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Flat Earth?


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studious inquiry or examination; especially :investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws aka research tb 

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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

how could you know what i'm doing in my research tb?

I have no idea on your actual research (if any is actually taking place), but I have doubts about your methodology based on what you're saying.

I know you've previously said that you don't actually believe that the earth is flat, so much of this discourse seems to be superfluous - when questioned, you don't seem to be interested in defending a flat-earth position rather than simply contradicting the opinions of others, which seems to be consistent with an approach that is purely about taking a contrary position, irrespective of the argument. Is that what you're doing ?

China has presented you with a position that can be easily tested, and isn't subject to belief or background influences, yet you're not prepared to test or explain that position. That says to me that you're not researching, since it's a substantive argument that you have given indications that you are not interested in investigating.

If you're attempting to occupy the moral highground by saying that I don't know much about you, doesn't that expose some problems with your attacks on China based upon his (supposed) background ? 

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8 hours ago, ans said:

Would you like to share some with us?

ans i sent you a message after you banned me a good while ago but you never even replied? maybe you never got it. but i was very disappointed and just wanted to at least get your response so we could clear the air and avoid any further unnecessary bickering. as for my research, which part would you like me to offer you?

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7 hours ago, The Bastard said:

I have no idea on your actual research (if any is actually taking place), but I have doubts about your methodology based on what you're saying.

I know you've previously said that you don't actually believe that the earth is flat, so much of this discourse seems to be superfluous - when questioned, you don't seem to be interested in defending a flat-earth position rather than simply contradicting the opinions of others, which seems to be consistent with an approach that is purely about taking a contrary position, irrespective of the argument. Is that what you're doing ?

China has presented you with a position that can be easily tested, and isn't subject to belief or background influences, yet you're not prepared to test or explain that position. That says to me that you're not researching, since it's a substantive argument that you have given indications that you are not interested in investigating.

If you're attempting to occupy the moral highground by saying that I don't know much about you, doesn't that expose some problems with your attacks on China based upon his (supposed) background ? 

wrong again tb. i have not attacked china, i dont know him/her, nor do i have anything against him/her. do you think its irrefutable proof of the shape and size of the earth, by measuring the length of shadows of sticks in the isle of man? i dont believe the earth is flat obviously, so why would i defend that position? why would you want me to? offering the contrary position is the crux of the whole subject! thats why i update the thread, to keep yous up to date. like freddie flintoff jus did on bbc 5 news. its big news mate. 

have you done any of the tests which china has presented and do any of the prove to you without a shadow of a doubt, the shape and size of the whole earth which you live on? 


"yet you're not prepared to test or explain that position" ....how would you know tb? and you should be able to work it out for yourself by now.  i am not under the direction of chinahand or any other poster on here. 

"That says to me that you're not researching"........thats says to me you haven't got a clue about me. 

"If you're attempting to occupy the moral highground "...i'm not. i haven't attcke china. 


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On ‎17‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 4:19 PM, paul's got wright said:

how do you know what the shape and or size of the earth is? have you measured it? have you circumnavigated the alleged "ball"? have you been to space to see it in all its glory for yourself? or do you have, long held faith based, religious beliefs, in theories about other people's balls? 

No.  Having applied the science and mathematics of HF communications in a real world scenario, I can conclude that the science and mathematics that says the Earth is a "sphere" is correct.

Otherwise HF communications would not work.


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15 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

No.  Having applied the science and mathematics of HF communications in a real world scenario, I can conclude that the science and mathematics that says the Earth is a "sphere" is correct.

Otherwise HF communications would not work.


Nooooo. I won't believe you.


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4 hours ago, ans said:

Whichever part of your research you think is the most compelling.

it would have been nice if you had replied ans so we could then move on with a common understanding. the research involved in this subject is multi faceted, and in particular, i enjoy studying the social and religious aspects. from a basic knowledge of the heliocentric model, when someone is introduced to the topic, the research really begins when you go back over what was taught to you as a young child. this is when you get to test your knowledge and memory. from then on its a roller-coaster because you have to go from the claim to the counter claim, in each instance, and disect the information, references to people involved, keeping track of the timeline etc etc. you have to read alot of scientific research papers online, learn about the great minds of the science world,  biographies audio books etc etc. you know how research can be. so the data information, numbers all of it. it's quite intense. see from my perspective ans, which i have stated clearly many many times, i cannot be compelled to believe nor disbelieve, the claim that was made to us all as children. it may or may not be true. that's all i am interested in ultimately. i have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy becoming more and more aware of the information available to us all. that is the most compelling part for me. which is it for you ans? x

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3 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

No.  Having applied the science and mathematics of HF communications in a real world scenario, I can conclude that the science and mathematics that says the Earth is a "sphere" is correct.

Otherwise HF communications would not work.


if you haven't taken the measurements or explored the entirety of the earth, nor been to space, then how could you know? it doesn't adhere to the scientific method. you may be jumping to a false conclusion. how would you know? 

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