you asking us to just measure models, or do you mean actually measure those distances physically? maybe you had a point to make with this post? forgive me if i'm mistaken x

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10 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:


12 hours ago, PottyLisa said:

Good heavens!!  She looks like a lady wearing a semi perished rubber mask.  Like the hair though :)

er looks more like a wig to me lisa;) x


Well she was brunette in the movie........Byl07QlIYAAIKlh.thumb.jpg.6760e019084b9a7dd56284c40883e21c.jpg

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neil de grasse tyson has been invited to a debate, by robbie davison, the conference organiser. hopefully neil will oblige and put this one to bed once and for all. should be easy for neil an all his science! people are questioning the conventional model, all neil has to do is turn up with all that proof, anytime he likes and prove them wrong surely? then we could just all be so happy about knowing the truth together like a little happy science family. china would be delighted im sure, as would the rest of us true, scientific researchers. x


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28 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

have you measured any distances on the earth Richard? are you asking us to just measure models, or do you mean actually measure those distances physically? maybe you had a point to make with this post? forgive me if i'm mistaken x

In this thread I've repeatedly tried to show how to take real measurements to explain the shape of the globe.  Simply get a sextant or telescope and start to learn.  Get used to measuring the position of a star in the night sky and learn how to convert between horizontal coordinates and equatorial ones and certainly then go and look at star charts so you can compare how these tables compare to your results.  Click any star in this chart and you'll get a right ascension and declination of those stars.  You, tonight, could learn what that means and actually go and set up a telescope to find it - the star chart is based on a model (the positions are generated from mathematical equations) which have skill and allow you to learn something about the world.

Take some measurements as you travel around the world on holiday.  Learn how longitude and latitude effect the position of the stars.

By learning this and taking the measurements yourself it will become very apparent what the shape of the world is.  All the noise of people talking on youtube isn't worth a single hair.  It is meaningless compared to actually learning and taking some measurements.

Believe it or not people have taken these measurements before, but you don't need to take anyone's word for it.  Go and do it yourself rather than wasting your life listening to ignorant people who are unable to understand how to measure this world.  Navigation and astronomy have to undestand where we are on the world to understand where the stars are in the sky.  Multiple observers in multiple places can measure the position of a star at a single moment - change the lat and long in the star charts and see how the positions of the stars change.  If multiple observers measure a star at the same time they will get different results because they and the star are in different places in the sky.  Extrapolating between those observations gives you the shape of the world.  This has been known for centuries, but amazingly ignorant people are so lazy and obsessed with their own opinions they refuse to actually go and measure and learn.

That is an amazing indictment of people - and even sadder they think it shows how they are free thinkers escaping science's dogma.

Nullius in verbia means something.  There is no point saying anything more to people who refuse to learn.

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9 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

neil de grasse tyson has been invited to a debate, by robbie davison, the conference organiser. hopefully neil will oblige and put this one to bed once and for all. should be easy for neil an all his science! people are questioning the conventional model, all neil has to do is turn up with all that proof, anytime he likes and prove them wrong surely? then we could just all be so happy about knowing the truth together like a little happy science family. china would be delighted im sure, as would the rest of us true, scientific researchers. x


I am full of admiration for people who can keep a straight face while talking absolute shite.

Where do they come from ?

They all looked like customers in Stuart's comic store in Big Bang Theory. :lol:

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

In this thread I've repeatedly tried to show how to take real measurements to explain the shape of the globe.  Simply get a sextant or telescope and start to learn.  Get used to measuring the position of a star in the night sky and learn how to convert between horizontal coordinates and equatorial ones and certainly then go and look at star charts so you can compare how these tables compare to your results.  Click any star in this chart and you'll get a right ascension and declination of those stars.  You, tonight, could learn what that means and actually go and set up a telescope to find it - the star chart is based on a model (the positions are generated from mathematical equations) which have skill and allow you to learn something about the world.

Take some measurements as you travel around the world on holiday.  Learn how longitude and latitude effect the position of the stars.

By learning this and taking the measurements yourself it will become very apparent what the shape of the world is.  All the noise of people talking on youtube isn't worth a single hair.  It is meaningless compared to actually learning and taking some measurements.

Believe it or not people have taken these measurements before, but you don't need to take anyone's word for it.  Go and do it yourself rather than wasting your life listening to ignorant people who are unable to understand how to measure this world.  Navigation and astronomy have to undestand where we are on the world to understand where the stars are in the sky.  Multiple observers in multiple places can measure the position of a star at a single moment - change the lat and long in the star charts and see how the positions of the stars change.  If multiple observers measure a star at the same time they will get different results because they and the star are in different places in the sky.  Extrapolating between those observations gives you the shape of the world.  This has been known for centuries, but amazingly ignorant people are so lazy and obsessed with their own opinions they refuse to actually go and measure and learn.

That is an amazing indictment of people - and even sadder they think it shows how they are free thinkers escaping science's dogma.

Nullius in verbia means something.  There is no point saying anything more to people who refuse to learn.

what globe? a plastic one? sextant and telescope??? dont you mean a tape measure and measuring wheel, since we will be measuring the earth physically! get a grip of yeself china. let neil do the talkin, you clearly have not been able to quell the suspicions of gerry and others around the earth, as the subject gains momentum. im always learnin china i follow an astute path to the truth at all times, an im doin ok for myself thanks.  you seem worried people are actually thinking for themselves, and coming back,  from the dizzy heights of theories about other people's balls, to natural science, in place of theoretical formal science, in order to determine for themselves what they can possibly know of the true shape of the earth they live on. people like yourself are just going to have to deal with it. its called doing science, you'll love it. when people find flaws in, or even just doubt, claims made to them, they have every right to investigate them further and ask questions. that is what is happening and science should be happy people have taken such an interest in science in this subject and this particular branch of science. the natural world and our objective reality. natural science. you should try it some time, without any pre formed assumptions. its fun. and maybe you misunderstood the subject matter, but the people want to know what shape the earth is because thats what they live on. they dont live in the sky. so people want to measure where they live, not the sky. 


you are entitled to your opinions china,  "That is an amazing indictment of people - and even sadder they think it shows how they are free thinkers escaping science's dogma." , as are people who have scientific questions about the world they live in. 


funny how you equate scientific rigor with refusing to learn "There is no point saying anything more to people who refuse to learn." when questioning science is the opposite of refusing to learn about it? you dont need a strawman china you can believe what you want mate. so can anyone else. you cant force them on the youtubers though mate ye just gonna have to like it or lump it til its over. i still dont know, still hearin all the evidence so i couldnt possibly make a guess either way at this point. hope neil comes with all that majic science soon though or robbie might start askin other people instead and id prefer to see neil squirm really x


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9 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

have you measured any distances on the earth Richard? are you asking us to just measure models, or do you mean actually measure those distances physically? maybe you had a point to make with this post? forgive me if i'm mistaken x

Grab yourself a measuring wheel and off you pop.


Let us know your findings.

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Are you wankers still trying to explain things to Paul the Crazy Loon? 

It's like trying to explain the concept of an internal combustion engine to a bear. It just doesn't have the mental capacity to deal with it. 

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8 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

what globe? a plastic one? sextant and telescope??? dont you mean a tape measure and measuring wheel, since we will be measuring the earth physically! get a grip of yeself china.

Certainly get a measuring wheel if you want, but no you can measure the world physically by measuring the stars.  Think about it.  Look at the multiple diagrams in this thread attempting to explain it.  Get a grip of yourself and actually use your abilities to comprehend.

let neil do the talkin,

There you are again relying on other people talking rather than you actually doing anything.  You could walk up Douglas Head and simply watch the wind farm rise up above the horizon.

you clearly have not been able to quell the suspicions of gerry and others around the earth, as the subject gains momentum.

I'm not trying to quell anything.  I've asked repeatedly for you to do something yourself.  Go and get 3 friends and look at the moon on a night. Here are 3 star charts (One, Two, Three) giving the position of the moon in the sky tonight in Castletown, Glasgow and Exeter (ok it's basically a new moon so there isn't a lot to see, but actually plan something and go and do it later in the month).  Look at the table - notice that they all have the moon in a different position - the altitude and azimuth etc are different.  Why might that be?  Can you think for yourself and try to explain that.

im always learnin china i follow an astute path to the truth at all times, an im doin ok for myself thanks. 

That's good to know - so what is the best way for YOU to learn about the shape of the world - relying on Youtube, or actually doing something yourself.

you seem worried people are actually thinking for themselves, and coming back,  from the dizzy heights of theories about other people's balls, to natural science, in place of theoretical formal science, in order to determine for themselves what they can possibly know of the true shape of the earth they live on.

What is theoretical about actually seeing a windfarm disappear under the horizon as you climb down Douglas Head, or learning astronavigation.  I'm the one encouraging you to actually take some measurements - to use evidence to allow you to understand your thinking.

people like yourself are just going to have to deal with it. its called doing science, you'll love it.

What science have you done?  Watching Youtube isn't doing science.  I'm going to really challenge you here.  What science have you actually done?  This thread is full of genuine practical things you could do to measure the shape of the globe - simple things like watching and measuring a sun set.  One person on the beach another person on the cliff each with a stop watch started at the same time - why do they record the sun disappearing at different times?  Is such a simple experiment too difficult for you to perform.   Go with a mate next clear evening to Port Erin Beach - you'll get a different sunset time depending how high you are.  Why - it's called doing science.  You'll love it.  Or is it too hard for you and you'd rather just watch youtube videos.

when people find flaws in, or even just doubt, claims made to them, they have every right to investigate them further and ask questions.

Too right.  So let's see the beef here.  I've put up link after link allowing you to investigate this issue.  I've put up links about the refraction of air, measurement of horizon dip, astronavigation, spherical trigonometry, surveying.  I'm not hiding anything - quite the opposite, I'm saying to you go and investigate it.  Think.  Why does the time of sunset depend upon your height above the horizon.  What do YOU think might be the explanation.

that is what is happening and science should be happy people have taken such an interest in science in this subject and this particular branch of science. the natural world and our objective reality. natural science.

you should try it some time, without any pre formed assumptions. its fun. and maybe you misunderstood the subject matter, but the people want to know what shape the earth is because thats what they live on. they dont live in the sky. so people want to measure where they live, not the sky. 

Oh dear Paul.  When you are looking at a star, the star is also looking at you.  You get 10 people to look at 10 different stars you get the view of the world from those 10 places and that does tell you something about the shape of the world.  Again, try it and look at the evidence you have produced yourself.

you are entitled to your opinions china,  "That is an amazing indictment of people - and even sadder they think it shows how they are free thinkers escaping science's dogma." , as are people who have scientific questions about the world they live in. 

Paul, do you think going to Port Erin Beach and measuring the sun disappearing below the horizon will help you understand the shape of the globe.  If you are willing to learn try to think about that simple issue.  Let's see where we stand on doing science.  If you wish to be scientifically rigorous, you need to collect some evidence, take some measurements.  Where are you going to start?

funny how you equate scientific rigor with refusing to learn "There is no point saying anything more to people who refuse to learn." when questioning science is the opposite of refusing to learn about it? you dont need a strawman china you can believe what you want mate. so can anyone else. you cant force them on the youtubers though mate ye just gonna have to like it or lump it til its over.

i still dont know, still hearin all the evidence so i couldnt possibly make a guess either way at this point. hope neil comes with all that majic science soon though or robbie might start askin other people instead and id prefer to see neil squirm really x

Hearing evidence isn't worth diddly - go and collect it for yourself and that doesn't come from listening to youtube.  You aren't being scienfically rigorous listening Robbie Davidson, or Neil De GrasseTyson - go and take some measurements for yourself.




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4 minutes ago, Tarne said:

Are you wankers still trying to explain things to Paul the Crazy Loon? 

It's like trying to explain the concept of an internal combustion engine to a bear. It just doesn't have the mental capacity to deal with it. 

Bit harsh - I'm sure Paul has thumbs so he can start a stop watch to measure a sunset.  Ok a panda could do that too, but I've faith that Paul has the mental capacity to deal with thinking about the results.


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