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Flat Earth?


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15 hours ago, kevster said:

His job is to take lots of pictures taken from various times and angles and create a nice picture for publishing - no big clouds covering areas for example.

No big conspiracy - Earth is a globe

i never mentioned conspiracy kev. how do you know you've never seen it for yourself have you. you believe its a globe, you dont know its a globe

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What do you know PGW?

In science a fact is something confirmed to such a degree that it is perverse to withhold provisional assent.

We are back to Descartes and quantum thursdays and whether falling trees make sounds.

Do YOU know America exists PGW, or Australia?  How about Hull?  Do you believe they do?  Why?

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On ‎25‎/‎03‎/‎2015 at 11:04 PM, Mr. Sausages said:


So bascially, you're not sure if the Earth is a globe because you've not seen it with your own eyes from space? Have you ever seen a wild polar bear or tiger? Have you ever seen Diego Maradona? Have you ever been to China? If you answered no, do you doubt these things exist?

I asked Gerry similar questions over two years ago.

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here's del outside celtic park talkin to the fans, the average man off the street if you like. he gets a good reception in the majority of his  interactions.  good to see the social studies taking place live. see,  face to face, people tend to have more manners, than say on a forum as an anonymous walter! not many of them trust their government in this video, most, immediately answer "no" to that question! 


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9 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:


I especially enjoyed the "I don't believe in science" which he followed up with "I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust. But that’s not science, that’s just a formula. There’s no difference between science and science fiction.”



There are a few options here: 

a) He postpones it / calls it off

b) He does it and it fails to launch

c) He does it and dies.


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14 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

PGW, have you decided to ignore my questions?

I’ll go out on a limb here China and suggest he has. Any moment he will be back on here with more tittle tattle.

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29 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

PGW, have you decided to ignore my questions?

no china you ask me so many! the answers usually the same, we know how this goes. you believe, i admit i dont know. no beef but what you and i require as irrefutable proof are day and night. if i say i can levitate you would need proof to believe it. it's based in  practical reality. so you can measure ye shadows an presume ye ball as much as you want. it doesnt cut it. thats why the subject is on the rise as more and more people realise that the just accepted the claim in the first place, without proper investigation. now they are looking at the claim. it's reall just how science works and should be welcomed by the community. to be fair, most people take no offence to it but some people in here take extreme offence to their long held faith based beliefs being challenged. what is it that causes such bad manners in these people? what's wrong with people asking questions about the world they live in? x

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19 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

I’ll go out on a limb here China and suggest he has. Any moment he will be back on here with more tittle tattle.

here neil why dont you go an claim yeself the 5 grand. piece of cake surely!


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