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Flat Earth?


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i think its fairly obvious that measuring shadows falls short of conclusive proof, when taking into consideration that we want to know what the exact size and shape of the earth is china. theres far more to it than that and you know it. also, if you ask people why they live on the ball, that is not a common reason given. people's requirements for proof are varied. its not enough for me to jump to the same conclusions you have. night china x

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1 hour ago, Tarne said:

But I am pinching "It's like giving money to a cat", because that is the best phrase I've seen used to describe an idiot. 


Some of these money to a cat mages are quite cute, after all what's the internet for if not cute cat images.

This one however, I wonder what its name is, clearly doesn't have a clue.


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11 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance

Paul - genuinely think about the lengths of shadows.  They will genuinely tell you the size of the earth.  Dust off your trigonometry from school days - all you need is tan - and think about what results you'd get if you measured the shadow lengths at noon at two places - one 100 miles to the south of the other.

There's nothing freaky about shadows, they just show how the angle to the sun changes as you move on the surface of the earth.  Just think about this simple issue.  And if you want go and get a stick and measure it.  Why will a 1 meter vertical stick never cast a shadow smaller than 58.9 cm on the IOM.  

I'm busy this morning and so won't be able to give you a table of other lengths til later - but don't let your ignorance get in the way of your investigation.  Think about shadows - Gerry got it, can you?

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On 11/16/2017 at 7:45 AM, Albert Tatlock said:

At least if the Earth is flat, rather than a globe, it means far less of a journey for many of the nutjobs in this thread to get to their Psychiatrist. 


On 11/16/2017 at 9:26 AM, Mr. Sausages said:

Congratulations on making the stupidest post on the thread.

Not really...hope this diagram I knocked up simplifies it for you...though I doubt it.




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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Paul - genuinely think about the lengths of shadows.  They will genuinely tell you the size of the earth.  Dust off your trigonometry from school days - all you need is tan - and think about what results you'd get if you measured the shadow lengths at noon at two places - one 100 miles to the south of the other.

There's nothing freaky about shadows, they just show how the angle to the sun changes as you move on the surface of the earth.  Just think about this simple issue.  And if you want go and get a stick and measure it.  Why will a 1 meter vertical stick never cast a shadow smaller than 58.9 cm on the IOM.  

I'm busy this morning and so won't be able to give you a table of other lengths til later - but don't let your ignorance get in the way of your investigation.  Think about shadows - Gerry got it, can you?

china if you think measuring shadows on a stick, on the isle of man,  is the proof of the correct size and shape of the whole earth, then good for you. clearly there's more to it than that. that's why nasa had to go to space in order to see the whole earth! and ridicule, attempted or otherwise, is not part of the scientific method. i already know all i need to know about the heliocentric model, in order to be honest enough to admit, that i dont know the true shape and size of the earth. unlike most people who just believe it because they were told since they were little children. i have forgotten more about this subject, than those types of people,  and like many others, i am hoping some evidence will come to light during the research that will bring us all closer to the truth of the matter. who knows, you might even be correct in your beliefs! we shall see x

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2 hours ago, notwell said:

What's the story with flying then Paul?

I can leave London and fly to Hong Kong. From Hong Kong to LA is 12 hours (not possible if you had to head back West).).   And I can then fly from LA to London. 

How does that work if the world is flat then?

well if it "works" for you then that's the result you were looking for so id be happy about that if i was you. you would have to prove or know,  that the earth is flat first,  then investigate from there. hard question to answer given the fact you have never measured the earth or circumnavigated north south etc. but these types of questions are at the crux of why the subject is so interesting x

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6 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

alas, if only you could know for yourself tarne or prove it somehow x

I've been around the world. I've seen things you people couldn't even imagine. Attack ships on fire off the coast of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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