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Flat Earth?


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Building a rocket that might just get to 10,000 ft seems like a lot of trouble and expense to go to when for $40 or so JetBlue will take him to 30,000 ft or more any day of the week and between many convenient destinations in the continental USA. But he is MAD Mike Hughes.

If the important thing is to image the earth independently of NASA, then there are 17 space faring nations who have launchers that have placed satellites into orbit around the Earth.  Non-governmental bodies are rapidly developing similar capabilities. SpaceX regularly ferry materials into Earth orbit. All of these nations and companies are presumably involved in a conspiracy of silence regarding the fact that none of the space-faring is true, and that there there are no such things as satellites. 



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9 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

"Please don't give me your BS about you not saying their is a conspiracy when you accuse NASA of lying" ............this is the typical assumption of a complete noob, who hasnt even looked into the topic, for discussion. please dont make false accusations about me . provide the proof of your claim or you should apologise. if you can't stick to the subject matter without making up false claims you shouldn't be posting here. it's clearly not part of the scientific method is it.   no need for attacks is there, given the current mf situation. my comment was in relation to the video content and completely relevant. del is meeting normal people on the street and discussing the topic with them. completely normal behaviour in a scientific discussion or as part of that research. 

"What possible benefit is there to anyone in lying about the shape of our planet?" another total noob question, easily answered by doing ten minutes research! or just use your brain and see if you can come up with one of the very well known and obvious reasons given, to your simple, naive, noob question x  

Please see below quotation:

On 21/11/2017 at 8:51 PM, paul's got wright said:

like the blue marble?


from the article....."My role is to make imagery from Earth sciences data."

maybe he forgot to put it in!

Your vague ramblings are clever as you never mention a conspiracy directly or accuse others of lying outright, however, you imply it consistently.  The video you linked to with the guy outside Celtic Park also implies conspiracy theories as one of the first questions he asks is "do you trust the Government?". 

I can think of a whole host of reasons not to trust the Government but not one of which explains why there would be a global effort to mislead people about the shape of our planet.  This global effort would also have been going on for centuries.

You are very good at not answering questions.  You state that Chinahand cannot prove the Earth is a globe using science as he has not seen the shape himself from space. Yet you claim to have done the research into the subject so please share with us your own findings, including how we can verify them.

If you post a load of waffle or a link to another youtube video then you clearly have not done any real research of your own and have simply fallen down a youtube rabbit hole.  

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.... and as an afterthought, you can see satellites on any clear night with your own eyes. In August,  I watched the ISS just after dusk, big and bright in the dark sky because the sun was still illuminating it, despite having slipped below the horizon for me on the ground.  It moved exactly as predicted by my handy iPhone app, and disappeared as it fell into the Earth's shadow.

I mention this because it provides multiple proofs of the fact that Earth is definitely not flat, all observed by me personally.

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10 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Please see below quotation:

Your vague ramblings are clever as you never mention a conspiracy directly or accuse others of lying outright, however, you imply it consistently.  The video you linked to with the guy outside Celtic Park also implies conspiracy theories as one of the first questions he asks is "do you trust the Government?". 

I can think of a whole host of reasons not to trust the Government but not one of which explains why there would be a global effort to mislead people about the shape of our planet.  This global effort would also have been going on for centuries.

You are very good at not answering questions.  You state that Chinahand cannot prove the Earth is a globe using science as he has not seen the shape himself from space. Yet you claim to have done the research into the subject so please share with us your own findings, including how we can verify them.

If you post a load of waffle or a link to another youtube video then you clearly have not done any real research of your own and have simply fallen down a youtube rabbit hole.  

not exactly an apology is it. i'm never vague mm. i've made no such implications, again, you are using ad hominem attacks in the absence of having something of substance to add to the thread. it's you who brings these fantasies up, presuming and assuming falsely. the subject matter is our objective reality, the earth we all live on. it is a scientific question of where we live. the claim was made of the heliocentric model. that is now under scrutiny.  its not about beliefs or personalities or emotions. just natural science.  dels videos and interviews are nothing to do with me. so you cant associate me  with what he says. again a false presumption on your part. 

"I can think of a whole host of reasons not to trust the Government but not one of which explains why there would be a global effort to mislead people about the shape of our planet.".......well go an do ten minutes research like i said and you will find out what reasons are given by people! lazy noob comes to mind. 

"You are very good at not answering questions"......so are many other people on here, but i don't cry about it. up to them if they reply or not. 

"You state that Chinahand cannot prove the Earth is a globe using science". .......no i never, another false accusation in order to boost your fantasy perspective. prove it or apologise please. you should be able to quote me word for word if i said it? i doubt you have even read this thread, the amount of erroneous crap you are coming out with. then to add insult to injury, after all, that you expect me to share my 3 yrs of in depth research and analysis with you! a complete conclusion jumping noob. yeah ok mate jog on. do some research then come an tell us all how easy it is to prove that you live on the spinning oblate spheroid. i'll wait. 

if you post a load of waffle or a link to another youtube"..... sorry couldn't resist x 



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but you are here trolling me again, with nothing to add to the subject of the op by gerry, and subsequent posts. "all I can say is that you are fucking mental". exactly proving my point, you have nothing of substance to add. are you a qualified mental health professional, and do you normally give uninvited assessments online in public forums? wouldn't that breach the code of conduct?  so unless you can prove you are qualified to make a mental health assessment you are an habitual troll, with a weird mental health fetish,  clearly. "A complete waste of bandwidth and electricity." yet here you are in the thread again! amazing isnt it how often you turn up with nothing to say, on a subject you haven't looked into! silly dilly x

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2 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

but you are here trolling me again, with nothing to add to the subject of the op by gerry, and subsequent posts. "all I can say is that you are fucking mental". exactly proving my point, you have nothing of substance to add. are you a qualified mental health professional, and do you normally give uninvited assessments online in public forums? wouldn't that breach the code of conduct?  so unless you can prove you are qualified to make a mental health assessment you are an habitual troll, with a weird mental health fetish,  clearly. "A complete waste of bandwidth and electricity." yet here you are in the thread again! amazing isnt it how often you turn up with nothing to say, on a subject you haven't looked into! silly dilly x

My professional opinion is that you are a first class idiot.

Look outside and see the new moon. How does that happen then, fool?

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On 11/20/2017 at 9:58 PM, Chinahand said:

PGW - you didn't answer the three questions.  I'll give you them again:

PGW do you really think all of this [the historic discovery of the shape of the Earth] is false? 

Do you think a flat earth model can be used for accurate navigation, or to predict the length of a shadow or the height of the sun at noon or any other time of the day?

Do you understand that Captain Cook was able to use his sextant and chronometer to work out he was at Tahiti, or Port Stanley, or Vancouver, because he was using tables generated by the Royal Observatory and which extrapolate these readings from Greenwich to anywhere else on the world using the assumption of a spherical earth?

Asking again, PGW.  This is the third time.  Just 3 questions.

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On 11/24/2017 at 9:56 AM, guzzi said:

Building a rocket that might just get to 10,000 ft seems like a lot of trouble and expense to go to when for $40 or so JetBlue will take him to 30,000 ft or more any day of the week and between many convenient destinations in the continental USA. But he is MAD Mike Hughes.

If the important thing is to image the earth independently of NASA, then there are 17 space faring nations who have launchers that have placed satellites into orbit around the Earth.  Non-governmental bodies are rapidly developing similar capabilities. SpaceX regularly ferry materials into Earth orbit. All of these nations and companies are presumably involved in a conspiracy of silence regarding the fact that none of the space-faring is true, and that there there are no such things as satellites. 



counter claims here 


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14 hours ago, dilligaf said:

My professional opinion is that you are a first class idiot.

Look outside and see the new moon. How does that happen then, fool?

professional what? what exactly qualifies you to give uninvited false mental health claims, over the internet to anonymous strangers? cant wait to hear this one. 

as i have said before to many of the walters in here, you will not find a single teacher from my whole 14 yrs of education, that would agree with you. nor would any school report ever written about me, confirm your fantasy. you are in a thread about the shape and size of the earth. it's not about personal beliefs, its about our objective reality, you really are being silly dilly. if i have to write my tutor report from leaving school you will be sorry! glowing it was, absolutely glowing. but no, all them teachers who spent day in day out watchin me grow over the years, failed to spot what you think you have now found, 18 yrs later!  or the truth is that, this subject has disturbed you to the point you come here to troll me, for not sharing your long held faith based beliefs. 

you think that's how we know the shape of the earth? by lookin at the moon in the sky! we dont live in the sky dilly, i think you have a bit more exploring to do. don't waste my time attempting to insult me i'm not interested in poor patter. just get the proof you have for your beliefs an stick it in here for us if you like. it's a science thread not a girl's playground x

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12 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Asking again, PGW.  This is the third time.  Just 3 questions.

china i have asked you and many others, various questions, which you have failed to answer. i don't cry about it i don't moan. i just take note. please stop making out that i'm depriving you in some way. i'm not. the questions are vague and ambiguous, i'll answer them properly later whwn i have time. be nice if you just narrowed things down and be specific though. i try to reply to all comments, although some are just not worth it. what's your excuse for not answering mine? x

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2 hours ago, guzzi said:

.... and can I bring your attention again to the question of satellites?  Do you accept they are real, that you and I can see them with our own eyes, and that they can only be up there because they orbit a globe shaped planet?


do any of these look real to you?  

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