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Flat Earth?


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A clear demonstration of the dip of the horizon and that the earth is a spherical from the US to the UK. 

If you don’t believe it do it yourself. 

If you don’t understand why this is a clear demonstration of a spherical earth ... think and do some maths. 


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From this video I’ve learnt about a really excellent app which should be able to be used to provide lots of evidence for the shape of the Earth:

It is called Theodolite and allows you to use your iPhone to take photos with direction and two-way inclinometer readings. I’m sure a n android version exists too.

A perfect tool for measuring the dip of the horizon. 

I’m a long way from the sea but anyone on the Island who downloads it can very easily get lots & lots of data recording how the horizon dips with altitude and atmospheric conditions. 

Anyone want to give it a go? 


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I was pondering all this yesterday.  Up to now, I've regarded the proposterous memes that have spread around the internet, flat earth, chemtrails, young earth, earth centric models of the universe etcetra as laughable but basically harmless. But what if they are started, embellished or spread by organised perpetrators with an ulterior motive in mind?

PGW has shown here how he sustains his argument by constant reference to flat-earth material from the internet, never by his own observation and his own powers of inference. So someone identifies a fallacy like flat-earth carefully feeds it and nurtures it, watches it getting replicated and spread, reaching the lips of half-witted celebrities and being reported in the Sun and the Express.  

What if, behind it all, the creators and nurturers of this trash want to create a whole worldwide cadre of ill-informed, gullible people who become used to feeding their beliefs from the hallowed scriptures, and dismissing thousands of years scientific observation and thought as having no more validity than their own 'sources'? What you have is a worldwide body of people trained in vapid ideas and doublethink. Believing what they believe, they dismiss intellectuals and elites, and follow populist bilge pretty much instinctively.

I am increasingly convinced that there are manipulators behind the flat earth meme and its stablemates who are intent on softening up as many minds as possible for their own ends.  Who might they be? One strong contender has to be elements within Russia, based on the extent of their interference in politics in support of so-called populist causes in the West.


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7 hours ago, guzzi said:

I was pondering all this yesterday.  Up to now, I've regarded the proposterous memes that have spread around the internet, flat earth, chemtrails, young earth, earth centric models of the universe etcetra as laughable but basically harmless. But what if they are started, embellished or spread by organised perpetrators with an ulterior motive in mind?

PGW has shown here how he sustains his argument by constant reference to flat-earth material from the internet, never by his own observation and his own powers of inference. So someone identifies a fallacy like flat-earth carefully feeds it and nurtures it, watches it getting replicated and spread, reaching the lips of half-witted celebrities and being reported in the Sun and the Express.  

What if, behind it all, the creators and nurturers of this trash want to create a whole worldwide cadre of ill-informed, gullible people who become used to feeding their beliefs from the hallowed scriptures, and dismissing thousands of years scientific observation and thought as having no more validity than their own 'sources'? What you have is a worldwide body of people trained in vapid ideas and doublethink. Believing what they believe, they dismiss intellectuals and elites, and follow populist bilge pretty much instinctively.

I am increasingly convinced that there are manipulators behind the flat earth meme and its stablemates who are intent on softening up as many minds as possible for their own ends.  Who might they be? One strong contender has to be elements within Russia, based on the extent of their interference in politics in support of so-called populist causes in the West.


think you've been watchin a bit too much inspector gadget mate

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Of course Freddie Flintoff wants the world to be flat - what fast bowler doesn’t crave a nice flat surface. 

Paul says Satellites are UFOs unless you’ve visited them and verified what they are. But does that matter? It’s clearly a thing that we can see and predict is orbiting the Earth. Where does it go? 

If the earth is a disc are all the satellites, the moon, in fact the sun, planets and stars too spinning above the earth? Like bits of fluff on an lp.

Is they sun like a record stylus and when it’s over Europe we are lit up? If so why are the days different lengths on different days of the year?

If the Earth is a disc, what’s on the b-side?




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There is no point in asking Paul any questions to which we already know the answer.

He will accuse you of something, demand an apology and then make some rambling nonsensical reply about people have never seen Antarctica or satellites for themselves.

He isn't going to have an epiphany and realise he was talking bollocks.  He has it in his head that the entire world is wrong and only he and an "awakened" few know the truth (because NASA and governments don't want you to know the truth).

Duncan Ballantyne time...

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