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Flat Earth?


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3 minutes ago, PottyLisa said:

THIS IS NOT A SCIENTIFIC THREAD.  YOU ARE NOT DOING SCIENCE. THERE IS NOTHING SCIENCY ABOUT YOU.  And you aren't quite as clever as you think you are sunshine, you're just pig headed, there's a difference.  xx

In his world Lisa, it's science. To the rest of us, it is a fool trying to get a rise out of everybody with non information. That being said, maybe we should start a scientific discussion on the tooth fairy? :rolleyes:

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3 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

who you callin a boy walter. grown man with a family an a trade. spilt more on me boots neil.  this is a scientific discussion so it is not an argument and i make no argument with anyone here. you erroneous fool. maybe you've had too much crack and not enough craic? dont try an pretend you know me and don't try an pretend this subject is about people or their personalities. it's complete logical fallacy. the subject is the size and shape of the whole earth. aka "flat earth" if you dont like the topic or you feel you are unable to add anything of substance, maybe you should jus leave it to the adults who can.  

not one single former teacher of mine nor one single member of my family would ever agree with your false accusations about me. they are the people that know the boy to the man. not clowns like you who pretend.  you certainly display the behaviour of a fool, but i still wouldn't pretend to know you,  in order to then make any kind of rational assessment of your mental capacity.  because that wouldn't be a rational thing to do.

your posts speak volumes about who you are. i stand by all my posts neil.  im not an insecure weakling trying to get the scientific thread, that challenges my beliefs, shut down.  what are you so scared of? people who are doing their own research should come to the same conclusions , that its a big spinnin oblate spheroid. shouldn't they? whirling through the vacum of space? no worries then. when it's all over you can sit happy that you knew all along that what you believe is true! sounds great to me don't know why you are complaning so much?  you should be proud of this new interest in science and the heliocentric model. more and more people are learning. 

crying about it is akin to crying because little children want to count the rings on a tree for themselves. it wouldn't be fun if you were their teacher would it! ."right kids were not counting the tree rings because mr neil already knows how many there are, so there's no point in checking, come on lets all go home! back on the bus!"   

so that's all people are doing neil. just checking. no need to worry mate the ball will be fine, if it's so scientific and rigid.  you are a walter neil, you truly are mate x

I think your last batch of illegal substances was a bit too strong for you there sunshine. Back off the weed for a bit...

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52 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

I think your last batch of illegal substances was a bit too strong for you there sunshine. Back off the weed for a bit...

you post like a bad smack head neil walter down, lay off the inspector gadet, have a bit of morse.  "It's from Walter Mitty to describe a fantasist" exactly my point neil. you are a fantasist, playing the man not the ball. it's a scientific discussion about the shape and size of the earth. as explained in the op by gerry. 

"maybe we should start a scientific discussion on the tooth fairy? :rolleyes:" well why don't you then, it'll give you something to do instead of coming in here thinkin ye poirot.  you don't know me and you are using ad hominem attacks in absence of anything of substance. pure cowardice.  you can't force or bully your way through scientific investigation and research knee. that is not how it works. it's not part of the scientific method. grow up you hopeless wally x 

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2 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

you post like a bad smack head neil walter down, lay off the inspector gadet, have a bit of morse.  "It's from Walter Mitty to describe a fantasist" exactly my point neil. you are a fantasist, playing the man not the ball. it's a scientific discussion about the shape and size of the earth. as explained in the op by gerry. 

"maybe we should start a scientific discussion on the tooth fairy? :rolleyes:" well why don't you then, it'll give you something to do instead of coming in here thinkin ye poirot.  you don't know me and you are using ad hominem attacks in absence of anything of substance. pure cowardice.  you can't force or bully your way through scientific investigation and research knee. that is not how it works. it's not part of the scientific method. grow up you hopeless wally x 

"...what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

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1 hour ago, PottyLisa said:

THIS IS NOT A SCIENTIFIC THREAD.  YOU ARE NOT DOING SCIENCE. THERE IS NOTHING SCIENCY ABOUT YOU.  And you aren't quite as clever as you think you are sunshine, you're just pig headed, there's a difference.  xx

oh potty mouth lisa, empty claims of an anonymous stranger. mr shoes questions above seem legitimate scientific questions to me.  i'm intellectually honest enough to admit that i don't know things, rather than try to pass of any beliefs as scientific facts.  what's your position on all this shape of the world discussion? xx

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:

"...what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

thanks mate x

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1 hour ago, guzzi said:

Yes,  it struck me as ironic that a flat-earth believer was accusing a rational person of being a Walter Mitty.

where did that happen guzzi? or are you just making up lies? if it happened in this thread could you show us exactly which post and by which poster. thanks in advance

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5 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

oh potty mouth lisa, empty claims of an anonymous stranger. mr shoes questions above seem legitimate scientific questions to me.  i'm intellectually honest enough to admit that i don't know things, rather than try to pass of any beliefs as scientific facts.  what's your position on all this shape of the world discussion? xx

It's an oblate fucking spheroid you clutz! xx

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ahh the classic noob appeal to a straw man! belter. i'm not a "flat earth believer" though as i have stated and reiterated in this thread numerously. try again you bad john travolta, or better still give it up. no amount of ad hominem strawmen can save you from your self. it's your belief system that is being questioned. not people's personalities or personal lives. try harder to stick to the subject matter, maybe read the op even! x

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7 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

ahh the classic noob appeal to a straw man! belter. i'm not a "flat earth believer" though as i have stated and reiterated in this thread numerously. try again you bad john travolta, or better still give it up. no amount of ad hominem strawmen can save you from your self. it's your belief system that is being questioned. not people's personalities or personal lives. try harder to stick to the subject matter, maybe read the op even! x

"...what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

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3 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

ahh the classic noob appeal to a straw man! belter. i'm not a "flat earth believer" though as i have stated and reiterated in this thread numerously. try again you bad john travolta, or better still give it up. no amount of ad hominem strawmen can save you from your self. it's your belief system that is being questioned. not people's personalities or personal lives. try harder to stick to the subject matter, maybe read the op even! x

You have yet to give us your thoughts on the shape of the earth.  Each post you make suggests that you are indeed a flat earth believer as you have posted nothing to suggest that you have explored alternative ideas. 

You dismiss the results of thousands of years of scientific experiments which indicate an imperfect globe.  You dismiss the fact that we have based flight paths, satellite technology and a whole host of other things on the world being a globe.  

A "ball" is even a naturally occurring shape.  Think about oranges & pearls. 

This "scientific discussion" is dead if all you can bring is youtube videos and dismissive remarks.    

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